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I recently came across a little bit of advice that I'd like to pass  along to beginning artists. When you're learning it is easy to become  frustrated when you see other artists creating great art and your work  is not living up to your expectations. At times like this it's easy to  just want to give up. Don't do it. When you're uncertain remember these  three rules:

1. Create. The worst it can do is suck.
2. Create again. Bad art happens to good artists.
3. Just create. Art is cheaper than therapy or a lot of other hobbies.

 There is a common saying in the art world.

Every  artist has 10,000 bad pictures in them, and an ultimate number of good  ones. The trick is to work all of the bad ones out your system so all  you have left are the good ones.

This is why I consider  drawing and sketching such an important part of an artist's list of  skills. It is a relatively cheap way to work through that 10,000, and it will seem like more than that at the time, and start developing the skills that can be applied to other media in the future.

Enough ranting and rambling from me. I need to get to work.



This is very good advice, indeed.