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Hi Patrons, long time no speak!

5 Minute Reviews are still in the works, but in October I will be doing my 31 Horror Movie reviews in 31 days! I've written a bunch of them already, they're ready to record and edit, and I'll schedule them throughout this month ready for October. 

They vary in length - originally I intended on doing them as 5 minute reviews but I didn't like the format in this instance, I wanted them to be proper full reviews and discussions. So some may be quite long.

Again, apologies for inactivity on my end: I'm still pretty overwhelmed with looking for jobs and am not finding a lot of personal time at all. But I will make up for it with lots and lots of lovely videos, very soon.

When October rolls around, I'll let you folks all vote at the end for your favourites - and those will end up on YouTube! I hope you enjoy them. 



Horror month best month! Curious about your picks!


I asked for recommendations on Twitter back last December! Got a big fat list, lots of explore