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 Heartbreaker whistled a random tune as she was led down the palace hallway in my Equestria dreamscape. Her steps were restricted by the hobbles she was wearing. Although the two Royal Guard ponies wished they taken the opportunity to gag her as well. 

  "Hey governor! It's awfully nice of ya to take the time out yer busy day to give me guided tour of this place. Hey, is there a mares room along the way cuz I'm kind of full!" 

  The guards rolled their eyes. "No there's no mares room along the way and you already went before you left the cell block. Now shut your mouth and keep walking." 

  "Okay, okay! That's what I'm doing governor! Kinda hard to make any real progress with these things on. Have ya ever tried walking in these things. It's not easy. In fact I think I'm making pretty good time. Oh! Who's that a painting of." 

  After what seemed like an eternity, for the guards, they arrived at their destination. Opening a pair of double doors they led the mare into an office and up to an older mare sitting behind a desk. The usually office sounds wound down as the rest of staff noticed what was happening. For her part the older mare looked annoyed as they came to a stop in front of her desk. The older of the two guards spoke up.

  "Morning True Note. We were instructed to bring this prisoner to her Highness's offices as soon as she arrived in Canterlot. She's expecting the prisoner." 

  This statement set off a round of mutterings amongst the office staff. For her part Heartbreaker smiled and winked at the secretary staff. 

  "True Note peered over her glasses and scowled. "Yes her Highness made me aware of this meeting, and I've spent the morning reorganizing her itinerary to fit it in. Let me go and inform her that she has arrived. 

  Rising from her desk she trotted over and to a pair of majestic walnut doors. Opening one the mare stepped out of sight into the next room. A few seconds later she returned. With a disapproving voice she spoke.  

  "Her Highness is awaiting her in her office. You may take her in now." 

  The guards led the mare into Celestia's personal office. The curtains had been thrown open and the light that was the symbol of her office poured into the room. For her part Celestia silently watched them approach her great desk with a neutral expression on her face. 

  At four steps from the desk the guards had the prisoner stop. Then one guard bowed while the other watched the prisoner. When the this had been accomplished the older guard pony spoke up.   

  "Your Highness! As instructed we've brought you the prisoner." 

  The Princess of the Sun nodded her head. "Thank you Fire Lance." She looked at the prisoner and gestured to a chair set in front of the desk. "Please have a seat." 

  Heartbreaker who hadn't bow or curtsied grinned back at the Co-Ruler. "Thanks governor! Mighty kind of ya to offer!"  The mare shuffled forward and flopped down on it. The mare's eyes peered from the darkness her derby hat created. Even with the light of Celestia's sun the shadow remained. After several seconds the princess spoke again.  

  "I hope your journey has been uneventful?" The alicorn had a quizzical look on her face.  

  "Eh. Hasn't been that bad except for the fact that they took my smokes when we left Manehattan. Hey Sunny! You wouldn't happen to have a smoke would ya?" 

  The younger of the two guard ponies growled. "This is the Co-ruler of our beloved country! You'd be wise to show some respect!" 

  Heartbreaker tilted her head back at him. "I have. I wiped my hooves before we stepped in. All I was asking was whether I can get a smoke?" 

  The younger guard started to reply when Celestia interrupted him. "It's okay Dancing Rain. You asked whether I might happen to have a smoke?" 

  Celestia's horn flared and one of the drawers in her desk opened. From it she removed a small humidor inlayed different colors of wood arranged to form her cutie mark. She opened it and levitated over to the mare. Her face was neutral except for one raised eyebrow. 

  "Will these do?" 

  The mare looked in the humidor and whistled. "Yeah governor these will do just fine!"

  Reaching in with both hooves Heartbreaker extracted a cigar. She gave it a long sniff and smiled; she then proceeded to bite the end of it off and spat it into the potted plant alongside Celestia's desk. Both guards said nothing verbal but both made various growls of disapproval. For her part Heartbreaker ignored them as she started patting her vest. After a few seconds of this she sighed.

  "Hey Sun Cheeks. They took all my matches back in Manehattan." She waggled the cigar up and down in her mouth. "Could ya give me a light?"

  The young guard exploded. "Why you insolent cur! How dare you address a princess of...." 

  Celestia interrupted the guard again. "It's okay. I've been called far worse things that this, and after a thousand or more years I have developed a fairly thick hide." The white alicorn gracefully rose from behind her desk and stepped around it. "In fact there is no reason for you two have to stand here while I question the prisoner. Please wait out in the main office until I call for you."

  Fire Lance started speak out against this as Celestia continued to gently steer the two guards toward the door. "But your Highness standard procedure states that at least one guard should remain with the prisoner at all times. This is..."

  "That is true. But trust me I can handle this prisoner. So please wait out here until I call for you."

  Before they could comprehend what had happened the two guards found themselves standing on the other side of the now closed doors which locked behind them. The office staff stared at them with amusement. Doing the only they could think of, the two guards went to attention on either side of the doors.

  Celestia sauntered back to desk as she did opened another drawer and removed a set of hobble keys with her levitation. She sat down behind the desk and scowled at the earth pony.

  "I'm tempted to just leave you in those things for that last comment of yours."

  Heartbreaker waggled her eyebrows. "Why you Highness! You've acquired some new tastes and hobbies since the last time I spoke with you!"

  The alicorn shook her head but smiled. "You know, I've met another mare recently who is like you in many ways."

  "Really you? Well maybe you can arrange for us..."

  "No." Said the princess bluntly. "No I don't think that would be a good idea."

  Celestia levitated the keys over and removed the hobbles from Heartbreaker. At the same time she caused a small ball of flame to appear in front of cigar. The mare leaned forward and lit her cigar.

  The princess deposited the hobbles on floor next to her desk. Next she poured herself and the mare some brandy. With that accomplished she looked at the mare.

  "So Heartbreaker what is your report?"

 To be continued.   



Dorian Inman

I BLOODY KNEW IT! I knew she had to be working for the Crown! The way she moved when you introduced her, that was professional training. No street tough is going to move like that without some major professional training, no matter how much of an aptitude they have for fighting. And dang it! You threw in a new mystery! Who is the other mare of similar circumstance? Bloodfeather? Phoenix? Somepony new?


Deep cover operative. Probably a one time victim of the association. Recovered and rehabilitated. She would have insider knowledge. Probably a show pony till the association had other needs of her services rather than dancing.


No wonder they knew exactly where to look for everything.


Celestia operatives, and Luna's growing core of them worked overtime on this operation.


Celestia was referring to Petina's attitudes, interests, hobbies, passions, kinks, etc.

Dorian Inman

I thought as much, yet thought it would be prudent from saying anything...like I doubt there's an insurance company in Equestria that would cover the damages to property (I imagine certain food stains are hard to get out) or hospital bills for exhausted ponies that were active spectators (I sincerely doubt Heartbreaker and Petina wouldn't put on a show if they got together).

Bernard Doove

You threw enough red herrings in to make me doubt myself, but I always had a sneaking suspicion about Heartbreaker's loyalties. Such an interesting character!


Nicely foreshadowed, just obscure enough that the reader couldn't be absolutely certain. But her introduction made her an important character anyway.


"My Report is is that this cigar ain't half bad."