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 Corporal Trotter/Drone 992 stared at the restaurant menu without really seeing the words on it in my Equestria dreamscape. He'd been on edge ever since his encounter with Phoenix a few nights ago. Excuse me corporal Too much was riding on the operation he'd been planning to allow himself to come to the suspicions of a pony like her. 

  He'd sent a message through regular channels to his handler Purple Marten giving her a quick briefing to see if she wanted to call off their next meeting. Much to his surprise she'd decided to go ahead with the meeting. 

  The restaurant she'd selected was loud, boisterous, dimly lit and a popular location with ponies on a date.  Trotter rationally understood the reasoning for it. With so much chatter, laughter, sounds from the kitchen, and the band up on stage, there was very little chance of eavesdropping. However, all the noise did nothing to ease the anxiety he'd been feeling.  

  Purple Marten took a sip of her pilsner and tried to calm her operative down. "Okay. I sent an inquiry to the Board of Directors." This was the code word for the High Command "To see if they had heard anything concerning the refusal of your initial manuscript." The working name for his operation. " Their reply was simple. Exercise caution but proceed with the novel."
  The drone was stunned. "You were able to speak directly to the Board of Directors? Not just the editors?" Usually handlers didn't speak to the High Command only to high ranking officers, editors, who oversaw covert field operations. 

  Marten smiled and took another sip of her beer. "Yes and at the moment the outside investors are not pulling their funding for your book. So long as you finish it on time and deliver what you promise!" 

  Trotter levitated a piece of herb toast and chewed on it slowly then he washed it down with some iced tea. "But what if the rumors are true that the critics have some how gotten a hold of the rough draft?" That was another code word for various government organizations, agencies, institutions, or members of the court that might have begin an investigation of him or some element of the operation. 

  Marten shook her head. "If the critics are going to write about it they'd have to move almost immediately to make the fall reviews of upcoming books. At this time my sources are not seeing this. I don't think you need to change the main plot line." 

  The stallion nodded his head. "I really want to thank you for your support Purple. I don't think I could've done this alone."

  She leaned forward and grinned. "Well I am doing this because I expect to reap a hefty reward for my investment and risk." The mare fussed with her mane. "And besides at this point either we push ahead or you start on a new story. Which would not be ready for the fall book season." 

  The mare reach with a front hoof and napkin and cleaned something off the stallion's face. "And to be honest you're kind of adorable when you get all excited about your book."

  Trotter's brain stripped a gear. The changeling assumed that Purple's comment was just part of roleplaying the part of his date, and that made him pause again. We're they technically on a date? Was that how other ponies on the outside looking in seeing it? He'd been so distracted tonight that he hadn't even noted what Purple Marten was wearing.   

  The mare was wearing a sleeveless shirt white silk. Over it was a garment that was like a cross between a corset and very tight vest of charcoal satin. A choker of jet and gold beads was around her neck. Matching bracer on her front rounded out the jewelry.  

  Shifting his gaze slightly downward he could see that the mare was wearing high boots of black leather that had suddenly become quite fashionably in the last year.  

  So in a nutshell his handler was totally dressed as she was on a date. A very hot date. This made the stallion blushed a little. "Um by the way. Sorry I didn't say it earlier, but your outfit is quite something tonight." 

  He was a little confused as to why he should be feeling this way. He'd have handlers that who had had female personas for their covers, but this was the first time he'd felt this kind of attraction. 

  Trotter fiddled with his napkin for a moment. "Um Purple I think there is something I need to say..." 

  A raspy female voice spoke up. "Evening corporal. Didn't expect to run into you here." 

 To be continued.   






The next posting will be an excellent stress test of Trotter's cardio system.


Oh my. We will see how soft he’s gotten as a palace guard.🤨


Wow, you're really cranking out the updates this month! Which ous especially great with how close to the climax things seem to be getting. Not sure my own cardiovascular system could handle the anticipation!


Well I am cranking out for a couple of reasons. First there is still quite a bit of story between now and the actual wedding. Second I will be coming up to a point very soon where I will be working to complete some large color commissions. When that happens I won't be posting as much B/W stuff.


Baron, is the Wicked Witch, er.. Purple Marten actually wearing clothes, or is that just Cheangeling disguise magic?


And right when he started to relax a bit, here we go! Don't panic, keep up the game, you can have nice quiet panic attack once you've gotten out of this mess (well, could have but that'd be unprofessional).


Yeah Trotter is really struggling to keep his professional face up right now.