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Kwame James

What are yall talking about New York always asking Tony to kill people for them Carmine and Johnny both asked Tony to kill each other and also Johnny asked Tony to kill Rusty which was the only other time that the junkie was involved in a hit and they killed Rusty also they use the junkie because he is an associate that speaks English and Italian and knows his way around New York which is where the hits happen and he has access to untraceable guns for the Italian mob guys to use and drop Bobby death was on him he didn't have his phone on him nor his gun and his obsession with trains and Silvio know what it was and still didn't have his gun on him Patsy got away because he had his gun on him it's like a great movie Carlito way

Kwame James

Tony is 100% justified in how he feels about Juror on top of the fact he hated on Tony for years ok he might not have meant to shot Tony but season one he was 100% in his right mind when hired two black guys to kill Tony Juror didn't protect Bobby from doing murders Bobby was low level then Tony took all his power away after trying to kill him instead of just killing Juror and Juror was going to let Bobby kill the guy his dad dead after kill with hopes that if Bobby dad died from cancer that he wouldn't he even was going to kill someone in Artie restaurant out of spite

Phillip Morgan

They did have the finger prick and all that when Christopher got made. The spreading of misinformation is a recurring theme on the show