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Hey Rangers, we are finally here season 2 of the boys! Hope you guys enjoy our reaction!




No fast 8?????


I was waiting for X-men days of future past

Dave Hill

Oh yeah! Let the fun begin!


ngl i've been waiting for fast 8 today but this is okay

Mark W

OMG its season 2 TODAY !! 😲😲😲😲


Excited for this season and next knowing Vince has not seen them. Also, I’m noticing a lot more people commenting on post about what they were hoping to have. Maybe this is why the schedule was good? No micro managing. Just noticed


Stormfront is here.... ☠️☠️

Emerald Light

The lady who gave the deep a soda is in breaking bad

Ray H

I know yall were lookin at the Super Hero Scientology lady all crazy—that was the same actress who played Gretchen in Breaking Bad.


Unpopular opinion but I’m loving watching this with you guys way more than BB


This season is probably the best one but s3 has crazy scenes


Could u guys react to scary movie it’s literally one of the funniest movies

Mark W

Season 3 is freaking nuts (I know no spoilers) 😧


Y’all are freaking goated

Joe Johnson

Man! One heck of a surprise!


Finally clocked in, finally tuning in 🔥🔥

Markee Day

fast and furious 8?

Silas Kane

Ok having Vince going blind now matters. This is already hitting different. 👀


Let’s goo!


Great analysis of storefront of saying she just doesn’t care says what she wants, remember yourself saying that because you’ll see why she’s like that


Ohhhh for some reason I knew I recognised her but never put the connection. That’s crazy.


The fate of the furious ?


I loved Kaleidoscope!!! Giancarlo Esposito, who plays Edgar, was in it. It was a cool heist mini series on Netflix, similar to the Ocean's movies. Not as good as Ocean's but worth a watch.


This wild journey continues further in s2!

Viktor M

Homelander is the best thing in this series and just perfect played :)

Aldo Gonzales

The Vermont Country Dollhouse? That’s what Double-M is worried about? A bummer that we will no longer be seeing Vince make those faces when he knows what’s about to happen, but his blind reactions are still a gem.


Homelander and the blind guy was like a rip off Daredevil. Best part of the show . I'm team Hughie thought he would have been a good leader of the group . The smarts and no hate driving him thinks more clearly. Hughie and Starlight my favorite character from the show . Butcher that guy . I think with starlight and Hugh's we would have less fatalities.


You know it's dramatizing every time Becca sees homelander . Nothing she can do to stop him . Homelander definitely OP


That is starlight's actual voice (Erin Moriarty). Check out "Never Truly Vanish" on Youtube


I've seen this show and kept waiting for her head to explode and still was startled. This show gets even wilder. can't wait to see y'alls reactions.