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Resuming my series of anthro Fallout Equestria drawings. It's also a patron rewards for Skyline. This is the story that popped into my head as I was working on it. 

      Note. To the best of my knowledge this is not based on  any existing Fallout Equestria storyline, nor does it follow any  particular plot in Fallout 4. This is just the narrative that popped  into my head as I was drawing.

      Limestone Pie winced and ducked behind the decrepit remains of a brick wall as another burst of automatic weapons fire pockmarked the ancient structure.  She along with Maud and Marble had been returning from the Spring Fair when they'd been set upon by a band of particularly vicious raiders. 

     A sudden lull in the firefight gave the mare a chance to swap the empty magazine in her rifle out for a fresh one.  Stowing the empty one in a pouch pocket the earth pony slammed another fully loaded 30rd magazine into the rifle. 

      The weapon was a cobbled together collection of pre-and-post war components. Any original finish it had possessed had long since been worn off.  In the many decades since the weapon had acquired several different coats of automotive primer paint and numerous shades of rust.  But the weapon fired when you pulled the trigger, and it hit more or less where you aimed it.  Also it had a much coveted 40mm grenade launcher mounted under the main barrel. Although grenades for it were a precious commodity. 

     Limestone had been scouting ahead when the raiders had ambushed her and her sisters. Now separated Marble and Maud had taken sheltered in the burned out hulk of a wartime armored personnel carrier and were methodically pecking away at the raiders. They couldn't get out of the hulk, but neither could the raiders do more than knock scabs of rust off the ancient hull armor. 

     Limestone popped up again fired a quick burst; she'd intended it just to keep the raiders heads down. However she caught sight of one raider toppling face first into the street. For her efforts the remaining raiders rewarded her with another hail of gunfire. In the brief instant she'd been firing Limestone had noticed two things:

      1. All of the raiders were wearing same color of Navy Blue shirts with the same white crescent moon design on the chest area of the shirt. This made a jim-dandy aiming point.

      2. Was a couple of raiders running out of sight while their comrades fired at her position. They'd vanished behind the wall of a ruined building but they'd been headed in the direction of her sisters.  

      For a second Limestone had wondered what the strange tube-like contraption had been that they'd been carrying.  Then she felt a cold lump form in her stomach. It had been an RPG. That would be able to breach the side armor of the old APC. 

      Frantically Limestone rummaged through the satchel bag she had slung around her neck. From it she withdrew one of the three precious 40mm HE grenades she had. Pushing the under barrel latch she shoved the barrel forward and slid the grenade in place. Then she slammed the barrel back. Closing the action and cocking launcher at the same time.  Flipping the special grenade launcher sights up the mare stood up and took aim at the remnants of the prewar diner about 50yds away where the bulk of raiders seemed to be hiding. 

      Squeezing the launcher's trigger she felt the rifle recoil against her shoulder as the launcher made it's signature 'Thump!' sound. For a brief instant she caught a glimpse of the projectile as it sailed through the air and entered via one of the shot out diner windows. Diving behind the wall she heard the satisfying 'Thud!' of the HE round detonating. A few seconds later it was replaced by the screams and curses of the raiders inside the building. 

       Pressing the latch she once again shoved the barrel forward. The spent, smoking 40mm shell casing fell from the barrel. Stuffing one of her two remaining grenades into the launcher she closed the action and broke into a run. As she did she hit the selector on her rifle to full auto. She shouldered the rifle and sent a series of short bursts into the diner as she rushed forward to get a clear shot on the raiders with the RPG. 

      Limestone had the satisfaction of catching a glimpse of one of the surviving raiders heads detonate from a 5.56mm round. However the other raiders were still kicking and were firing at her from the smoking interior of the diner. Fortunately their aim was piss poor. Still there were rounds whizzing past her and churning the ground around her hooves.  Clearing the wall on her left Limestone frantically scanned the area. She spotted the raiders with the RPG hiding behind some rubble. They were in the process of loading the launcher. Marble and Maud could not see them from their hiding place. 

      With bullets still whizzing around her Limestone dropped to one knee and took aim. Please don't let this one be a dud. She thought. Then yelled at the top of her lungs. 

      "Marble! Maud! Incoming!"

     The launcher 'Thumped!' and another grenade sailed through the air. 



Vet (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 19:40:47 M203 variation. Turns any rifleman into short range artillery. I am familiar with it. Mine had the grenade sight mounted on the side of the weapon. This blade sight is really nifty using the front sight as an aim pointer. However my fav was still the M79 but left me armed with either a Browning HiPower pistol or if I could talk the armorer into it a S&W M76 submachine gun.😏
2020-04-01 02:00:08 M203 variation. Turns any rifleman into short range artillery. I am familiar with it. Mine had the grenade sight mounted on the side of the weapon. This blade sight is really nifty using the front sight as an aim pointer. However my fav was still the M79 but left me armed with either a Browning HiPower pistol or if I could talk the armorer into it a S&W M76 submachine gun.😏

M203 variation. Turns any rifleman into short range artillery. I am familiar with it. Mine had the grenade sight mounted on the side of the weapon. This blade sight is really nifty using the front sight as an aim pointer. However my fav was still the M79 but left me armed with either a Browning HiPower pistol or if I could talk the armorer into it a S&W M76 submachine gun.😏