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Princess Celestia took a sip of her sidecar then she set the glass down  on the floor alongside the sofa she was lying on. She then returned her  attention to the pen and parchment levitating in front of her, and  resumed writing her letter.

Dear Twilight

    I  agree with your assessment that these suits do seem to have a profound  effect on certain members of the population. However I advise against an  outright ban of their production and sale. Under the right  circumstances I believe these suits can a beneficial effect on society.

     Today I attended the joint meeting of the Council of Burghers and the  Chamber of Nobles, which as you know are some of the most hidebound,  conservative, unyielding groups to deal with. Getting them to accept or  going along with anything new or progressive can be nigh impossible.

     However I wore one of these suits to the meeting today, and with  minimal resistance I succeeded in passing a 2% tax increase on the  highest income brackets of Luna and I's subjects. In all my years of  attending these gatherings this was easiest I have had in passing  legislation like this.

    Therefore I would argue that just as a  poison can be medicine these suits could play a beneficial role in the  realm. Luna's tests have been a bit more uneven, and I have not heard  the results of Cadence's studies. At this time I believe further review  is warranted before making a final decision.

    Besides I've looked in the mirror and suit does flatter me.

Your good friend and teacher,


Note. This piece will be going on sale tomorrow 12/1/17 at 6pm Pacific at the SmudgeMarks & EngelWerks  ESHOP along with several other pieces.




Being a Royal Guard just got a whole lot harder...er, uh, more difficult; and a whole lot nicer, all at the same time.


Would that be a "sidecar" or a "sidesaddle"? Or is "sidesaddle" an Equestrianism for a position that requires a chiropractor, a carpenter and a big big mop?