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Applejack removed her signature Stetson hat and worried the brim for a moment before speaking.

    "Pinkie Pie is the sweetest pony ya all will ever meet! She'd never hurt anypony or thing on purpose!"

     AJ eyes got a slightly haunted look. "That was before 'they' got a  hold of her. When the portal opened and the darkness came through Pinkie  was one of the ponies they caught first. We were able to get her back  in a day or so, but, but by that time they'd done what they'd done.  She's still not a threat ta other ponies, but now she can sense when the  shadows are around. And then she becomes..."

    Placing her hat  back on her the mare growled. "She becomes what ya saw today!  Understand all of us don't mind seeing one less of them varmints in this  world, but, well, we're all worried that the more often she does this  more likely she'll never come back ta us. Besides at some point her rage  is going ta get her in ta something that even her berserker speed and  strength can't deal with."

    "So could ya do me a favor? Could  ya keep an eye on her while me and the girls are gone? I know Twilight  is trying ta find a cure, but in the meantime this is the best we can  do. Also it might be wise ta keep the cutlery away from her, and the  power tools. Definitely don't let her in the tool shed!"

      Another moment from the anthro MLP movie/dream I had several nights ago.  I am usually not a fan of the Cupcakes/Psycho Pinkie Pie,    but this was a different scenario. I never found out in the dream what  exactly the creatures from the Realm of Shadows did to Pinkie, but she  could sense their presence and then she'd go rogue. In fact Lyra and  Bon-Bon spend a good part of the dream tracking her down and bringing  her back.

Edit. By the way there was a song connected to her in the dream. Shinedown sure got a lot of airtime in this dream. YouTube



Dorian Inman

By the stars! That poor mare! Lyra and Bonbon have my sympathies.


Yeah there were a couple of occasions where Lyra and Bonbon found her but she'd already waded into some local hive/enclave and they had to decide if they should go in and assist her. Since doing that was effectively a suicide mission, or wait outside and hope she survives and then try to nab her.


My question is what happens if she runs out of Shadows to fight?


If she senses no shadows it's like someone throws a switch and Pinkie reverts back to normal, and then usually passes out from exhaustion and any injuries she's sustained and ignored while in berserk mode.