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So this is the finished piece I've been working on, and yes I plan to  offer prints of this one especially at Bronycon. Along with just wanting  to do a Wonderbolts picture I also used this piece to explore a problem  I have encountered in the past.

    There has been several  pieces, usually involving Vipera Vixen, where in the process creating  the image I would encounter something that I've not experienced with  other colored pencil pieces. Color bleeding. I would get this yellowish  staining halo around the figure, and if I was working on piece with no  background just the white of the paper it could ruin the piece.

     For the longest time I had assumed it was the pigment from the orange  colored pencil since Vipera is very orange. However when I was working  on "Prepare To Engage The Enemy " I experienced the same problem.

     This led me to conduct some experiments with all of the orange,  ochre, and yellow orange colored pencils in my studios. Much to my  surprise the orange, mineral orange, and pumpkin orange Prismacolors were all stable. However the yellow ochre, yellow orange, Spanish  orange, and goldenrod would all create yellow bleed stains up to a  quarter inch wide when I used heavy amounts of OMS around them. If I  used a lighter amount of solvent I could greatly reduce or eliminate the  bleeding altogether. Even after doing this for decades there are still  new things to learn. Even with a medium you're intimate with.



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