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 Applebloom closed the door to the tool shed and looked up at the late afternoon sky and sighed in my Equestria dreamscape. The sun would be setting soon and with it Luna's reign would take over for the evening.  

  The filly was aware that something had happened in Manehattan recently. She'd seen the headlines in the newspapers and it seemed to be a topic that many of the grownup ponies were talking about. It was important enough that Miss Cheerilee had even taken a moment in class to talk to them about it. Apparently the Royal Sisters had uncovered a plot by various criminal elements to take control  of the city government there. 

  There had been hundred of arrests and it was taking all of the sisters time, for that reason Luna had found it necessary to cancel her instruction sessions in the Dream Realm with the filly. She'd left assignments for Applebloom to do in her sleep, but it wasn't the same as time with her.  

  What was nagging in the filly's head even more was the fact that she hadn't seen or heard from Stone Mane since he'd left Ponyville. See you in my dreams!  Applebloom was find herself more and more wondering whether he'd made it back to Baltimare alright. She'd sent a letter, but at the moment she'd received no reply. He probably had just gotten home from his trip, so any return he could send would not arrive for a few days at least.  Not her 

  The filly was horribly tempted to sneak over to Stone Mane's dream fabric to see him. After all her locator pendant could now find it easily enough, and she'd even added her own dream fabric so she could get back to her own with no problem. Making modifications 

  But Princess Luna had made it clear that she was not to do that, and now Applebloom found herself chafing under this decision. Like burr under your saddle blanket or rock stuck in the frog of your hoof. 

  The youngest of the Apple family wandered back to the farmhouse/barn. Slowly climbing the steps she stopped and once again looked back over the rows of apple trees toward setting sun.   

  "Ya okay sugar cube?" Her older sister came trotting up back to farmhouse. Like Applebloom she'd finished afternoon chores and was now preparing to wash up before dinner was served. 

  "I'm okay sis. I'm just wondering when Luna will be able ta start her lessons with me again. Also I'm waiting fer word from Stone Mane that he's alright. Haven't heard anything from him since he left us." 

  She paused for a moment. "I miss him." She said softly. 

  AJ climbed the steps and stood alongside her sister. She leaned forward and nuzzled her. "I'm sure he's okay Sugar Cube. It's only been about a week, and Princess Luna has some serious business that she's a dealing with. As soon she can she'll resume her lessons with ya." 

  The filly sighed again. "Yer right sis, but it sure feels like its been ferever.  

  AJ grinned. "I know but try ta be patient. Now why don't we go in and git washed up. Dinner will be on the table soon." 

  The filly nodded her head and followed her inside. 

 To be continued.   



Dorian Inman

Ah, there's out Little Bloom...And looking back at "Keep Her Away from Me" I see that I had missed some details about Deception. Still not fully caught up. I think I see who/what has bonded with AB as she grew older from the teasers now. If my guess is correct, we'll be seeing an interesting confrontation between them sooner rather than later.


Methinks the little filly and the little colt are in love... And it's so adorable to see Big Sis giving Applebloom some tender sisterly support. :)


Lovely affectionate pic, Baron. :)