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Another moment from the MLP dream/movie that Petina and I watched one  night in my sleep. While Equestria waged an organized war against the invaders from the Realm of Shadows. One pony was conducting her own personal war.

    Shot shell casings and random rifle and pistol  brass littered the floor of the mansion. They clinked, rattled, and rolled as Agent Sweetie Drops hoofs brushed against them as she made her  way down the hallway toward the master bedroom. The walls of the  mansion were covered with a chaotic pattern of bullet holes and shotgun  blasts. Along the detritus of the recent battle was the occasional body of a bodyguard, or a dead creature from the Realm of Shadows.

Well I guess our intel had been correct. This guy had been involved with them.  Thought the mare. How much he knew will now be now determined by the forensics teams that will start piecing together the events of tonight.

The  mansion was quiet except for the sound of a radio or a TV coming from  the master bedroom. Flickering light spilling out from a partially open  door provided the bulk of the illumination. Sweetie Drops advanced  cautiously down hall toward it. In her right hand she kept a Beretta 93R  machine pistol YouTube    pointed at the door. In her left hand she held a 7 inch long, ward  infused, fighting knife. Before entering the building Sweetie Drops had  donned her combination headset and video camera. Everything she saw and  heard was being transmitted to her partner Lyra who was now racing to  her location in her car.

    "Bon-Bon! I recommend you withdraw  and await my arrival!" After knowing her for years Lyra still referred to by her Ponyville cover name in situation like this. Sweetie Drops  could hear the sound of Lyra car's tires squealing over comm link. "I'm  five minutes out! Cool your hoofs and await backup! I've sent a Flash  Alert out and we'll have additional support in another 15 minutes! Don't push your luck marefriend!"

    Sweetie Drops shook her head. "Negative Lyra. I don't believe she's in the building, and I can account  for all of the suspect's security detail. They're dead. Along with several beings from the Realm. It appears she waited until the rest of the domestic staff had been dismissed for the day. I'm trying to locate suspect and determine if he's alive, dead, injured or possibly fled the  property. If he's injured he'll probably need immediate medical  assistance. Besides my wards aren't detecting anymore live forms. I  think I'm the only one alive here."

    Sweetie could hear Lyra  using the horn and swearing at some other motorist. "Yeah! Well have you  considered the idea that she might've planted something that might go  BOOM after she'd bugged out?"

    By this point Sweetie had  reached the partially open door to the master bedroom. She stopped and  listened and observed for a moment. From what she could see through the  opening in the door. A TV was playing some kiddies show. The mare could  hear the squeaky voices of the characters chattering away. A damaged  light above a vanity was the source of the flickering light. She could  see more signs of chaotic gunfire in the room.

    She waited  for minute before taking cover alongside the door she knelt down she  pushed the door open quickly. She counted to 10 then pivoted into the  room. As quickly as possible she did a pirouette in the room sweeping  the corners with the muzzle of her Beretta. She then proceeded to check  behind the door. Continuing to slow pirouette around room she checked  behind the bed, sofa, and toppled arm chair. She then cleared the  bathroom and finally the walk-in closet.

    "Sun and Moon! How  much stuff was she carrying!" Lyra exclaimed. Obviously she was catching  glances of the video feed as she raced toward her partner. "Bon-Bon I'm  passing through the estate gates I'll be there in less than a minute!"

     A few seconds later Sweetie could hear the approaching sound of  Lyra's car, then the sound of the brakes squealing. Fifteen seconds or  so later she heard her partner come barreling through the front door and  start racing up the stairs to the second floor.

    The mare  came barreling into room. The mint green mare had hastily donned her web  gear. She had an HK51 ultra-compact .308 rifle with a 50rd drum  magazine in her hands. YouTube   The mare paused looked around the room.

     "Damn! She wrecked this place good!" Lyra looked at Sweetie Drops who  was wearing the maid outfit she was suppose wear at her job here and  smiled.

    "Glad you're the maid and not me! You're going to be here forever cleaning up this party!"

     Sweetie rolled her eyes and started walking toward the furthest wall. Something she'd seen in her initial sweep she wanted to get a closer  look at now. Hastily scrawled on the wall in big red letters were the  words SMILE SMILE. As she looked at she noticed something else on  floor to her left. It was puddle blood, but she'd found no body in the room. Then as she stared at it drop of blood fell from above and splattered on the floor.

    "Shit!" Exclaimed the mare as  stepped back and raised the pistol toward the ceiling. Like most rooms  in this Tudor-style house Wikipedia  the ceilings were very high. Over 20ft in some rooms. There hanging  from the rafters was the body of the stallion Wheel n' Deal. Several  loops of wire were wrapped around the neck of his lifeless body, and the  wire had begun cutting into his flesh.

    Lyra looked up saw  the body as well. "Damn it! She waited until we were called in by that  jackass in Fillydelphia. She might not of had her opportunity to do this if we'd been here watching him! I hope Celestia broils that dumbass alive! This guy was our best chance to catch her, and for us to shut those  buggers down before they influence or sway anymore ponies to their  side!"

    Lyra kicked some shell casings on the floor in  frustration. "What's the point of having us go undercover if we can't  keep a watch on the suspect because damn paper pushers thinks we're not  filling out our reports correctly?"

    Sweetie Drop silently  shook her head. In the distance she could hear wail of approaching sirens, but once again Pinkie had struck.



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