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We've been having a discussion between devs and then posted to our Discord regarding changing our dev cycle going forward. We wanted to see if those not on the Discord (or not active) had any thoughts -

How would you all feel about if, rather than going 'on' and 'off' cycle, we did a little of both with each release?

Meaning, we'd do a poll and players would select which part of Manila (for the time being) and which part of the Prologue got attention?

Then the cycle (0.8 in this case) would be comprised of both types of content being added/improved.


From my point of view, given how many paths and opportunities there are, it would allow us to really hone in on a specific path and devote all the energy to it. Currently, I feel like I am short-changing some paths and arcs because I'm trying to advance each of them a little bit, giving content and forward progression on all fronts.

Feel free to discuss and give feedback!



Do whatever gives you the most energy I am jere for the game not to demand you do your game my way.