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It was near evening and at the edge of the Everfree Forest the shadows  were already deep. Under gnarled, ancient oak two individuals were  having a discussion.

    Queen Chrysalis listened to the white  rabbit that rested in her left hand. Angel Bunny waved his front legs  and made a series of squeaking sounds.

    "Yes my minion. You  were correct that Shining Armor would find me irresistible in this  outfit. He has become much more controllable since I started wear this."

    The Angel made a series of gestures including pointing at itself. Chrysalis rolled her eyes and sighed.  

     "Look you were aware that if a changelings spend too much time in  another form they can sometimes find themselves stuck and unable to  change back. At the moment I can't help you and I need you to continue  your observations."

    Angel ears drooped and his eyes began to  water. With quivering lip he looked at his queen and whimpered. The  Queen of the Changeling scowled at him.

    "Oh please! The horror and agony you must be enduring being carried, cuddled, brushed, and snuggled must be unbearable.    Just continue your mission until further notice. Now you should get  back before she starts worrying or you run afoul of some nighttime  creature and become its dinner!"

    With that Changeling Queen set the bunny on the ground and watched him bouncing off towards Fluttershy's cottage.  After a few seconds she transformed into Princess Cadence    and then teleported away.

This is actually a Patreon reward for Sura-Resch who wanted Chrysalis in a bunny suit, but as I started working out the  composition this little story popped into my head, so I borrowed some early works to help create the narrative. Besides it does explain why Angel Bunny is such a jerk when you think about it.




Monty Python and the Holy Grail was not wrong about bunnies in their story either. Vicious nasty things with sharp pointy teeth. Lay low many a brave but foolish knight.


Ha, even her high heels have ears- as if shes dressed to kill from head to toe. Such a dangerous weapon! ;D


This has the potential to explain so much.