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While my household had an interesting evening, other ponies were busy to.

     a Corporal Trotter, Drone 992 in disguise, took a small sip of his ale in my Equestria dreamscape. The changeling didn't like alcohol at all, but the location he'd received from his new handler had not been at the usual spot in the sewers You have potential but instead in a local pub near the barracks. So it would look a bit odd for him not to order a drink. He was off duty at the moment but like most guard ponies, including the others in the pub, he was still wearing his service tunic.   

      Fortunately the changeling had cultivated the image of Trotter being solid, reliable, and likable but not one who his fellow troopers would think of first to invite for a wild night on the town. He was a bit too bookish for that kind of thing. 

  Still here he was at the bar nursing his drink waiting for his contact with his new handler, although he wouldn't know who his contact was until they gave the code signal. He was just about to order something to eat when a female spoke up next to him. 

  "Excuse me, but is this seat taken?" 

  Turning his head Trotter found himself looking into the intensely green eyes of a gorgeous unicorn mare. her overall body color was a pale mauve with a long deep violet mane with contrasting pink highlights that flowed like a waterfall over one side of her face. Her tail was equally long and flowing. She wore a snug little black dress that further enhanced her sleek, supple body. 

  Trotter shook his head. "No, no. It's not taken feel free to get off your hoofs." 

  The mare flashed him a smile and then sat herself. "Thanks, thanks a lot." She flagged the earth pony mare tending bar and ordered herself a Cosmopolitan. A few minutes later the bartender set a chilled cocktail glass filled with a deep, ruby red fluid in front of the mare to drink. The unicorn levitated the glass smoothly to her lips and took a long, slow sip.  Then she returned it to its coaster. She looked over and shot an impish grin at the stallion. 

  "You're not regular here are you. I'm familiar." She turned and glanced over at several of the off duty guard ponies who were having raucous discussion in a corner booth. Then looked back to the corporal. " With all the regulars, and I've never seen you here before. What's your name?" 

  The corporal was bit annoyed. He'd come here to meet with his handler. Not to have a casual conversation with some random mare, but he knew it would look odd if he didn't act at least sociable to her. 

  "Trotter. Corporal Trotter." He said with a smile. "And who do I have pleasure of meeting?"

  The mare smiled back. "Purple Marten." 

  Trotter froze. That was the code word for tonight's contact. He smiled. "I'm fond of birds but I've never had a chance to see a purple marten up close." That was the response he was suppose to give. 

  The mare smiled and scooted her stool over and rested a her right front leg on his left. Then she leaned over and nuzzled his neck slowly. As she did she whispered in his ear. 

  "I have room upstairs reserved. Why don't we go up there. We can get more accomplished that way." 

  Purple Marten finished her drink and paid her bill. Trotter did the same and followed after the mare. Trotter's interaction with Purple Marten had not gone unnoticed and as he headed up the stairs behind the mare he got several cheers of encouragement from other members of the guard. The corporal smiled and went upstairs. 

  Purple Marten stopped in front of one of many lodging rooms the inn had. Looking back over her shoulder she smiled and then opened the door and strolled in. Trotter followed in after her. The room had no windows but as he stepped inside the mare was already lighting a couple oil lamps in the room. In a few seconds the room was full of warm. glowing light. A sturdy bed, a simple stout chest, and a small rustic table and chair were the only furnishings. The mare went and laid down on the bed. The corporal closed and locked the door and then sat down on the chair across from the mare. 

  "So." said the mare as she played with her mane for a moment. "How does the planning progress for the operation? Have settled on the location for the switch yet?" 

  Trotter nodded his head. "Yes. Originally I considered doing it on the train bringing her to Canterlot but I've now ruled it out. Although she'd have the smallest security detail present at that time the chances of getting her off the train unnoticed are slim. Same goes for the steam ship bringing her. I want to make certain that we can abduct her and have our Queen take her place and then have the princess moved out to a controlled location in shortest possible amount of time, and I think I've found the place to do it!" 

  "And this location would be..." Purple Marten kept playing with her mane. 

  "The Royal Palace." 

  The mare stopped playing with her mane and raised an eyebrow. "Really?" 

  "Yes!" He held up his front hoofs. "Now I know it may sound a little crazy." 

  "More than a little." Said the mare with a deadpan voice. 

  The stallion sighed. "There is a series of crystal mines beneath the city, and one that runs under the palace. The unicorns use to mine the area for centuries until a couple hundred years ago when encountered a region of seriously tainted crystal veins. Not only was the area physically dangerous to work in, but the crystals also dampened and counteract most unicorn magic. The entrances were sealed off and are now forgotten by the inhabitants of the city." 

  Marten was now staring intently at him. "This is the first I've heard of these?" She seemed a bit uncertain and annoyed about not having known this fact. 

  Trotter shrugged. "I passed this information along to my last handler a couple times? It is how I've been able to dispose of several bodies. Perhaps the information has not been dispersed yet to all operatives?" 

  "Or they decided to keep that information for their own use." The mare's voice had suddenly gotten very cold. "But you've found a way into them?" 

  "Better! One of the access can reached through forgotten side passage that runs under the Royal Suites of the palace. It's how I got rid of." 

  Trotter tapped his chest. "The original Corporal Trotter. I kept him alive for a couple weeks after assuming his persona so I could glean further information about his background before I took care of him. My team has taken care of several others obstacles that way, and I have couple that I have in chrysalises down there because they may be valuable assets for our Majesty in the future." 

  "Okay, there are still some hurdles to your plan." Purple Marten was staring intently at Trotter with positively predatory grin. "However, what if..." 

  For the next several hours they laid the groundwork for the abduction of Princess Cadence.  

 To be continued.     




Well, that certainly answers some questions. The next ones are "Who was disposed of" (who's dead) and "who is in the chrysalises" (those currently comatose). I figure we'll find out; no doubt the caves will be thoroughly investigated after what happens with Cadence (assuming the dreamscape follows canon), and certain ponies will be 'missing' after the invasion.


Well we know the fate of the real Trotter.


I was afraid of that answer - this changling has racked up a lot of people killed.


In this kind of business it happens. That's why I'm so glad I don't have to do it.


Bad bug. BAD. Time for the Raid.


"I love it when a plan comes together." :)