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 As the day progressed the police in Manehattan continued to clean up from the most recent operation there in my Equestria dreamscape. The Gatekeeper  Meanwhile in Baltimare another pony was steeling himself to meet another pony to ask for their help.

  Stone Mane had been standing in front of the deep burgandy red door for the last minute screwing up the courage to pull the doorbell. He was wearing his school pannier even though it wasn't a school day. Finally reached out and gave the rope loop a yank. The chimes seemed unusual loud and went on for what felt like an eternity. The colt looked up and down the street again. Nopony was watching him. Good.

  As seconds seemed to drag on forever. Part of Stone Mane hoped that nopony was home, but another part of the colt desperately wished somepony would hurry up and open the door! 

  Finally he heard the sound of hooves approaching could be heard. The door opened and a unicorn maid looked down at him with a quizzical look in her eyes. "May I help you?" she said. 

  Remembering his manners the colt bowed his head. "Yes please. I wish to speak with Lily Dancer if she's available, and it's not problem for her." He added quickly. 

  "Who should I tell her is calling?" Asked the maid.  

  "Oh! Uh tell her it's a classmate of hers. Stone Mane!" The colt gave what he hoped was a winning smile to the maid. 

  The maids eyes narrowed and she nodded her head. "Please wait here." Then she closed the door and left the colt standing in front of the two story brownstone. Once again Stone Mane looked up and down the lane. He felt terribly exposed standing there.

  After another eternity he heard the sound of hooves approaching and the door opened again.  This time it was an earth pony filly roughly the same age as him. Although the maid stood at the end of entryway watching. For a couple seconds the two foals just stared at each other. Finally the filly broke the silence. 

  "So, Stone Mane. This is unexpected. What brings you here today?" Her voice was polite and she was smiling, but her smile ended at her eyes. 

  "Ah, well, uh Lily Dancer I was wondering if I could talk to you? I was hoping you might be able to help with something." 

  "Okay, what do you want to talk about?" The filly arched a eyebrow as she stared at him through her thick framed eyeglasses.

  The colt starting looking up and down the street again. Then looked up at the  apple green filly. "Um, uh, this is going to take a few minutes. Can I come in? Please." He hastily added. 

  The filly rolled her tongue back and forth in her mouth as she stared at the colt. It was warm today, but the colt was beginning to sweat profusely. After letting the colt stew for a few more seconds she nodded her head and stepped aside. "Okay. Would you like to come in?"

  "Yes!Please and thank you!" Said the colt. 

  Lily Dancer turned back to the maid. "May Wine, would you please be so kind as to prepare a couple of glasses of lemonade for myself and Stone Mane. We'll take them in my hobby room. 

      The filly led the nutmeg brown colt to her hobby room. This house was much larger and more finely furnished than either Stone Mane's parents had been or his aunt's and uncle's place. He'd wiped his hooves off on the doormat, but he was suddenly very concerned that he was leaving hoof marks on the fine rugs and carpets.

  The final destination was a small room that had windows that looked out over the gardens in the backyard. An older earth stallion was carefully tending the rose bushes. He looked up and smiled at the filly through the window when she entered the room. Scattered around the room were numerous dolls in various state of completion. 

  Hanging off dress forms were several dresses under construction. Spools of threads, buttons, scraps of fabric, were strewn across the main work table that dominated the room. The other thing that caught Stone Mane's attention was a very fine sewing machine. His aunt had that model circled in a catalog and was saving up her bits to buy one someday. The filly directed the colt to one of a couple swivel chairs that occupied the room. The colt removed his panniers before sitting down in one 

  May Wine soon came in and delivered the lemonade as she left the room she gave the colt a serious look. The next minute or so was spent silently drinking lemonade. Finally Stone Mane set his now almost empty glass down and took a deep breath. 

  "Lily Dancer. There's something I'd like your help with."

The filly looked at her glass as she nonchalantly swirled her lemonade around in the glass. "Yes." 

  Stone pressed ahead with his sales pitch. "I, I have a job for you. I need you to make something for me. Something I can give to another pony who is very dear to me." 

  She leaned back in her chair. Casting her gaze over at the colt as she took a long sip of her drink. Then she set it on her work table. "And this commission would be?" 

  Stone Mane reached down and into one of the pannier's pockets. Lily Dancer played with one of her deep green and white braids as she watched him intently. Carefully the colt removed the doll of Applebloom and gently passed it to the filly. She had a very odd expression on her face. Slowly she turned the doll over several time as she examined it. She looked up with the tiniest of smirks. 

  "Well Stone Mane! I never thought you'd be interested in dolls. It's very well made and in very good shape." She glanced over at the now blushing colt. "So can I assume this is more than an ordinary doll? So what do you want from me?"

  The colt looked out the window. "It is special. Very special. It's a doll of a filly who's helped me get over the loss of my parents. I, I, want to ask you Lily if you'd make a doll like that of me, so I can give it to her." I miss you to 

  The colt looked back at the filly. Lily Dancer was now looking at him with a very impish smile. She had the doll draped over her right front hoof. "Oh this is interesting. So Stone Mane, tell me more about this filly you want to send a doll of yourself to!" 

 To be continued.     




Seamstress and manipulator. Future rival to Rarity or future co-conspirator?


Co-conspirator, if she asks Rarity make fancy outfits for her dolls.


Blackmail material!


Stay tuned tomorrow to find out if you're correct or not. New posting then.