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 While Heartbreaker was trying to get a job, and Phoenix was completing one, another pony was taking care of her own business in my Equestria dreamscape. 

  Egg Yolk peered in and tapped on the door frame of his employer's office. "Boss! I've had the boys move the samples to the stockroom, and I've just spent the last hour washing and scrubbing the one sample like you asked!" 

  Silver Stride looked up from the paperwork on his desk, then he checked the clock on the wall. "Excellent!" Said the earth pony stallion as he checked his organizer. "She should be here in just a few minutes." 

  Egg Yolk rubbed the back of his head with a front hoof. "Boss I know we often clean samples for buyers so they can better inspect the stone, but why did I have to go over that one with a scrub brush like that?" The earth pony stuck out his tongue. "I've rinsed my mouth four times and it still tastes like it covered with marble dust!" 

  The older stallion chuckled and shook his head. "You haven't met or worked with her before have you? Let's just say for special samples she is very unorthodox in her examining of the stock before she makes her decision." 

  "Unorthodox?" Egg Yolk cocked his head to one side. "What do you mean by that?" 

  Silver Stride started to reply when Granite Hill is main forepony came trotting in. "Mr Stride, she's here! Should I send her up to your office?" 

  The stallion looked at the mare. "No Granite, I'll come down and greet her. Come on Egg Yolk let me introduce you to our special customer." 

  Marble Vein was standing in the showroom examining the displays when Silver Stride and Egg Yolk came in. The morning sunlight poured through window gave the room a warm golden glow. Egg Yolk was immediately struck by how much the unicorn mare's pale dove grey coat shimmered like the polished marble samples in the showroom. 

  She wore her mane short as was the fashion at the moment. The dark, warm grey mane framed her face very nicely he thought. A short sleeve cotton shirt of brilliant white kept a snug silk vest of deep burgundy red company. The other major component of the mare's wardrobe were tall boots of black leather that were closed at the top with four silver buttons. While very practical. especially in light of the recent rains, they still gave her a very sensuous look. A small, black bowtie rounded out her ensemble. 

  "Miss Vein! It is an honor to have you once again in our showroom! I do hope your journey was pleasant? Green Mountain Marble and Masonry is always ready to welcome you!" Silver Stride bowed deeply at the end of his delivery. 

  Egg Yolk smiled. Even though he'd heard Silver Stride give this salutation a thousand times now; the old stallion had a way of making it sound special every time.

  The mare smoothly took three steps forward and then gracefully returned the bow. "I am honored that your fine establishment is willing to cater to my wants and needs. I always feel at home when I am here!" The mare spoke softly but Egg Yolk found her voice riveting and almost hypnotic. He felt a shiver run through him as the mare opened her deep violet eyes and looked at him.

  She stared at the younger stallion with a little smile on her face."Forgive me but I don't believe we've met before. My name is Marble Vein. You would be?" 

  "Egg Yolk!" The young yellow-orange stallion blurted out. "Uh, I'm Silver Stride's new assistant manager. Um, it is my pleasure to meet you!" 

  "Please to meet you Egg Yolk." Replied the mare with a smoky voice. She looked at the older stallion who had remained silent through this exchange. "Your telegraph stated you'd come into possession of a sample of extraordinary quality. I'm intrigued to see this sample."

  Bowing again, Silver Stride gestured. "Then let us keep you waiting no longer. Also would you care for a drink?"

  "Hmm." Purred the mare. "It's not yet noon, but could I trouble you for a small glass of sherry?"

  "No problem at all m'am!" The older stallion trotted over and rang the service bell hanging on the wall a couple of times. After some brief instructions with an apprentice Silver Stride smiled. 

  "Miss Vein if you could follow me I'll show you the samples. Your sherry will be brought to you." 

  "Of course." She paused and looked over at Egg Yolk. "Will be joining us sir?" The young stallion nodded his head. "Of course." 

  Silver Stride led Marble to a modest stockroom that had multiple windows to it. It often served as private showroom for special occasions so its was kept in a much more tidier condition than the other stockrooms. Marble Vein's hoofs clicked softly on the polished teak flooring unlike the heavier clop of the iron shod earth ponies joining her. Four samples of roughly finished marble were visible in the room, but a temporary partition of white fabric had been erected to block off the back part of the room.

  In quick succession older stallion showed the mare these samples. As she sipped her small glass of sherry she examined them carefully, and expressed interest in two of them. As they finished examining the last sample Marble smiled mischievously at older stallion and looked over at fabric partition.

  "Now Mr. Stride, I know you have a certain flair for presentation. So what could you possibly have behind there?" 

  "Why Miss Vein!" The gun metal stallion chuckled. "You know I always save the very best for last. Why don't you take a look." 

  The mare slightly raised a eyebrow and set her glass on nearby table. Then she slowly sauntered behind the fabric with the two stallions in tow. She'd just gotten past the fabric when she suddenly stopped in her tracks. 

  Before her was a large slab of brilliant marble. The slab that Egg Yolk had spent so much time scrubbing less than an hour ago. Technically it was fine grain white but the light of Celestia's glorious orb made shimmer and glow with a multitude beautiful colors. Subtle golds, faint violets, and exquisite pinks seemed to radiate from the stone.

  Marble's eye went wide for an instant then her usual sleepy expression returned. Her nostrils flared as if she was breathing in some strong scent, and she shivered. 

  "Oh what is this!" Growled the mare softly. Slowly she started pacing around the slab. Her eyes devouring every detail of it. 

  Not breaking stride Silver Stride began his sales pitch. For his part Egg Yolk's attention was on the mare. 

  "This my dear is perhaps the finest sample that Green Mountain Marble and Masonry has ever had in showroom. Usually such samples are immediately set aside at the quarry as material for the Royal Palace in Canterlot, but in this case I am giving you the opportunity to claim it first. Assuming you're interested in it?"  

  Marble continued orbiting the slab her eyes never leaving it. "It's from the White Fall Quarry isn't it?"

  The older stallion nodded his head. "I've always believed that you possessed a deep knowledge in stone Miss Vein, and you've just confirmed that belief. Yes, yes, it was discovered about a month ago. Fortunately the Quarry Master immediately recognized it was an exceptional specimen and, he personally oversaw its excavation." 

  Marble stopped her pacing and her horn flared as she closed her eyes. As she stood still her smile grew larger and another shiver ran through her body. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at the slab with a look that can only be describe as lust. 

  "Yes." She growled. "I can sense the traces Green Hills isolation spell on it." She stepped forward and examined the marble up close. "And these are Dancing Hammer's chisel marks on it's surface. A couple of masters released this glorious thing!"

  She then gently nuzzled the stone for several seconds. Silver Stride just smiled. "So can I assume you are interested in purchasing it?" 

  Marble Vein laid down on top of slab.  Eyes closed and her horn glowing, she went through a series of examination spells. Finally she spoke. 

  "Yes, yes I'll take this one! I want this one to come back with me. The others can be shipped through normal channels." She then gently started to lick the slab. 

  Silver Stride smiled at the thought of closing an excellent sale, and Egg Yolk just stared on and felt jealous of the inanimate stone slab. 

 To be continued.     



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