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paul carlsen

You look like a Puerto Rican whooah


I still wonder from time to time what actually happened to Renata

paul carlsen

Breh past a certain point they just let sil do whatever tf he want in the background of any shot cos they know fans only cared about hard knock shit. Mf was reweaving a tribal drum and nobody noticed

paul carlsen

Also they stay doing quick cuts to Phil lighting a cigar out of nowhere. Without any provocation whatsoever

Matthew Kaufman

There’s no way. A random death to hammer home the theme that you never know when your ride will be up


I get that. I'm just wondering if it was a heart attack, an aneurysm, what..?


Little kid needs to be burned alive for killing a cat. I'm surprised Tony didn't twist His FUCKING head!


Bralik LoooooooooooolLOOOOL! Come on Tony always fought, he has way more layers now, he always makes it right after, and apologieses and means it. He is way more of a layered likeable character now, more personality, color, swag. He didn't even react to getting hit by Carmella, he also didn't spazz at that guy at the stripclub who was annoying him, he's actually nice to civilians even if they annoy him. He was nice to Vito Jr and had a heart for him, when he saw Vito Jr tear up. He sympathized alot cuz he had a messed up childhood. He just doesn't know how to handle it, and yes he's a bit selfish he should hang out with the kid once a week and be is uncle. Take the kid to Church.


Tony should of hung out with the kid I sensed that's what he wanted, someone to talk to him about his feelings and release his emotions and give him validation and speak. Should of gone to Church and youth programs. Tony should of hang out with him once a week it would of shown the kid made him feel wanted and loved and a father figure aside from God.




8.9. Not quite a 9 I guess but up there. I'd give it a 9 actually it's important

Ryan O'Neill

During a flashback in Season 3, Tony's dad told him to never gamble after he cut that guy's finger off for owing him money. That's what I always thought of during this episode. I guess that's another way of showcasing just how far he has fallen. Think the Vito Jr. stuff was to show us what happens after one of these guys dies, which is prob why they also brought up Ginny Sack having to move in with her daughter. Love that the kid has to have a sit-down with 2 bosses 😂. And Phil's dialogue seems to get funnier and more iconic with each episode.


This episode really shows how evil Tony has become towards the end. A common theme that I’ve come to find about this show is that no matter how much therapy or help that Tony receives throughout the show, he’s shown time and time again that he’s incapable of changing along with the other main characters


I loved the juxtaposition of Phil talking to Vito Jr. vs Tony doing it. It really shows you how Tony is a bit better than Phil, but not much. He starts off the conversation way better than Phil...he's more sympathetic and starts with a question about what's been happening at school. But at the end, when the problem isn't easy to solve, he gets frustrated and turns into Phil with the simplistic "Just be a man!!" order. That's what's great about the character of Tony Soprano. He has an angel on his shoulder that never wins. It always seems like some part of him wants to be good and do the right thing, but the bigger part of him is just like an overemotional schoolboy with no patience to do the right thing.

Corina Perez

Hesh was a great friend to Tony. Tony was a shit friend to Hesh. Another episode where Tony acted like a bitch when he's called on to be responsible and pay his debt. Hesh didn't give him attitude when he handed over that 200K. I love this episode. If nothing else happened, that fight scene between Tony and Carmela is worth the price of admission. Mr. Gandolfini was brilliant on this episode, especially that scene. He was vicious. As far as AJ goes just a few episodes back, AJ lied about being fired from Blockbuster and was basically forced to get a real job by his dad. AJ started growing up and thinking seriously about his future when he fell in love with Blanca. And he reacted like any young man in his first serious relationship. It didn't work out. He can have the tattoo removed or tattoo something else over it. People do it all the time.


Little Vito went toe to toe against two bosses and stood his ground lmao, no fear and no sense just like his pops. I always thought of 6B as Tony becoming disillusioned with everything in his life, even his dad, which is why he has a scowl on his face during Remember When as Paulie talks about Johnny Boy (Uncle June is in this episode by no coincidence). He almost kills Paulie and ruins his relationship with Hesh, a longtime family friend. It's like he's cutting off any ties to his past.


You change based on your own willingness to do so. Only you can choose which path you may take in life


Sil was always in the background trying to glue back together something that Tony broke in a rage, lol!

Ryan Bobsaul

I get his logic "being up big picture wise"


where the next episode at??

Kwame James

Just a heads up yall act like Hesh was the best friend to Tony in season one Tony had to fight with Junior to bring down his 500k tax to 250 and then gave back his 50k then he owned the race track with Tony dad and Phil and he wouldn't have bought it up if not for his dad girlfriend so they both wasn't the best of friends they was helpful to each other


I think it’s less important as to whatever happened to Vito jr, but the point I think is more of the way the mob deals with the fallout of the deaths of their so called “brothers in the life” and all the talk about being a family, but when you die, whose really going to take care Of your wife and kids ? Will anyone care what happens to your children when you’re gone? No matter how much you earned or killed for the family, when your gone, nobody really cares about your family. That’s why you see Carmela constantly worried about her financial future in the case that Tony dies or goes to prison. She knows she’ll be on her own. The mob claims they’ll take care of your family but she knows it’s not true