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  "For the next hundred years!"     

      A Patreon reward that I owed a former patron Rubbervixen who saved up several months for this piece. The two standing characters are Jessica Knight from the Angel and Knight Prime dreamscape under her disguise alias of Lillian Kurtz. This is the piece that I did the costume study sketch for recently. Outfit Study 01 

     The older gentlemen with cane sword is Zonto Galewyrm who is actually  a demon from Downstairs. The name commonly used by operatives from Hell  in the war with Heaven. Of course Heaven is referred to as Upstairs.  Zonto is Downstair's Seneschal for this reality. He is in charge of  overseeing and directing all operations in this reality for Downstairs.  What this usually entails is rejecting and sending back totally  incompetent, ill-suited operatives usually after giving them a serious  lashing.

    Over the course of this dreamscape  a rather strange friendship has formed between Zonto, Jessica, and  Jessica's business partner Carla Angel. Which is even more unusual since  Jessica and Carla are working for is Olivia Campatello and she is  member of a secret society sworn to observe and contain paranormal beings in the realm of mortal realm.




With a suit carved up like that, her words would carry more authority than the average two piece suit. Very nice buff-shine detailing, indeed!