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Please choose your favorite lady for the next Beachqueen artwork :)

You have multiple votes if you like more than one of these ladies. ♥



If MJ wins draw her swimsuit with a Spiderman costume design.

Christopher Edwards

Mary Jane gets my vote since you haven't drawn her yet. Plus red heads are beautiful!


Great choices!


Master dandon almost has 2k patrons hooray !


no love for Rogue ;3;


Oof.. Throwing a hard curve ball Dandon.. But I do enjoy voting on polls for hot girls ^^


Mary Jane and Wonder Woman definitely! <3


I really can't imagine WW naked. Sorry.


I missed the suggestion box didn't I? Would have said Haruka Gracia (Basquash!). Good poll though.


Hrmm. Do I have to choose? Can't you just draw them all having a good time?

Dazaster Dellus

We need more Rogue and Lady Death art in the world.


Rogue and MJ but Rogue wins out just a little. Need more Rogue art work. But don't we all win no matter who wins out in the poll hehe. 😄


Don't forget to do a male character Dandon! Maybe your take on Venom? But sfw..

Reier Gotter

I hope you will draw all these lovely ladies soon even if not for the beach queen. :)


<a href="https://media.giphy.com/media/D7Qzw12q9s8Tu/giphy.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media.giphy.com/media/D7Qzw12q9s8Tu/giphy.gif</a>


Would love to draw her, though I'm glad I don't have to choose, I like all of them XD

Sergio Barajas

This is like a jigsaw game “make your choice, let the game begins”


Mary Jane would be glorious in the late evening beach sun, and Lady Death should be next, she has definitely not enough artwork on her side, and what a contrast it would be.


Without seeing the results i knew that mj would be in first place ^^ Wonder woman wears already a monokini as her outfit, same as lady death. So i choosed rogue (my all time fav xmen girl *_* &lt;3) and i got a faible for red heads so this poll was easy. :D But i must say i hope MJ wins and we get this <a href="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/x-men/images/1/14/Rogue_%28Anna_Marie%29_%28Earth-12131%29_from_Marvel_Avengers_Alliance_001.png/revision/latest?cb=20180220004751" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/x-men/images/1/14/Rogue_%28Anna_Marie%29_%28Earth-12131%29_from_Marvel_Avengers_Alliance_001.png/revision/latest?cb=20180220004751</a> in the future *_* the perfect version of rogue &lt;3


Ooh! Idea! Let them play beach volleyball!

Dazaster Dellus

Rogue almost in second! Come on guys! Just imagine her Southern Belle accent! Now imagine her being drawn by Dandonfuga. I mean.....if that doesn't sell you........I don't know what will!?!

Pervy Sage

Gotta go with Lady Death not a lot of lewds with her. Plus suggestion for September batch, 2 words Terry Bogard


Whst do you think about a bikini like this? For mj 1. <a href="https://pm1.narvii.com/6599/0c63db3be79b45f3e66ada2276aba2c6a0c7b98e_hq.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pm1.narvii.com/6599/0c63db3be79b45f3e66ada2276aba2c6a0c7b98e_hq.jpg</a> 2. <a href="https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/754/069/ee1.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/754/069/ee1.jpg</a> 3. <a href="https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/c65bc17700f0ca90be28ed6537f87ecc/5BD27E05/t51.2885-15/e35/s480x480/36160698_1896747677291565_6791952241264689152_n.jpg?_nc_eui2=AeHcwFJYPyILp3dd0_-uAnL5mCE5JTqEXrpiPbi-kNUUQol-SYm1mGTt7mp0rkOK7j1H32ll3VSox3DzPOiHgCap" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/c65bc17700f0ca90be28ed6537f87ecc/5BD27E05/t51.2885-15/e35/s480x480/36160698_1896747677291565_6791952241264689152_n.jpg?_nc_eui2=AeHcwFJYPyILp3dd0_-uAnL5mCE5JTqEXrpiPbi-kNUUQol-SYm1mGTt7mp0rkOK7j1H32ll3VSox3DzPOiHgCap</a> There would be some very naughty NSFW option for you by this "bikink" cough tongue cough xD


Ooooh heroines. I know I want some WW and Mary Jane. Hopefully we get at least one MHA beach queen this month 😝😝 like miss joke 😍

Didi & Nok' Tus

Can we have them all, please? (Especially with a "companion!") :-)


4 of them in 1 picture 😂👌

Pervy Sage

Just checked your tumblr didn't expect the mha sketches to be nsfw as well noice!!!


X23 wolverine beach queen!!!!!!!


Lady Death could use more art...


Seeing your version of lady death would be amazing but everything you do is god like amazing anyway. Some nice options to choose from there. whichever one is chosen would be a good selection since they’re all great characters


Plus i know you’ve already done a rogue pic in the past. Btw it was beautiful


Lady Death *_*


Beachqueen OC pls &lt;3


I was just thinking yesterday on how I would love to see your take on Mary Jane, hope she wins and so far it’s looking like it


Gotta be MJ.


Lady Death... theres too much MJ around :)


Rogue is best girl. Nobody can touch her! Well, you know what I mean. :v


Wow, outside of MJ (Gingers RULE!) this is a close poll around. I guess everyone likes these suggestions.


my vote is for mary jane now and next month have the other three as the next batch.


great suggestions tbh, dandon. :)


I like all 4, but Rogue above all of course. since she is losing, I am hoping this list is not to decide which 1 you will do but to decide which one to do first lol

Zetsubou Billy

Aw man choosing is sooo harrrrd hahaha 😂😂😂 I think if i had to go with one I'd prolly say ms lady death tho. Her skin tone would be fun to see in the warm summer glow hehe. Plus her next comix issue goes live on Kickstarter this week xP. Honestly all these ladies are winners, espeshily Rogue (perhaps in her Savage getup?) Whoever comes out on top will be more than deserving of Dandon's "beachbabe touch" lol 😁😘✌❤💜💙💕


I chose the ones I'd like to see! One day you'll pick my red haired beach queen T-T You already have my blue one &lt;3

Ghost Digital

a Gal Gadot -likeness Wonderwoman would be hot!

David Rudisill

Lady Death in a slingkini, please.

Big B

Lady Death is by far the best option!!! Good girls are no fun lolol jkjk :D Plus, I don't think i've ever seen Lady Death at the beach before haha. Thanks for the opportunity to vote. :]


Well, I chose Wonder Woman because... well, because she's Wonder Woman! XD Although... I wouldn't mind at all if MJ won this poll...


If it was the x-men evolution version of Rogue I would've voted for her.


sorry but I have to say it, do you know X-men evolution characters is mostly teens, SFW picture is ok but NSFW picture of this NO WAY.


Selvaria from Valkyria Chronicles would make a great beach queen, but I'm also dying to see you draw her in her regular outfit. The same goes for Ragyou Kiryuuin from Kill La Kill.

Ashley Mason

Ladies, ladies, ladies.... makin' it so damn hard to vote- and took my vote and made them two! OöO (Would've made four, but voting all four would be redundant) XD


Where is that Rogue piece from?

Draven Shadow

Oh my Lady!! Haven't seen her in a long while and it would be SO awesome to see her again!


MJ.........Spiderman bikini!!


Nooo, Rogue, my waifu must win!


The thought of Lady Death getting tanlines amuses me greatly. lol.


C'mon! Lady Death! &lt;3


Hope to see Athena &amp; Clara Haruka from "Dont Meddle in My Daughter!" from you someday)


Aahw I pledged to late! =( would have voted for Savage Rogue 😛🤤