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 While Phoenix was wreaking havoc on the Associations in Manehattan Will you just die already! another pony was trying to get herself employed by one of them in my Equestria dreamscape. 

  Loaded Dice shook his head as he surveyed the motley collection of ponies that were seeking employment at the House of Roses. True running an operation this big and diverse required dozens of ponies to fill the many positions that constantly seemed to needed staffing. From ponies to work in the scullery, to highly trained entertainers and accountants these positions needed to be filled. Many of the positions would be filled by ponies who were already members of the Association, but many were just ponies looking for a job. In some cases if they worked out well they might be offered a chance to join the Association itself. 

  But as the pegasus stallion looked out at the candidates seeking employment today he wasn't impressed. What he was looking to fill was a couple of positions in security. Due to a rash of unexplained incidents the elders of his Association had pulled many of the ponies that were normally tasked with security at the House of Roses for assignments elsewhere. This had left several critical holes in the club's security organization. Even Lucky Card the stallion who managed the club had been unable to get more security through regular channels; so he'd instructed Loaded Dice to hire some ponies for noncritical positions off the streets. 

  Either the employment market was more robust than expected in Manehattan, or the general quality of the inhabitants of this city was deteriorating because most of these ponies didn't impress him. Well except for one. 

  The chocolate brown earth pony mare stepped up to table in the center of the club where Loaded Dice was conducting his interviews. She was relatively small, thing but the muscles on her taut body rippled whenever she moved. She wore a bowler of dark grey felt that seemed keep most of her face in perpetual deep shadow. A bow tie of deep purple kept an unbuttoned vest of black leather company. Rounding out the mare's wardrobe were boots of black leather that had stout plates of browned steel fastened to them. The metal plates clicked when she walked. Like all the applicants before her she remained standing as she came to a stop in front of the table. Loaded Dice looked her up and down for a second. 

  "So you're looking for a job as security here?"

  The mare grinned. "Nah governor! I was hoping to be one of ya fancy dancing mares!"

  Loaded Dice pegged her as originally being from Hoofington. He cocked a eyebrow at the mare. "You're a bit small for the position dearie. Think you can handle the job?" 

  The mare's grin grew even bigger. "Ya want give me a test governor? I'm up for it!"

  Loaded Dice returned the mare's grin. "If you think you're up for it? Yes, yes I would. Bramble! Get over here!"

  From the back of the club came this mountain of deep grey unicorn stallion. He wore a battered black top hat and a black leather vest like the mare; although his was much more battered. The stallion had this perpetual wild-eye stare and manic grin on his face. Loaded didn't like him one bit, but he'd been sent over by his elders to be an enforcer who'd collect on ponies who had run up debts at the club and needed persuading to pay back what they owed.  

  Bramble sauntered up to the table. "Eyeah boss. Whatcha want with me?" He gave the mare a predatory grin.

  Loaded looked at the mare. "Okay dearie here's what need you to do." He pointed to a nearby door leading to a stock room. "I want to go over and stand in front of it, and don't let anyone pass through it."

  The stallion pointed at Bramble. "You! I want you to get passed her by any means. Understood?"

  The unicorn's face positively lit up. "Eyeah boss!" He looked at the mare and giggled. "This will be fun!"   

         Loaded Dice looked back at the mare. "You up for the challenge dearie?"

  The mare grinned and looked the unicorn stallion up and down. "Yeah I can do this." She looked over at the mauve pegasus. "Hey pops! Ya got a smoke?"

  Loaded Dice had noticed her smoke a cigar earlier while she waited her turn. The pegasus reached into his vest pocket and retrieved a pasteboard box of cheap cigars. He fished one out and rolled it across the table to the mare.

  The mare snatched it off table. She gave it a looking over. Sighed, then she bit off the end of it and lit it from the oil lamp sitting on the table. Then she turned to the unicorn stallion.

  "Okay Bumbles! Let's get this over. I'm not getting any younger, and yer not getting any prettier!"

  Anger danced across Brambles face, but the manic grin returned. "Okay. I'm going to enjoy this a lot!"

  Conversations had come to a halt in the club and everyponies eyes were on the two ponies as they took up their positions. The mare in front of the door and the stallion about twenty feet away. The earth pony stood there with almost bored look on her face although she was puffing away mightily on her cheap cigar. Finally Loaded Dice spoke. 

  "Okay you both know what you need to do. Proceed please." 

  The unicorn's horn flared and suddenly he was surrounded by a sphere of crackling, green lightning. He looked at the mare and laughed. "Eyeah! You know what this is? It's a shock field. If you try to touch me or get in my way you'll be screaming in pain. Hee, hee which will be fine with me. I haven't made a mare scream in a couple of weeks!"

  With that he slowly started walking toward the mare who was still puffing on her cigar for all it was worth. The end of it was glowing a brilliant orange. Suddenly she snatched it out her mouth and pitched it at the stallion with a front hoof. As the lit cigar passed through the shock field it burst into a fiery brand. This flaming missile proceeded to lodge itself in the stallion's left eye. 

  Needless to say this resulted in the stallion letting out a horrific scream. It also broke his concentration and the shock field collapsed. In that instant the mare was on him. Rearing up her steel shod, left front hoof crashed into the stallion's face. His teeth scattered like white confetti. Following through she spun around and bucked with all her might. Her back hoofs landed solidly on his neck which snapped back with a sickly, snap sound. The stallion collapsed like a rag doll to the floor. 

  The club was dead silent. The mare looked at the body on the floor for a second, then she sauntered over to the table where Loaded Dice sat very still. Stopping once again in front of the table she smiled at him. 

  "So do I get the job or not governor?" 

  The pegasus slowly nodded his head. "Yes, yes I think you can handle the job. I assume you know how to perform this job without...." 

  He glanced over at a couple of his regulars who were poking Brambles motionless body with a broomstick. Loaded Dice made a gesture and the two ponies who started dragging the unicorn's body away. The pegasus returned the stare to the mare. "Without killing ponies immediately?" 

  The mare grinned. "Yeah, but he was an asshole who needed dealing with! Ya don't seem bothered by me taking care of him."

  She glanced back as his body disappeared through the door she'd just been defending. "Besides Equestria is just a little bit better without that nugget of joy in it! So am I hired or what?"

  Loaded made a small waving gesture with a front hoof. "Yes, yes. You'll do quite fine. Care for another smoke?" This time he produced an elegant tortoiseshell cigar case from his vest. "By the way what's in your name dearie? Please have a seat." 

  The mare flopped down in a seat across from him. Reaching out with a hoof she slid the case over and opened it. Whistling softly she withdrew a cigar and held close to her nostrils. Closing her eyes she took a long, slow sniff. Opening her eyes she smiled at the stallion across the table. She accepted a cigar cutter from Loaded Dice and snipped the end off and once again lit her smoke with the oil lamp on the table. She took a long, slow pull from it and once again closed her eyes. After a couple of seconds she with equal care she let the smoke float out of her mouth. Then she grinned impishly at the stallion.

  "Mighty fine way to welcome a pony onboard governor. Would it be too much ta ask for something to drink with this sweet thing?" 

  "What are you in the mood for dearie?" 

  The mare rolled the cigar back and forth across her mouth a couple times. "Bourbon, good stuff. " 

  Loaded Dice tapped his right front hoof on the table several times to get the bartenders attention. "Brings us a bottle of Golden Mane Reserve and two glasses please." He called out. The mare behind the bar nodded her head and reached under the bar. With task accomplished he looked at the earth pony across from him.

  "Unless you want me to keep calling you dearie I still need your name, so what is it?" 

  The mare started to speak but paused as the unicorn mare brought a tray with a bottle, 2 tumblers, a small bucket of ice, and water flask over and then left. The earth pony whistled again and reached over and poured herself a couple ounce of the amber liquid. Carefully she took a sip of it, closed her eyes and took another pull from the cigar. Without opening her eyes she spoke. 

  "Well my dear old mum named me Morning Glory, but since I got me cutie mark...."

  She opened her eyes and looked down at the symbol of a heart broken in two pieces on her haunches. Then she looked over the pegasus stallion. "I go by the name Heartbreaker."

 To be continued.   




It's the hat. Never mess with a person with a Bowler!


Well, Heartbreaker seems like an interesting character. And dangerous. It will be interesting to see what her role in everything will be.

Dorian Inman

A sophisticated, and calculating, lady. That was a huge risk she took, but I figure she read Loaded’s non verbal reactions to “big dumb mountain” and calculated that taking him out wasn’t going to get her in trouble. She’s dangerous...I LIKE her! Looking forward to how this plays out, especially since we don’t know which side she’s on.


Heartbreaker is used to taking huge risks. It's how she's lived her entire life.