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 Corporal Trotter's blood turned to ice water in my Equestria dreamscape. Standing in front of their table was Phoenix. At first he almost didn't recognize the mare. Her usually disheveled mane and tail was groomed to something resembling neatness. Most impressive was the fact that her myriad of scars were much less obvious. Like someone had done some makeup work on her. You could still see them they just weren't so ugly looking now. 

  For this evening mare had dispensed with her usually leather harness gear rig. Instead she was wearing a sweater of deep bronze green. The sweater did have leather reinforcing in locations to avoid wear and one could wear harness gear could worn over it. Tonight all Phoenix had was a modest satchel strapped to the front of her chest. Although she still had her signature goggles perched on her head.   

  "Oh hi Trotter! who is this! I don't think we've met?" Bloodfeather came sauntering over. As usual the pegasus mare looked fabulous in a short, snug dress. Trotter was all to aware of all of the guard ponies who one day, both stallions and mares, who hoped, planned, and fantasized about going on date with her. 

  "Girls our table is ready....Oh hello corporal." Quick Silver slowly walked up and joined her team members. The earth pony had her mug of beer perched on top of her head. However her face had her signature bored look. For this evening the mare was wearing sleeveless cotton mauve violet shirt. 

  This was Trotter's worst nightmare. Here he was sitting with his handler with three of Celestia's most competent field operatives standing in front of him. Even if they obviously off-duty and enjoying an evening off. This is why he always worried about public meetings with Purple. Are we on a date? 

  Bloodfeather chimed in again."Hey Trotter! Sorry about that incident in palace a while back it was all a misunderstanding. Wasn't it girls." Excuse me corporal 

  Quick Silver nodded her head. Phoenix continued to stare intently at Purple Marten. After a couple of seconds the pegasus mare gave the unicorn mare a quick, little kick in the shins with a back hoof. This prompted a response from the mare. 

  "Oh yeah. Sorry about that corporal." She continued to stare at Trotter's handler. "I don't think we've met before. You would be?" 

  "Purple Marten." Said the mare with a sly smile. "I believe I saw you at the Royal Banquet for Service to the Crown Day."
  Bloodfeather perked up. "Oh yeah. You were wearing that impressive creation of navy blue satin weren't you?"

  Marten shifted her gaze to the crimson red mare. "That's correct. You have an eye for fashion I see. I'm glad it left an impression on you."

  "Was that a Blue Chiffon design?" Asked the pegasus. 

   "Oh ho! You do know your stuff. Close but no. It was made by Double Stitch. She was Blue Chiffon's apprentice but she now has her own operation here is Canterlot. I struck up a business relationship with her when I moved here. " 

  "So you're not a Canterlot native?" Asked Quick Silver.  

  Purple shifted her gaze to the earth pony. "No I am originally from Manehattan. I moved here about a year ago. I get the impression you work with Trotter, but who would you three be?"

  "Oh! Pardon us! I'm Bloodfeather! My friend with the beer on her head is Quick Silver, and my other friend here who won't stop staring at some pony creepily." She gave Phoenix another small kick. "Is Phoenix! We work for the Royal Court." 

  Purple bowed her head gracefully. "Pleasure to meet you three. Now that I have names I have heard of you before from Trotter here. He's spoken on you in the past." 

  Trotter through all this had sat stone still in his seat as this deadly game of deception played out before his eyes. Suddenly he realized that he should chime in and say something. 

  "Um, yes! Yes! We don't work together, but we all do work in the Royal Court. As such we run into each other from time to time."

  "Yep! that about sums it up!" Said Bloodfeather. 

  "That's an accurate description of the relationship." Said Quick Silver. 

  "Uh huh." Said Phoenix whose stare remained fixed on Purple Marten. "So you only moved to Canterlot recently?"

  "Well I've visited off and on over the years, but I finally decided to make it my permanent residence." Marten played with her mane but never broke her stare with Phoenix. 

  "So you like it here?" Said the scarred unicorn. 

  "Oh yes! Manehattan is nice, but there is a sense of timeless elegance, grace here in Canterlot that I love. I will be very happy to live here for the rest of my life!" 

  Trotter watched this game of mental fencing go on as he desperately tried to look like this was an everyday routine thing. He wanted to end this but he couldn't think of way that wouldn't be rude or obvious. 

  "So. How did you meet Trotter here anyways?" Said Phoenix in rather blunt tone of voice. " To be honest he seems to be a bit below your station to be dating?" 

  "Phoenix!" Bloodfeather made no attempt to hide the kick she gave her team member. "That's more than just a bit rude."     
  The violet unicorn laughed. "Oh ho! You're bold one! Well to be honest at the moment our relationship is strictly professional in nature. I have always had an interest in writing and writers. The corporal here is working on a novel. I am acting as an investor. I have connections to several of the publishers in Manehattan. The publishing industry can seem like a labyrinth to a newcomer, so I'm helping him with that. I've done this for several younger writers over the years. " 

  Then she shot Phoenix a smoldering stare and leered. "And besides it's none of your business who I decide associate, befriend, or sleep with it is it?" 

  "So you enjoy a bit of slumming on occasion?" growled Scale Bearer. 

  "PHOENIX!" Bloodfeather spun around at glared at her team member. "That is totally uncalled for! Lets go! Our table is waiting for us!" 

  "That was rather rude of you Phoenix." Said Quick Silver in a matter-of-fact voice. 

  Bloodfeather looked back at the mare sitting at the table. "Forgive her rudeness. My friend and team mate was raised by wild animals and sometimes her domestication wears off. Fortunately she's still house broken! Come on Phoenix! Lets leave them in peace. We've already disrupted their evening enough!" 

  With that Bloodfeather started directing Phoenix away from the table. The battle scarred unicorn gave Purple Marten and Trotter one last look and then left with her team mates. Purple watched them leave and looked back at the changeling seated across from her. She smirked.  

  "Well now. They are definitely some interesting ponies. You okay there dear?"

  Trotter only then realized that he was visibly shaking.

 To be continued.     



Dorian Inman

Trotter...you are screwed man. Ain’t nothing worse than two, or more, intelligent beings playing games when you are just a lonely mouse. And holy smokes! I thought Phoenix looked good before! Absolutely rocking that sweater! And that manestyle really brings out her eyes. By that I mean you’re attention isn’t drawn to her mane, then goggles. Well mine was drawn to her eyes first, I usually see her mane and goggles first.


Phoenix knows something is not right.


Poor Corporal Trotter. Still, at least he managed to remain in character and react appropietly.

Sylvan Ryan

What a beautiful dangerous game ;)


" This is why he always worried about public meetings with Purple. (ARE WE DEAD YET?) " ;)


And for some reason, I'm imagining Quick Silver as a Car Hop girl, complete with roller skates.


The scene was very surreal when it occurred in the dream, so I had to make certain that I included in her in this posting.


Phoenix can be a real bit... nagh


Oh this is getting deeper and more surreal. And Trotter - I'd tell you to run but it's FAR too late for that. I think Purple is in over her head and doesn't realize it. Or she thinks she can get away with it.


I like the fact that, throughout this very intense moment, a pony randomly has a beer on her head and no one says a thing.


Oh Purple isn't done with these three. She's going to go on the offensive.


Many ponies will do things like what Quick Silver is doing. She just does it to more extreme examples.


Baron, does your MLP dreamscape address why Luna was AWOL during the wedding invasion?


Yes, yes it does. In fact it will be a very important moment for Applebloom.


Purple Martin is one evil bug/pony. Are you sure that she is what she seems to be? I for one, sort of wonder if she might be Queen Chrysalis disguised to keep a check on her minions. Now wouldn't that be a twist. She is quite mad, you know. 'AXE