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Gallus unlocked the door and stepped into the darkness of his unlit  dorm room. Fumbling for the wall switch he turned on the light above  the door. Setting the messenger bag holding his text books on the floor,  the griffin proceeded to remove his jacket and hang it on a wall hook.  With these immediate tasks accomplished he turned around and promptly  stopped in his tracks.

    Smolder was lying on his bed.

    Smolder was lying on his bed with an expression he'd never seen her have before.

    Smolder was lying on his bed wearing lingerie and looking better than he'd ever imagined.

    Gallus stepped slowly toward the dragon. "Um, Smolder. What are you doing in my room?"

     The dragon giggled nervously. "Well when we were trapped by the Tree  of Harmony under the school. I was forced to admit I didn't mind being cute.  Well since then I have wondered whether I could be sexy as well?" She  looked down at herself and then blushed a little as she pressed her face  into the pillow on the bed. "So, I'm giving it a try. So what do you  think?"

This Saturday 11/10/18 starting at 5:30pm Pacific I will be creating more art on Picarto 




Don’t just stand there....bust a move!

Dark Forge

Gallus, do not wait, go for it


Looks like she nailed it.


Usually it's the guy who has the 'smoldering good looks'...


This is what happen when you ask Rarity for help