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Amber ducked down behind rusting remains of the burned out vehicle putting the engine between him and the raider's gunfire. The sound of bullets rattling off the long dead motor reminded him of hailstones on a tin roof. 

         With some resemblance of cover the pony/dragon hybrid began the process of reloading his battle rifle. He only had three full magazines left. 60 rounds of ball ammo. It sounds like a lot unless you're in a gun battle with half dozen raiders. Along with his .308 rifle he had a 2 hand grenades, and .45 auto with 7rds left. 

          Not the best odds. 

           Hearing the sound of hooves running on gravel he popped up over the hood of the wreck and leveled his rifle at two raiders who had apparently screwed up the courage to advance on his position. One of the two raiders leveled his cobbled up submachine gun at Amber only to have it jam. However it was the other raider that he was worried about.  The other was a wild-eyed, feral, earth pony, fanatic with a vest festooned with hand grenades. One was already in his hand with the pin pulled. 

           Leveling the front sight of his rifle on the raider's chest, Amber tried to calm his nerves as he squeezed the trigger twice. He saw blood erupt from his chest and head as the bullets found their mark. His buddy with the submachine gun didn't seem to notice him getting hit or the grenade drop from his lifeless fingers. His focus was still on cursing and swearing as he fought with the jammed bolt on his buzz-gun.  A second or so later they both vanished as the dropped grenade and most of the grenades on the raider's vest detonated turning them into heavy, red mist. 

           Amber had seen the grenade fall from the raider's hand and had dove back behind the wrecked car. His ears were assaulted by a thunderous series of explosions. Then they stopped. With his ears ringing he peered over the hood to find the raiders gone. 

         Well that went better than I thought it would. He mused. Then a few seconds later a small, heavy, bloody thing tumbled out of the sky and landed with a solid THUNK! on the hood right in front of him. It was one of the raider's grenades minus it's pin or spoon. 

         Oh shit! He dove away from the vehicle. He felt the explosion more than he heard it. Then his world went black. 

          Lucidity was slow in returning to him, but he was vaguely aware of thunderous sounds and then dazzling light. The bright light was result of him staring up at midday sun. Standing over him with the sun behind them was what appeared to him as a winged, angelic figure. Then the angel spoke with a raspy, hoarse voice and the illusion was destroyed.

          "Hey dumbass! Are you dead or what? Who are you?"

         Shake his head slowly Amber squinted and looked again. Standing there was a light cerulean blue pegasus mare with a prismatic-colored mane and tail. In her hands was a late war manufacture, bullpup carbine. With her prosthetic right hoof she gave him a little kick in ribs. 

          "You can stop playing possum. I took care of the remaining raiders. By the way who–"

          Suddenly a small radio strapped to her web gear squawked. "Rainbow! Rainbow! What's yer status? Did ya find them raiders? Over!"

          The mare toggled the mike on her headset. "Yeah AJ I got um. We've also got what looks like a wounded Vault Dweller from their clothes. Alert nurse Redheart that I'll be bringing them in!"

           A patron reward for Skyline. It's part of a series of anthro, MLP, characters set in the Fallout universe. Welcome to the Stable Although this is rather homebrewed version since I am not super familiar with the property. 




Homebrew or not, that is pretty close to an encounter with Raiders....minus the cursing. They seem to do that a lot.

Terri Mouse

True that. Starting to think Raiders can't communicate WITHOUT profanity. Reminds me of, well, me.