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 Last Thing found herself in a small dusty entryway of an abandoned house in my Equestria dreamscape. The front door was missing. The hinges had been wrenched from the doorframe. Outside she could see rubble and debris piled up on a narrow cobblestone lane. Directly across was the charred remains of another multi-story stone building that blocked any further view. The style of architecture seemed familiar. The lighting outside was ominous and there was a sense of oppressive tension that hung in the air. Deep, distant rumbles could be heard that made the dusty wooden floor tremble. 

  A second ago Last Thing had been in Manehattan's Gallop Park. She'd subdued Blank Check and annihilating most of her followers. She had approached the young mare Prophecy and then... 

  The sounds of sobbing directed the Mares-in-Waiting gaze. There huddled in shadows against the wall was Prophecy. The young mare was muttering to herself.

  "I don't want to be here! I don't want this for my future! I don't want this future for anypony! But what can I do to stop it?! Please let me go back! Please!"

  Last Thing slowly approached the crying mare. She was often was accused of being cold and uncaring, but something about the mare made her want to be protective of her. She looked down at the mare on the dust covered wooden floor; she lowered her head and gently nuzzled a couple of times.

  "Hey, hey there. You're not alone in this. I'm here to. What's happened here? Where are we?" 

  "We, we, we're in Canterlot." Said the young mare. 

  The older mare looked back at the doorway. "Canterlot? What's happened here." She slowly began walking toward the doorway.

  "Don't go outside! You'll be seen!" Screamed the dark bay mare. "You'll be found and then, then..."

  "Then what?" The Mare-in-Waiting said.

  "Y,y,you'll end up like all the others have." Prophecy whimpered. "You'll end up like everypony I have seen in this vision."

  "And that is?" 

  "Dead or wishing they were dead." Whispered Prophecy. 

  A deep concussive rumble from outside made the walls of the house tremble and the floor sway. It almost sounded like the voice of some titanic beast. Last Thing took a step back from the doorway. Suddenly she had no desire to step outside. Some how she knew something terrible was waiting outside.

  "How. How did this happen?" 

  "I just recently started having this vision. The gatekeeper did this. I don't know how or why she did it. She opened the gate. She opened it or will open it in the future, and then, then." 

  Last Thing wandered back a laid down alongside Prophecy. "You say somepony caused or is going to cause this? Who?"

  "I don't know who she is but, but." 

  Outside there was another thunderous roar and the wind picked up blowing dust and random pieces of debris in through the doorway. Last Thing looked down to see tattered red bow now lying on the floor next to her. Prophecy saw it as well and screamed in terror— 

  The two mares were once again standing in Gallop Park looking at each other. Around them the fires from the recent battle continued to burn. Prophecy stood trembling with tears pouring down her cheeks. "P, p, please don't let that be my future." She swallowed. "Help me. Please!" 

  Then she slowly collapsed in a crying heap on the rain slick pavers. Last Thing looked down at her and swallowed herself. Then almost reluctantly she levitated an inhibitor ring from her harness and locked it on to Prophecy's horn.  

  "I'll help you." She said softly. "But the only way I can is by taking you into custody. Please don't cause any trouble." She reached out with a front hoof and gently stroked the younger mare's mane.

  "Prophecy!? Prophecy is that you? Who's that with you? You better not hurt her you fucker! You hurt her and you'll have to answer to me!" Blank Check had regained consciousness but she was blind. Her eyes were swollen shut from the pepper oil. She struggled to get back up. 

  Last Thing wandered over to the crime boss as she did she levitated a pair hobbles from her harness. Climbing on top of Blank Check she pinned the mare to ground and affixed them to her lower legs. The mare tried to struggle but was physically exhausted. 

  With the hobbles on Last Thing levitated a small flask with an eyedropper. Grabbing Blank Checks head she turned it and applied several drops to each of her swollen eyes. stowing the flask the Mare-in-Waiting removed the special purpose-built blindfold from her harness that she'd brought. She fastened it to the mare and locked in place. With that accomplished Last Thing spoke.

  "I have given you some eyedrops. They will start to counteract the pain from the pepper oil. However your eyes will be swollen for awhile. Do not attempt to simply make the blindfold vanish by using your talent. The blindfold is linked to the inhibitor ring on your horn. If you attempt to do it you'll receive some extremely painful feedback. As far as Prophecy goes, so long as she doesn't cause any problems for us she'll be treated fairly and appropriately."  

  Her voice took on a more serious tone. "However. As Scale Bearer of the Crown I hereby take you and any remaining members of your party into custody! You and the members of your party will be transported to Canterlot where you will be formally charged!"

  Slowly Last Thing got to her hooves. The effects of combat and her talent were started to come home to roost. A quick survey of the battlefield found ponies either dead or in need of immediate medical attention and too injured to resist arrest. A couple appear to have fled, but they were small fish anyways. 

  Confident there were no more threats Last Thing lifted her head and fired off a series of magical bolts into the misty night sky. They rose to about 200ft and then detonated in brilliant white flashes. That was the all clear signal.  From around the park she heard the sounds of police ponies shouting as they galloped into the park then slowing down as they got their first sight of the carnage. Shouts of bravado quickly became calls for doctors and corpsponies. Fortunately Last Thing's planning had included this as part of the scenario. Sprinkled amongst the shouting of the police officers and cries for help was the sound of vomiting. For some of the officers this was their first exposure to true battlefield conditions.

  Last Thing was coordinating with the Manehattan police when Police Chief Tin Whistle came walking up with Captain Firewing in tow. Tin Whistle was obviously stunned. For his part Firewing surveyed the setting with the expression of a veteran who had seen this kind of thing before. The Mare-in-Waiting address the chief.

  "M'am. My immediate part of this operation is over. I will be filing my after action report within the next 48 hours with your office and the Royal Court. Make certain that Blank Check and the pony Prophecy are transported to Canterlot as soon as possible, but send them on separate trains. If you have any further questions please direct them to Captain Firewing who's the acting representative of the Royal Court for this operation." 

  Last Thing then started to walk away. Tin Whistle seeing this spun around. "Wait just one second! You created this killing field and now you're just going waltz away and leave us to clean this up?! I have a whole list of questions I want answered right—"

  The earth pony stuck a front hoof out to block Last Thing from leaving. Much to her surprise she watched as her hoof passed through the barrel of the mare's chest as if the mare wasn't even there. Quickly she jerked her limb back as she experienced an intense cold and shocking sensation. Before her eyes she could she the Mare-in-Waiting rapidly flickering in and out view. In a voice that sounded as if was coming far, far away the unicorn addressed her. 

  "You'll have my report within 48 hours. Now I have matters to attend to. Good night." The mare then walked away leaving the stunned police chief standing there. Captain Firewing started walking with her. 

  "You alright there?" Asked the pegasus stallion. 

  Last Thing glared at him. "I've never been alright." Then she simply vanished before the stallion's eyes. Firewing sighed and then turned around and walked back to take charge of the situation. 

 To be continued.        




Something is coming wearing a pretty red bow. Its going to make Chrysalis look like a saint.

Dorian Inman

Well...bloody hell! Glad Prophecy is ‘okay’. And the nightmare cometh...wonder what Luna is going to make of this, because I’d bet 100 bits she knows. That is if she sees Last Thing’s report.


This starts the ramp up to the most important dream arc in my Equestria dreamscape so far.


Oh, boy. That is ominous. The "Gatekeeper" huh? Interesting.... Once again comes down to is this: is it Applebloom or Deception? Prophesy is such a tragic character.


The Gatekeeper. It wants "in". There are ponies (and maybe others) that won't allow that.


I've been pondering the nature of Luna's "AB". I'm wondering if she is also a "rider" from the Dungeon Dimensions like Prophesy's are.


Think of her like this. Daybreaker. Nightmare Moon. Now this little filly with a pretty red bow.....who’s going to make them look like amateurs.