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 Scratch unlocked the front door of her penthouse and stepped into the foyer in my Equestria dreamscape. After locking it again the mare removed her snug black leather jacket and hung it up in the closet near the front door. 

  With her horn the mare threw the switch causing three newly installed electrical lights to spring to life in the hallway. Scratch had paid the extra bits to have work ponies come in and run wiring into the building when the city had finally offered it on her block. The mare was certain that electrification would be a game changer for Equestria; that's why she'd invested in the fledgling Manehattan Electric Company. She was banking on the future. 

  After a quickly grabbing a bottle of beer from the icebox in the kitchen the mare retired to the master bedroom. Golden Bill and most of her crew had gone on ahead to Ft. Trotterdale to make final preparations for their pre-tour retreat, and to be honest Scratch would be happy to get out of town for awhile.

  The events of the last couple of days had been nerve-racking for almost every pony in Manehattan. The mass arrests of most of the police force and the news that City Hall had been taking over by the Crown directly was alarming. Even more alarming was the news of what the Canterlot's investigation had uncovered. Scratch had to wonder what would make a pony do the things now being reported in the papers now. Depraved didn't beginning to describe the horrifying facts that were starting to be unveiled.

  At same time was she disturbed by the news that several of her business associates had been arrested or had warrants for their arrests out. The unicorn knew that money and power were a heady drug that could make a pony do stupid things, but once again she was amazed by what her network of contacts and the papers were reporting. She'd known of the Associations and she was aware of the influence they had on Manehattan business world.  Fortunately she'd been able to steer clear of their influence.

  The mare stopped and looked at her dimly lit face in a hallway mirror. She had to admit that what was really bugging her was the fact that despite her extensive network of contacts she'd been caught just as flatfoot as the average pony on the street. Why had she not seen this coming.

  Shaking her head Scratch opened the master bedroom door and once again with her horn she threw the light switch. Nothing happened. The mare played with the switch a couple of times and then sighed. Electricity was still in its infancy so its reliability was sometimes shaky, but that's why Scratch still had oil lamps in the all the major rooms.

  She started reaching out with her horn for one the oil lamps on the nightstands when a raspy, female voice spoke up.

  "Don't bother. They won't work for you either." 

  Scratch froze and watched as glow orb formed on her bed. Bathed in the eerie greenish light emitting from its horn was a unicorn mare laying on her bed.  After a couple of seconds the oil lamps sprang to live. With the added illumination Scratch could see that the intruder in her room looked a lot like a pony she'd seen in photos and had heard rumors about. Very, very, dark and disturbing rumors about since she wore scars that no ponies should've survived getting. The mare's eyes like Scratch's were covered by goggles. As if reading her mind the mare on the bed spoke. 

  "You may have heard of me. My name is Phoenix. I am Scale Bearer for the Crown. I have a couple of questions to ask you. I thought it would best to do it in a private to avoid drawing attention to you and possibly causing problems for you in the future."

  "As if breaking and entering my penthouse isn't a problem?" Said Scratch with a sour voice. "And how didcha circumvent the wards on this place?"

  Phoenix snorted at this comment. "Hmmph! Yeah like they would keep a pony like me out. Hate to tell you but I've opened jars of pickles that were harder to deal with than wards you've got on this place!"

  Scratch slowly approached the mare on the bed. "So, what questions do you have that required you intruding my home?" 

  Then a thought dawned on her. Using her levitation Scratch lifted her goggles from her eyes and stared at Phoenix. "And how do I know you are who you claim to be? What if you're another pony just disguised to look like who you claim to be?"

  Phoenix's jaw clenched but she returned Scratch's stare. Her own horn flared and she lifted the goggles from her eyes. Orbs of icy, carmine red stared directly at the entertainer. For several seconds she said nothing. Then her horn flared again and she levitated a small medallion up for Scratch to see.

  "This sigil is the symbol of my authority as a Scale Bearer. Do you understand?" She growled. "And I recommend you put those damn goggles back over your eyes and don't ever do that to me again. Or else you won't need them anymore. Got it?"

  Scratch stood her ground even as a shiver raced through her, but after a couple of seconds she complied with Phoenix's order and placed the goggles back over her eyes.

  Okay that is very interesting. Thought the performer.

  "Alright what questions does a Scale Bearer of the Crown have for me?" 

  From a pocket on the web gear she wore, Phoenix levitated a photo and passed to the other unicorn. "Do you know this pony?"
  Scratch took the photo with her own levitation. She stared at it for a few seconds.

  "Yeah I've met this pony. Curtain Call is his name. He's relatively small-time talent agent based out of Canterlot. When we toured there last year he tried to get me to hire a few background dancers for our performances there. Didn't need any of them. What about him?" 

  Phoenix retrieved the photo and returned it to the pocket she'd gotten it from. "Has Curtain Call attempted to contact you since that time. Either in person or via letter, telegram, or third party?" You're relieved of your duties 

  Scratch shook her head."Nope. Whatcha getting at anyways? Is he somehow wrapped up in what's been going on here in Manehattan?"

  Phoenix placed the goggles back over her eyes. "That's what we're trying to determine." Then an odd look flashed across her face. "By chance if I said the name Corporal Trotter would that mean anything to you?" Excuse me corporal 

  Once again Scratch shook her head. "Sorry, but I've never heard that name." 

  Phoenix stared silently at performer for a couple seconds. "Okay if you are contacted by Curtain Call would you please let the new acting District Attorney of Manehattan know immediately."

  Scratch laughed. "Sister! I'm going to be bailing out of Manehattan and heading down to Ft. Trotterdale in a few days for a planned pre-tour retreat. What if he contacts me down there?" 

  "Then contact the local authorities in Ft. Trotterdale as soon as possible and have them send information to Canterlot attention Gleaming Shield. We'll take it from there." Said the Scale Bearer. 

  "And if he shows up on my front doorstep unannounced?" Asked the performer. 

  "Then exercise caution and don't be alone with him. Got it?" growled the scarred mare. 


  Phoenix nodded her head "I'll leave you now." She looked around the room. "Nice place you've got." Then she vanished in a flash. 

  For several seconds Scratch just stood there staring at the bed; then without looking she popped the lid off the bottle beer she'd brought with her. She downed the bottle in one chug then she turned and headed for the bar in the main living room. She needed something, a lot of something, stronger than beer now.

 To be continued.   



Dorian Inman

Yay for Scrath not being a suspect! Interesting that Phoenix seemed bothered by Scrath’s eyes. Glad to hear she is still suspicious of Trotter, but I wouldn’t expect anything less of the Scale Bearers to be honest, these ladies (the ones introduced so far) are not only extremely intelligent but trust their gut instincts as well. I try very, very hard not to objectify people, especially sexually. Plain and simple though, if I found Phoenix laying out like that in my flat I’d be hard pressed to have any kind of bravado. Even being a huge fan of Pegasi and bat ponies because of their wings, I think I could pass off a confident facade with Bloodfeather. Phoenix, though, I’d more likely offer her that beer as a greeting.


A connection between Scratch and Phoenix?


More Phoenix was relentlessly following leads and Scratch just happened to be the next lead she was investigating.


I didn't realize at the time because I had not yet met Scratch personally, but there's a reason why she's always wearing those goggles of her. It's not just a fashion statement.


Hmm... interesting thing that there is something up with Scratch's eyes. Looking forward to seeing that. The fact that that particular changeling is dead might be a slip up in the plan, since we've seen how driven Phoenix is. While they did their best, they may have still left evidence, and if anyone is going to find it, it would be a scale barer.


Or the Royal Court doesn't realize he's dead and is trying to track him down in relation to the Manehattan investigation.


I think Scratch is in deeper trouble than she realizes. And there are deeper depths to her.


Well she doesn't realize it nor does Phoenix at this time, but Curtain Call won't be calling anyone anymore.