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Now this story is about as straightforward as it gets lol. It also features the first time I've ever written this particular character and at the risk of tainting expectations I think it's a pretty solid debut. But I'll let you guys be the judge of that. As always let me know what you think if you're so inclined!

Oh and for those who might not be familiar here's a simple reference image for Mayumi! 

It was a bright and sunny day as Mayumi roamed the streets of Highmont Point drinking in the sights of the big city. As much as she enjoyed living in Cherry Springs nothing compared to the hustle and bustle of a proper metropolis. For most people an hour long train ride wouldn't be worth the noise, pollution, and general crowded feeling but for her it wasn't even a question. Even without Kandi and Stacy joining her like the usually did she wandered through the downtown districts with a smile on her face and a spring in her step. She'd already visited most of the major outlets she liked to frequent and while she hadn't really bought anything just looking through the racks at her favorite boutiques or roaming the air conditioned paths of the mall was a fun way to spend the day. Although she did miss having her car when she had to take the subway to get across town in a timely fashion. But like the train ride from Cherry Springs it was a worthwhile sacrifice. Especially when she happened upon the cutest little backpack sitting in the window of a Korean fashion store. The entire trip was justified for that and that alone. Another couple hours were spent wandering the streets people watching and buying little morsels of food at the various bakeries and street vendors she passed. But when the sun started to drift towards the horizon she headed for the nearest subway station. Her mom expected home at a reasonable hour and she wasn't about to break her promise without a good reason!

In about fifteen minutes she was back at the terminal waiting for her train to arrive and looking more out of place than ever before. Surrounded by mostly Caucasian and Latino men and women in business attire her cute Japanese idol looks and trendy clothes couldn't have been more at odds with the atmosphere around her. The bright pink, adorably small backpack shaped like a cat resting between her shoulder blades was perhaps the most obvious. But her pastel yellow crop top baby tee and faded Denim cut off shorts certainly helped further along the disparity. Especially with how much of her smooth, alabaster skin they left exposed as a result. Between her taut midriff, nicely plump thighs, slender arms, and frankly incredible amount of cleavage she'd have caught many a person's eye regardless. The fact that she had an almost dainty waist that led into an ass just begging to be spanked all set above a bust that could provide shade for anyone short enough to stand beneath her also helped to pull gazes Mayumi's way. But for many what sealed it was her softly angled face. Particularly the way her almost waist length black hair and neatly cut bangs framed it. With two large, beautiful brown eyes set below delicately plucked brows and above a petite button nose and perky pink lips she was every but the cute, kawaii girl many people fantasized about. Little details like the beauty mark on the right side of her mouth, her pink and white painted nails, the choker around her neck, and the sparkling earrings hanging from her earlobes were just tasty looking icing on the adorable cake.

Mayumi was well aware of the looks she was getting, in fact she quite enjoyed how many men and women were glancing her way even as the train pulled up. She knew most if not all of them saw her as an innocent little flower all cuteness and purity. They had no idea what was really lurking in the depths of her perverted mind and that juxtaposition never failed to be a source of pleasure and amusement for her. When the doors opened she was one of the first to step on and the bubbly yet graceful way she walked only furthered the perception many of those ogling her had. But as everyone piled into the car and things quickly became cramped it was difficult for anyone beyond those standing right next to her to ogle those curvy teenage charms. And even those people found it challenging as the jostling and shifting continued for several seconds. Since she was used to the downright absurd lack of space on the subways in Japan Mayumi barely even noticed the people around her. Before the car had even started moving she'd already retrieved her phone and started typing out a quick message to Kandi. The train lurched forward right around the time she was finished securing a ride home from the station in Cherry Springs and she was already scanning Twitter, Instagram, and TikToke for interesting distractions.

She enjoyed maybe a minute of browsing before a slight shift in the car pushed the man behind her forward. Her attention momentarily pulled from her phone Mayumi looked up at him and was immediately greeted by a sheepish apology. Upon offering him a charming smile and a reassurance that she didn't mind he nodded with visibly reddening cheeks. Not paying him any further mind for another minute or so her focus was once again lifted from her phone when he jostled her once more. Only this time when his groin bumped into her buttocks she noticed something a whole lot more fun than random videos on the internet. A knowing smile lit up her face as she realized just how hard the man had gotten simply from brushing against her body. Quietly putting away her phone she stared out the window like nothing was amiss, all the while subtly pushing her hips back towards him in a way that didn't seem deliberate. For a moment he didn't seem to notice what she was doing. Then he seemed to realize and he tried to pull back. Unable to move more than an inch or two he suddenly went completely rigid while breathing loudly through his nose. Yet again the car shift and his bulge was brought into rather forceful contact with her deliberately but subtly pushed out buttocks. Mayumi's grin widened a little as she felt his cock momentarily slip between her cheeks, as much as was possible in her shorts, before retreating. She heard the man apologize again and this time when she turned around to look at him it was with an unfathomably innocent expression on her face.

“It's okay mister,” She said in her sweet, lightly accented voice, “I understand . . .”

Although his expression was one of continued embarrassment the faint glimmer in his eye spoke of an understanding she hoped to give him. Mayumi turned her attention back to the window and continued to subtly press herself against the man but this time he made no effort to pull away. Neither did he move or react in any other fashion. Just as she was about to wonder if he'd gotten the message she felt him push his hips forward just as subtly as she was pushing hers back. Once again his bulge was comfortably nestled between her buttocks and it didn't vanish after a moment. The smallest of shivers coursed down her spine as she felt him throbbing against her even through multiple layers of cloth. It was hard to tell but she felt pretty certain he was packing a nice, fat piece of meat beneath his slacks, though she probably wouldn't get to enjoy it like she wanted. But there was always a chance and when he rather blatantly pushed hard enough to send her waist forward a couple inches the odds definitely seemed better than before. Mayumi quietly giggled and while the temptation was nearly overwhelming she resisted the urge to look back at him. Pretending like this was all an accident, a simple misunderstanding brought on by confinement, was a huge turn on. She could already feel a wet spot spreading across her panties.

Her arousal took a sudden and sharp ascent when the man suddenly found a considerable amount of courage. Midway through slowly grinding against him in a circular motion Mayumi suddenly felt a pair of hands slide around her waist. Although mostly confined to her shorts his thumbs brushed against her bare skin as he grabbed her and the sensation of a complete stranger touching her in a such a manner was beyond gratifying. Mayumi actually froze for a moment and nearly scared off her lascivious companion in the process. Luckily she felt his hands stiffen with unmistakable nervousness and she quickly assuaged his fears by resuming her grinding with even more gusto. It took a few seconds for him to get the message but once he had he responded by sliding his fingers across the front of her shorts to push them between her thighs. Suddenly feeling his digits against her bare flesh sent no small amount of pleasure coursing through her body but that was nothing compared to what followed soon after.

Apparently not content with just feeling her up the man evidently wanted to provide a little extra pleasure beyond what she was enjoying from his cock. That was presumably why he suddenly pushed the tips of his fingers against her pussy and began to rub them back and forth across the Denim covering her sex. In a heartbeat Mayumi was no longer the one in charge as all of her self control was dedicated to maintaining that innocent demeanor she liked to cultivate. Her panties were thoroughly soaked within seconds and every moment he continued rubbing her was another moment she wanted nothing more than to start moaning. But she managed to resist the urge and instead brought across her pleasure in other ways, like gripping the bar next to her so hard all the color rushed out of her knuckles.

She enjoyed around a minute of that thinly veiled molestation before something else happened that further through the already lopsided power balance further out of whack. Just as she was sucking in a quiet yet thoroughly ragged breath Mayumi felt a hand grope her breast. For a split second she assumed it was the man behind her diversifying his pleasure but she quickly realized both of his hands were still between her thighs. The moment that knowledge sank in she had to fight the urge to moan like a cheap hooker. Whoever it was feeling her up they clearly didn't have any qualms about doing so and they managed to make her squirm even through her top and bra. Without even thinking she pushed her chest out a little more and leaned in to that newcomer's grip like it was perfectly normal to get felt up on the subway. Pleasure flooded through every inch of her as two strangers enjoyed her tight, Japanese body without any concern whatsoever. Because after the second one joined in the first appeared to lose what little trepidation he had left. His fingers pushed and kneaded against her pussy while he rubbed his cock against her ass like it was going out of style. There was no way people around them weren't noticing what was happening and she knew it wouldn't be long before others helped themselves to the fun.

That thought had barely entered her mind before another hand did precisely what she was expecting. It started groping her other breast in a way that pretty clearly demonstrated how eager the man responsible was to feel her up. Just as before Mayumi responded by leaning in and shuddering as she was groped from all sides. Things could only be better if a man materialized out of thin air in front of her to pen her in like an animal. Sadly no such thing occurred so she had to settle for the almost as good decision of the first guy to finally unbutton the front of her shorts. While he continued to rub and tease her pussy with one hand the other slid up to the button that was the only thing keeping him from enjoying the real thing. As he somewhat clumsily unfastened it Mayumi sucked in another soft but very shaky breath. In response to his boldness and in full cooperation with what he had in mind she grinded harder than ever against his cock. More and more convinced she was about to get fucked she wanted him as hard as he could be when he inevitably decided to whip it out and shove it in whatever hole he wanted.

It quickly turned out that was exactly the wrong choice under the circumstances. Barely ten seconds after she started the man behind her let out a very telltale groan. Mayumi felt his hands suddenly tighten as he gripped her shorts and panted in a way that made her stomach drop. For a split second she thought he might simply be getting really into it, the way he rubbed his cock against her certainly felt like that, but there was no pretending when he let out a weary sigh a short while after. Around the time his limp hands were retreating from her body she knew he'd just dumped a load that should've been on or inside her all over the inside of his pants instead. Had it not been for the hands still enjoying her tits she would've been all kinds of disappointed. Especially when the man somehow managed to wriggle away from her despite the crowd of people all around the. Temporarily left without a partner Mayumi very nearly looked behind her in the hopes of coaxing another man into replacing the one that'd just left. Thankfully she didn't have to because he was quickly replaced. By a couple dudes as luck would have it. Suddenly two different bulges were pressing against her buttocks in a way that left her feel more surrounded than ever. Maybe the first guy cumming in his pants wasn't as much of a disappointment as she first took it to be. Around the time somebody was grabbing her ass she was certain of it.

A surprisingly calloused hand plunged into the front of her shorts not long after and despite managing to keep her facade up to that point as soon as she felt those fingers brushing through her pubic hair and across her clit Mayumi couldn't help but moan. As soon as that admission of arousal slipped from her lips the hands already groping her seemed to gain new strength and purpose. The ones squeezing and playing with her tits noticeably increased in both speed and force while the one fondling her ass quickly followed in the footsteps of that wonderfully rough hand that'd started them down this new road. Pushing into the back of her shorts and beneath her panties it grabbed a handful of her soft, juicy buttocks at the same time two digits pressed against the outer folds of her incredibly wet pussy. A delighted whimper slipped out of her mouth soon after and she wasted no time subtly moving her hips to push her body against both men. The one in the front responded by pushing his digits into her slit while the one behind squeezed her ass hard enough to elicit a pleasured gasp. Fluids seeped out of her cunt in ever greater quantities as two fingers buried themselves up to the knuckle inside her all without her ever seeing the person they belonged to.

Apparently not one for wasting time the man fingering her pussy started moving pretty much as soon as he'd finished sliding inside her and the force with which he started was absolutely perfect. As wet as she was and as horny as she was Mayumi didn't want any kind of slow build up or gentle rhythm. She wanted him to churn up her cunt and lift her into the air with his beefy hand and that's exactly what he proceeded to do. Moving like there was a cash prize for making her cum as quickly as possible his digits absolutely assaulted her sex, the sloppy sound of her arousal immediately filling the air around her alongside her pleasured moans. It was such a powerful and sudden shift she couldn't help but grab onto the man's wrist right after he started and the feeling of his muscles bulging against her fingers while her stirred her pussy like a madman was quite arousing. Though it wasn't a patch on the waves of ecstasy radiating out from her slit as it was fingered. And thanks to all the teasing and build up that'd come beforehand he barely had to put in any work at all before she was breathlessly grinding against him while her eyes rolled back in her head. But since he was clearly a man of class and good breeding even when she tried to pull his hand away as her pussy clamped down and juices gushed out of her in thick streams he didn't relent.

Which made her ensuing orgasm all the more wonderful as she violently climaxed all over a complete stranger's hands. Her pleasure was so all encompassing she didn't notice when someone undid her bra and the hands that'd once been groping her through her shirt instead found her bare nipples. Although the resulting effect this had on her already trembling body was certainly unmissable. Even if it simply faded into the pleasure drenched haze that'd descended over her body. Feeling two different hands pinching and fondling her tits was like a drop of water in an ocean compared to what happened towards the end of her first orgasm. Seemingly not to be outdone the man that'd been groping her ass had grander designs on her body than simply molestation. So without any fanfare or build up at all he pushed his fingers between her quivering and often clenched buttocks to find her puckered little asshole hidden between. His middle finger pushed against her unyielding ring for a couple of seconds, waiting for a moment when she relaxed and her guard was down. As soon as it arrived he shoved his entire digit into her ass and what had simply been a fantastic climax was elevated to something almost transcendent for the horny young teen. What little grip on reality she'd been clinging to vanished as her mind focused solely on the pleasures at hand while forgoing everything else in the world.

Mayumi was groped, fingered, and manhandled for the remainder of her trip and while she had no way of knowing for sure, nor did she care to find out, it felt like every single guy on the train took a turn playing with some part of her body. Over and over again she was brought to orgasm by an endless succession of fingers sliding into her pussy and rubbing her inner walls with varying degrees of knowledge. But it didn't matter how skillful they were because the similarly constant presence of at least one digit shoved into her asshole along with several other hands roaming her tits, rubbing her thighs, and otherwise enjoying her body never failed to make her moan. It also didn't hurt that with the constant supply of eager hands she never had a moment to rest or catch her breath and in many cases the orgasms she was being wracked by were more like one continuous stream of ecstasy. When an enterprising man caressed her face and slid a finger into her mouth she happily added it to the endless list of toe curling sources of pleasure. Wasting no time sucking on his digit Mayumi closed her eyes and basked in the attention of the men around her as her inner pervert was laid bare for all of them to see. Two different hands started pinching her nipples at the same time and it was all she could do to keep from crying out in abject delight.

There was really only one way things could get better from that point and in what was apparently the trend she'd barely entertained the notion before it was happening. With all the grace and subtlety one could expect of a person willing to molest random women on a subway one of the men suddenly yanked down Mayumi's shorts. While they didn't pulled them down to her ankles like she might have expected they were tugged far enough to expose her entire ass and a bit of her thighs. A moment later she felt the warm, hard shape of a cock sliding between her thighs. Instinctively closing her legs around the stranger's dick she let out a needy moan. Part of her was just glad to feel an actual penis after being teased and pleasured by fingers for as long as she'd been while the rest was wondering why that shaft hadn't been stuffed into her asshole or pussy. The answer to that query was soon provided when the man responsible started grinding his dick against her soaking wet folds. Whoever had been fingering her understandably pulled their hand away and not five seconds after that cum spurted out of the cock rubbing against her cunt.

Gasping in equal parts surprise and delight Mayumi felt hot, fresh jizz splash not only across the lips of her pussy but also the panties still partially resting against her slit. Suddenly she didn't give a damn that he hadn't buried his cock inside her because the feeling of his semen coating her thoroughly aching sex was incredible. So much so she moaned loud enough for her pleasure to be audible over the general noise of the subway car. It hardly mattered at that point if everyone knew what was going on. If it meant more hands, more cocks, and more cum she was ready to break out a megaphone. In the heat of the moment all that mattered was the intense arousal she felt at not only having her cunt basted in spunk from a total stranger but also at the prospect of him being the first. After fifteen seconds or so in which he released a fantastically thick load all over her panties the man retreated. She had to wait a handful of seconds for him to be replaced and for the cycle to start all over again. By the time he was finished and the third had slid between her thighs Mayumi was drowning in pleasure as surely as her underwear was drowning in jizz.

One by one men lined up for their chance to spunk all over her pussy and add their own mark to her quivering body. None of them seemed to care about how many others had been before them and pretty much every load was just as thick and creamy as the ones before it. When the front of her panties were so clogged it started to drip over the edges the men emptied their balls further back, all but ensuring that the entire stretch was swimming in their seed. But the fact that at least two hands remained on her tits and one or more fingers was always pressed between her lips was what really made Mayumi squirm in delight. Because as good as all that cum was the fact that someone, or rather several someones, still had the presence of mind to keep molesting her was what really turned her on. It's what really helped her feel like a piece of meat fit only to be used and discarded by them. If their spunk filling her underwear and drenching her pussy was the final point of the argument then all their groping was the first. It was what carried her on a constant wave of ecstasy throughout the entire ride and all the way to the end of line. She couldn't think of a more perfect end to a perfect day. Though in all fairness by that point in time she wasn't capable of any thought more complicated than a lust for cum.

When the doors finally opened at her stop Mayumi stumbled out with a dazed smile looking nothing at all like her usual cute, well put together self. The multiple loads of cum that'd been emptied into her panties was already beginning to soak through her shorts and every shaky step she took away from the train smeared it deeper into both her soiled panties and her gooey cunt. Her unclasped bra was slowly working it's way down her belly shirt while her perky nipples were eminently visible against the fabric. Alongside the little strands of pussy juice leaking down her thighs there was also the occasional far thicker and much more obvious trail of semen from the gentlemen that hadn't aimed quite as well as their fellows. When all of that was added to the glassy look in her eyes, the bright pink flush in her cheeks, and the fact that she couldn't walk two steps without shivering it was readily apparent to everyone she passed that Mayumi had gotten up to something perverted. And while she felt a little bit of embarrassment at how completely her facade of innocence and purity had slipped there was very little she could do about it. After being forced to cum more times than she could count it was a miracle she could even disembark the subway to begin with!

She had no idea how she managed to find her way to the train station or buy a ticket and yet in what felt like the blink of an eye she was slumped on a seat in a half conscious stupor. Her legs were splayed open in a provocative manner while the cum stains that'd been slowly revealing themselves had fully formed across the groin of her shorts. At some point her bra had been pulled up closer to her breasts, although it wasn't clasped or anything, and she had no idea how that'd happened. All she could think about were the little aftershocks of pleasure that continued to ripple through her body the entire way home. Partly aided by the presence of all that jizz in her panties and partly aided by her constant replaying of what'd happened Mayumi had the same grin plastered to her face the entire ride. Even when she drifted off to sleep as exhaustion claimed her she continued to smile like a fool, her slumped body and lewd posing making for quite a sight as people walked past her through the cars. She was roused by the conductor announcing the stop at Cherry Springs and despite being less coordinated than ever she managed to lurch forward and stagger out of the train. In a daze she walked towards the parking lot and probably would've stumbled all the way to the sidewalk had Kandi not pulled up in her sporty convertible.

“What the hell happened to you?!” She demanded upon seeing Mayumi.

“I rode the subway.” She replied with a dreamy smile.

“Oh goddammit not again! I told you not to do that if you're gonna be riding in my car!”

“Sorry . . .”

“Ugh!” Throwing it into park Kandi popped the trunk and climbed out, “I swear between you and Stacy I'm gonna have to get my car reupholstered like every other month!”

“Sorry . . .” Mayumi said again, swaying back and forth as she dazedly watched her friend retrieve several towels, “I can walk home if you want . . .”

“Like hell you can!” Kandi said with a laugh, “I'm surprised you even made it to the parking lot!”

“It was a long ride . . .”

“Yeah I bet. All right, that should keep my seats from getting damaged.”

“Thanks Kandi.”

“Sure thing May. Just don't move around too much.”

“You got it.”

Mayumi slid into the seat and immediately collapsed into a pile of barely connected limbs. After staring for a couple seconds Kandi let out a noise halfway between a groan and a laugh. Leaning across her friend with a far more apparent chuckle she grabbed the seat belt and pulled it across her chest. She wasn't about to get a ticket just because her companion was too cum drunk to buckle in. Once it'd clicked into place she did the same for herself and they rolled out of the parking lot and towards Kandi's house. For a minute or two neither of them spoke but upon coming to a red light and hearing Mayumi's quite little moan her friend couldn't help but crack a smile. Shaking her head she glanced at the slut in her passenger seat and asked the question they both knew she'd ask eventually.

“So what happened this time?”

“Well,” Mayumi started to say with an airy tone and an even more goofy smile, “I'd just finished texting you . . .”


Sophia Dearden

This was a great first story for Mayumi. The molesting and groping was all great, and I have a soft spot for thigh sex so that was a nice treat. But the ending with her making her way to Kandi was probably my favourite part. Another stellar job.