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As part of my series called Baron's Art Tips here's another. Even if I  am 100% certain that I've worked out all the details of a drawing out in  my head, I will often do a quick thumbnail of it just to be certain it  really looks as good on paper as it does in my head. This is for a  series of drawings with grownup anthro versions of CMC in nurse outfits.  These thumbnails confirm details like pose and overall appearance of  the characters.

    I find that often you'll discover flaws in your concept that you couldn't see in my mind. When I do these as finished pieces there are several subtle changes I'll do to improve the overall impact. 






Wow you are on a roll with these outfits! Though with these poses they look very closed off or maybe angry at the viewer. Crossed arms will in body language terms can show you are closing yourself off from the viewer. Also how you chest is angled sometimes shows if you are open to someone I think with AB moving her left arm up by making the glove smaller would go a long way or lowering her arms so they kind of frame her breasts and turn her a bit so it's like she's showing off her cleavage.


Interesting comments on the poses, and as I stated in posting you do these sketches to confirm things. I may adjust AB's pose a little but she is donning an elbow length glove. Part of the joke. Also closed poses are not necessarily a bad thing and I especially want Scootaloo to have this. "We can do this two ways. My way or the hard way." look to her. There not really angry as assertive poses which is what I was looking for.