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Okay time to get back to the Equestria dreamscape.

 After her lesson with Applebloom in the Dream Realm Don't worry Little Bloom, Luna joined Celestia in her office to deal with something much less pleasant in my Equestria dreamscape. 

  Luna's personal doctor Rolling Hills set the photos back on the table and looked at her equivalent Celestia's personal doctor Steady Pulse. Then she looked over at the Royal Sisters.  

  "Your Highnesses, hopefully you understand that any prognosis myself an Steady Pulse can give you will only be very general, but if what I am seeing is correct when the raids occur you'll need more than just field medics on site to assist these ponies. Also local hospitals will need to be prepared to receive the worse cases immediately." 

  She looked back at the photos and sighed. "Although I fear for a couple of these ponies unless they've already received urgent medical treatment then they've probably succumbed to their injuries. She looked back to Royal Sisters. "Sun and Moon! What is going on in Manehattan?"

  Celestia who had been primarily overseeing the operation finished her her tea and then stared at the bottom of the cup. 

  "A few days ago as part of our ongoing investigation of the break-in to this very office a while back, one of my operatives stumbled upon this criminal activity. It appears to be indirectly connected to our investigation. Without going into great detail it appears that that various criminal organizations in Manehattan have thoroughly infiltrated the local government and hold sway over several important offices in the city." 

  The Princess of the Sun levitate one of the photos and looked at for a moment. She looked at it in disgust and returned it to the pile of other photos. 

  "Apparently influence has allowed these criminal organizations to become more bold, and depraved, in their operations. In no less than three locations in the city we know of places where ponies are being kept against their wills and being forced to engage in sexual acts..." 

  She looked over at the photos. "And as the photos graphically show some are being tortured for the pleasure of some utterly twisted individuals. Since both you and Dr. Pulse have authorization to sensitive material what Luna and I are asking you for is advice on what additional medical personnel and resources will the Manehattan hospitals need to help with a suddenly an influx of patients. Over the years there have been scattered cases like this around the kingdom, but in all my centuries on the throne I've never seen anything like this." 

  Steady Pulse closed his eyes; removed his pince-nez glasses and rubbed the bridge of his muzzle with left front hoof. He then looked at Celestia. "Your Highness. While these ponies immediately medical needs are our first concern, but what I'm also worried about is the long-term recovery of these ponies. Not just their physical injuries, but the trauma that has been inflicted upon their identity. Many of them appear to have been brutalized repeatedly. They have scars on them that appear to have healed naturally but are several months old. These poor things are broken individuals now. They will require comprehensive care if they are going to have any chance of joining society again." 

  Luna set the paperwork down that she'd been reading and looked at the doctor. "You are correct, and arrangements are being made for that. Also every attempt will be made to find any families or loved ones they may have. We've already started to discreetly collect information about reported missing ponies to see if can expedite contacting them once they've been liberated from this horrifying situation."

  Rolling Hills took a sip of her brandy. "Have you been able to determine the number of ponies we're looking at as patients? That will help us myself and Dr. Pulse in compiling a list of personnel and materials you may need. I assume at this time we should not contact any of our colleagues due to security concerns?"

  The Princess of the Moon nodded her head. "I know it would be optimal to consult other physicians, but yes at this time both Celestia and I must insist that everything you've seen tonight remain confidential until the operation has begun. To answer your first question we believe we're looking at up to 50 or more ponies who will be rescued as a result of this operation." 

  "When will the happen?" Asked Dr. Hills.

  "In less than 2 weeks time." Celestia commented. "Hopefully sooner. However we're having to be careful moving our forces into place and we have to make certain the suspects don't catch wind of our actions." 

  Rolling Hills looked at Celestia. "You do realize if we wait 2 weeks, we may not save some of the ponies in those photos. Is there anyway to move the operation up?" 

  Celestia poured herself a couple ounces of bourbon into tumbler glass. She swirled the contents around for a moment then took a sip. "I'm not happy with the delays either doctor, and with any luck we will move sooner. Some of that will depend whether Phoenix's latest lead pans out."

  The Co-Ruler of Equestria took another sip of the golden liquid. "Although I'm worried she might be biting off more than she can chew with this one. But she insists on handling this one by herself." 

 To be continued.    




I suspect there won't be much left of the perpetrators once caught. There is crime, and then there is CRIME.


I'm curious as to why Luna didn't sense distressed dreams from any of the victims.


Well first off Luna would have to notice it. This is problem confronting her. The population of Equestria had grown to the point where she cannot monitor everything. That is why she's so excited about Applebloom as a possible assistance. Luna is trying some new ideas that may eventually streamline the search process, but at this time it is very much in its infancy.

Dorian Inman

Damn...I thought what a Phoenix found was like those underground brothels where males and females both are kidnapped and tortured...I was hoping it wasn’t. But, hope and wishes go hand in hand; weightless and won’t keep you warm or fed. Apologies, I shouldn’t be so melancholic. At least my favourite of Celestia’s handmares is still on it and not backing down. Don’t know why, but I really like Phoenix.


Phoenix is utterly relentless in her objectives. Once she's acquired a target she doesn't back down unless Celestia orders her to.