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Kainé from NieR ♥

I loved the game so much and the soundtrack is still one of my favorites *___*


My amazing patrons will get:

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  💜 step-by-step images
  💜 PSD file
  💜 Wallpaper
  💜 full coloring video process 
  💜 NSFW version




God above humanity


No bulge? Haha, just kidding. Great job


Ohhhh I'm extremely thankful for this! <3


Gorgeous like always. I get the feeling this one might have an "additional" version :P

Viewtiful Joe

Original Nier is still one of my favs


Thank god, I’ve been waiting for this for so long! It’s even better than I expected! It’s just so..... so...... BEAUTIFUL!


Oh always a fan of the NieR ladies, love her her pose, expression she has that "god you have me posing in this outfit how is it combat approved" haha. Another great artwork Dandon can't wait to see the rest of the month 😊


I hope we get an “alternate” version of this 😏


Sexy! Dandon! 😘 But I dream of Kale and Kefla by Dandonfuga! 🥱😂


Whoa! The rendering is absolutely stunning Dandon! Your lighting is always on point, it's amazing! Tell me your secrets XD And those eyes... as gorgeous as always! This is definitely another must watch for the process video *__*


I think I'm the only person I know who didn't play this game.


o.O Amazing work Dandon! Nier ladies are awesome! Sadly havn't played it, but just by the design of characters I love this game ;) You gave her a very nice pose and a jaw dropping attire, wow , I can't wait to see the rest of it... Oh and she's wearing even a chainsword ( yeah greetings from the 42nd millenium xD ). Wonderful work Dandon, hope to see some other lovely ladies this month too, maybe also from Nier Universe ... xD Or better Nova ^^ All the best and stay warm and awesome, biggest hugs in da hood ^^ :D <3 :D


Watch this to see how lovely Kainé is XD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJM2wgIhsm0

Ciarán M

KAINÉ!!! Oh she looks amazing! 😻😻😻😻😻 So pleased to see you painting another NieR character, while I didn't play the original game, I did watch a playthrough and ended up loving the story and characters and I'd get all giddy with the original NieR moments in Automata. But never mind all that, looking at this painting, it is simply glorious! I really like the overall cool colour palette with the dark grey-blue background, as well as the whites, blacks and blues of Kainé's hair and clothes, with her warm skin tones really popping against it all. The Emil head on the sword pommel is a fun little detail and I just love the Lunar Tear in her hair (when I was playing Automata, I'd put the flower in everyone's hair, even 9S 😹). The pose is wonderfully alluring with how she reclines back, her breasts and abs on display and even spreading her legs, but still with that dangerous Kainé attitude with her weapon at the ready and a mean scowl on her face. Speaking of her face, you really made her look so beautiful! I absolutely adore her pale grey-blue eyes, as well as the soft, pale lighting on the right side of her face, really contrasts with the shadow-side to create a gentle but still striking divide in tone while also really accentuating her features. The hair is wonderful too, so very intricate and with a sense of softness to it, I also enjoy how the light shines onto it from the top left to create an overall light-dark contrast on each side. Her clothes and accessories are brilliant too with the way the bandages are all interlocked and running across her body, as well as the dull, shining textures of the blue bracers on her arms, while the blue negligee looks so soft and sensual as it ripples across her body, teasing some of her skin tone while still parting to reveal the brightly lit forms of her abs. Some really great details are the way the various straps across her body indent into the forms below, like the strap on her right right as well as the straps on her breasts, sinking into the blue material. I also really like her right hand with the bright rim-lighting on the black and how well defined all the forms are, while the different metal textures across the length of the sword are terrific too, with the smooth, shining handle vs the rougher look of the blade. And of course all of the visible skin and anatomy looks amazing with a beautiful texture to it all, I especially like her right leg with the bright light along the top with an opposing shadow running along the lower planes, as well as indications of her inner thigh muscle. Absolutely sensational work on this piece, Dandon! The face really is just so good! 👏👏👏😻😻😻👏👏👏😻😻😻👏👏👏😻😻😻👏👏👏😻😻😻👏👏👏😻😻😻 Suffice to say, I'll be excited to see all of the versions of Kainé and I have no doubt that I'll be using her as my wallpaper (currently rocking Vampirella on my tablet 😸) and I wonder, might we see some fluffy versions for Kainé here? With the angle here obscurring the centre of her open legs, white hair spreading out and further teasing it would look so very enticing 😉. I'd be grateful if you considered it but either way, I know I'm going to love seeing more of Kainé regardless! 😻😻😻

Chris Harris

Unofficial Lingerie Queen. 🤤 I think that may explain the expression you have given her, I mean her costume is lingerie. 🤪 What a great painting! Thanks again Dandon. 🙂

Ciarán M

Well, Poison got an "alternate" version, so there's certainly a precedent for it 😉😹


I have never played this game but I have to admit from many years of observation that the less clothes the character is wearing, the more durable and powerful it is (Conan told me that ^^) She looks amazing and her clothes clasify her to Lingerie Queens set (Forgot to add LQ cover?) :D ;) Have a nice day :)


OMG! I'm playing that game! I loved Nier Automata so I had to play the first one! What a nice piece Dandon! :3


I LOVE IT!!! Shes gonna get the same treatment as Poison, right?! 🍆🥵

Vasily Lavrov

Beautiful! I think it might be my favorite Kaine fanart yet! Where's her hair braid though?


I loved the original game too! This is one of the best depictions of Kaine. Too bad you can't show off her foul mouth.


You’ve been killing it again this month, Dandon. A great early Christmas present for us all! :D

Christopher Edwards

She is beautiful! I still need to play more of Nier. I really want to share that with Laura Bailey (her English VA) when you post this on twitter! I really need to learn how you do hair because hers is amazing (and I really suck at it.)

Ashley Mason

I always feel I fall for your art each and every time anew, with something different that catches my eye to admire. I love what you create in each piece, building beyond the sexiness of characters (which they ooze so wonderfully). I adore so much about this painting for the subtle nature, a craft you have honed to bring that beauty forward in their character. You express so much with so little. The subtlety in their expression and posture, sword resting over their shoulder, tiny details that make Kaine more than a gorgeous body in alluring lingerie. A sexy variant of the Mona Lisa for our generation.


Both Jet Set Radio, both Mirror's Edge, Katamari Damacy, Life is Strange, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Castlevania: SOTN, and Bloodstained: ROTN are some of my all time favorite game soundtracks. Also Friday the 13th game soundtrack since Harry Manfredini came back to do the music.


Oh yes, see through <3 Cant wait what you got up your sleeve for Christmas :3 last year was so amazing with the shout out on your naughty list ;P


I want kaine to swear at me.


She looks both extremely cute and sassy at the same time. I love her.