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 Pony Bay is a small oceanside community that is nestled in a small harbor just a day's travel via boat from Manehattan in my Equestria dreamscape. The community existed to primarily to support the loading of timber from the mountains just a few miles inland onto schooners that ran up and down the east coast of Equestria supplying timber for various needs. Linking the harbor to numerous lumber camps was a network of narrow gauge railroads that served them. However there was another side to this small community. A darker side.

  A long time fixture of this harbor town was the tavern called the Green Tankard. Located along the cobblestone waterfront it was a regular stop for sailors, railroad ponies, ponies coming down from the timber camps, and purchasing agents seeking loads of timber. The tavern was also prime meeting place for smugglers looking arrange buyers for their goods or needing to make a deal with one of the warehouse owners to store their wares until their stock could be moved. 

  The owner of this fine establishment was Busted Bottle. he'd purchased it many years ago and through various channels and numerous discreet favors had cultivated a relationship with local leaders that assured his business, and any business that took place inside his establishment, would not be encumbered by intrusive, nosey, busybody ponies. Within the walls of this two story building of field stone and timber if the right pockets were lined and no trouble was made then no questions were asked. 

  It was 6 in the evening but there was already small herd of ponies gathered at the bar, or at various tables nursing drinks, playing cards, or making deals. Over the sound of talking, cursing over losing another round of cards, and deals being made was the sound of a harmonica playing.  

  There was a bell located above the front door that would ring anytime some pony entered or left. Upon hearing the bell ring Busted Bottle looked from his book to see a cloaked and hooded pony enter the main room. The pony paused for moment and looked around before pushing back its hood. It was an earth pony mare who was obviously a first timer to the Green Tankard. A rather plain looking thing. Her coat was a silver gray and her mane of lighter grey was tied up in a rooster tail. She had a sleepy, almost bored look on her face. She looked around and noted the of the other occupants of the tavern then made her way over to the bar. As she settled on to a stool Busted moseyed over to her. 

  "What'll it be m'am?" Asked the earth pony stallion. 

  "Do you have ginger beer?" The mare asked. 

  Busted grinned, and reached down pulled a bottle from the ice box beneath the bar. Using a special edge on the inside of his horse shoe he popped the bottle open and passed it to the mare.   
  "Here ya go. 1 bit! want anything else?" The stallion was obviously amused by the mare's order. 

  For a moment the mare looked like she was going to contest the price, but she nodded her head and passed a bit over to the owner. Then she took a pull from the bottle then looked at bottle brown stallion. 

  "This is very good ginger beer." She said slowly. 

  "Glad ya like it lady! I've got a supplier in Baltimare who sets me up with the stuff!" Busted then noticed for the first time that the mare lower legs were covered in boots of dull black leather that were sheathed in overlapping, steel plates.  Nonchalantly he moved over a step then sat down on his haunches and started cleaning some dirty glasses.

  "So lady. Besides drinking ginger beer what bring ya to the Green Tankard this evening?" 

  "I was hoping you might be able to identify something for me." The mare said slowly. "My sources said you might be able to shed some more light on where it came from. It would be most helpful." 

  Busted Bottle slowly set the glass and cleaning cloth down and rested his front hoofs on the bar shelf in front of him. With a very deliberate and clear voice he spoke. 

  "That depends m'am. I've seen all kinds of things."

  The mare nodded her head and slowly reached into the purse that hung from around her neck. From it she withdrew a flat metal disc about the size of a coaster. One side of the disc was covered in engravings. Carefully she set it down on the bar then looked at owner. 

  "My sources say this ward breaker and the others like it were purchased by an individual who regularly comes to town and does business transactions here in your establishment. My sources also say that you helped arrange the meeting between this individual and another, currently unknown, individual  who provided the ward breakers. Would that be true?" Said the mare in a matter of fact fashion. 

  The music stopped and ponies could be heard rising from seats and slowly walking toward the bar while others fled out the front door causing the bell to jingle frantically. The mare kept looking at the tavern owner.  

  "Does it look familiar?" asked the mare. 

  A male voice from behind spoke up. "M'am. Any business that happens here is between the folks making the deal and is none of yours!" 

  The mare took another long pull of her ginger beer and then looked over her shoulder. Behind her were 4 stallions and 2 mares glaring at her. A couple of them had on studded steel war boots. With a look of utter indifference the mare stared at them for a moment. 

  "I'm not talking to you at the moment. However I will need to talk to all of you since you may have information I need. Please return to your seats and I will be with you after I'm done talking to the owner." She then looked back at the owner. 

  "So, have you seen this before?" she said.

  "Look lady! Unless you want trouble you better get your tail out of here now!" One of the mares spoke up. 

  The mare turned around on her the stool and stared at other mare with an expression of complete boredom. Then she finished her ginger beer and slowly rested the bottle between her front hoofs on her lap. 

  "I'm not leaving until I have an answer, and none of you are leaving either. If this is problem for you it is not a concern for me. Now please take your seats. I'll be with you soon."

  "And what if we decide to teach you a lesson you nosey mare!" Growled a short fireplug of unicorn stallion.

  The earth pony mare looked over at the unicorn stallion. "Would you like to see me do a magic trick?" 

  "What?" replied the stallion with a look of confusion on his face.   

  "A magic trick." Said the mare again. "It's really simple. Watch." 

  The mare tossed the empty soda bottle up into air. Instinctively Busted Bottle's eyes followed its upward arc along with several of the other ponies gathered. For a brief second the mare was out of their vision.

  Busted was aware of the sound of sudden movement and violence then the bottle plummeted back down and the mare caught it with her front hoofs. On the floor were all 6 of the other ponies. The pony on stool began to turn around toward him.

  "Sun and Moon!" Screamed the tavern owner's as his front hoofs dove under the bar. On the underside of the bar was simple, stout scabbard. It held a cocked musket that had been cut down to make it a blanket gun. At some point in its past it had been converted from flintlock to percussion. It was a crude thing but its .65 caliber smoothbore barrel could shoot ball or shot with equal ease and lethal effect. He yanked it from its scabbard. Shoved it toward the mare's face and pulled the trigger all in one motion. The mare's face vanished in a cloud of powder smoke and fire as the gun bucked in his hoofs.  

  After what seemed like an eternity the smoke cleared and the mare was still sitting there looking at him. On the far wall the stallion could where the musket ball and assorted shot pellets had torn a hole in the wall. It was as if the projectiles had passed through the mare's head without injuring her.

  For several seconds nopony moved. Then the mare casually reached over and took the gun from the stunned stallion. Holding it with both hoofs she smashed it on the edge of the bar. The stock and the edge of bar shattered and the barrel crumpled. With this accomplished she dropped it on the floor. 

  "Who are you?" Asked the tavern owner in a timid voice. 

  "My name is Quick Silver. I am a Scale Bearer for the Royal Court." She paused for a moment and picked up the ward breaker.  

  "So, what you do know about this?" 

 To be continued. 




Wow - did he really think that old gun would hurt her? Some people just do not know when to back off.


Such an appropriately named mare. Celestia has certainly gathered an interesting group of ladies-in-waiting.


Are we going to see an action report from Blood Feather too? We got Phoenix and Silver, missing one more.


Interrogations go so much easier once the ground rules are established. One just needs to make the right......connections.


"I need information. I will not tell anyone you provided it, unless it's about you and relevant to my investigation. I have only two things that interest me right now -- my investigation and treason against the Crown. Cooperate with my investigation and I will have no further interest in you."


She moves with an almost fluid like manner. She's stronger than she looks, and like mercury she can be quite deadly if not probably handled improperly.


Great way of catching the exact moment when poor Bottle realizes he's completely and utterly bucked. I feel kinda sorry for him but, well, the business carries some risks - and his expression is pure gold, I can't stop giggling looking at it.


"Want to see a magic trick?" Obviously the ponies of equestria don't have the equivalent of 'The Dark Knight' or they'd have known something was wrong right then and there...

Terri Mouse

That was EXACTLY what I was thinking was gonna happen. If Quick Silver produced a pencil, that's it, I'm outta here.