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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM Episodes 1 - 5!!



Jan Negrey

Heh. One of my favorite Anime's. Have fun watching it.


Ass Class and Naruto at the same time? Super excited!

Lady Lati

Wooo! I'm soo happy you are watching this! One of my top tier animes haha


i was actually hoping he'd watch this one in dub, one of the few animes where i prefer the dub over the sub


Oh you're reaction to this one!? This is going to be fun


Thank god he's doing this subbed


samee, unfortunately most people who vote subbed haven't even heard the dub. I kinda wish instead of a vote pre-watching the episode, we'd try one in dub and one in sub and THEN vote


I've seen both, the subbed is objectively better (voice acting wise) which makes sense, but the dub isn't bad neither


I never really thought about it, but you have a point. Giving the rejects of school access to weaponry and guns + training usually historically has NOT ended well


Ohh yeah


One of my favourite anime gonna watch this when I get in


Look, it’s not that I don’t agree with you, since I personally enjoy the dub more than the sub here, but unless Luke watches a show in dub on his own time and gives his opinion on it, there is no way the majority is ever going to consider a dub. Here is my hot take on the whole dub vs. sub: if you have not watched at least 1/2 of a specific show in dub, then you shouldn’t have an opinion on which is better for that show, since you have not really given the dub a chance. If you have given the dub of a show a chance and still prefer the sub, then that’s fine, you are not forced to like something. Objectivity has nothing to do in this debate. It’s all about what you enjoy more. Ultimately that makes this debate pointless. The Ghost stories dub is objectively worse, but it’s still more enjoyable. The general opinion that sub is better than dubs is true in almost all cases, but it's precisely because there are exceptions to this opinion that it cannot be used as an argument for a specific case. My whole point is that if you haven’t really given a specific dub a watch, then how are you able to say the sub is better than the dub? You can have a general opinion on this debate that was formed for whatever reason, but how can that general opinion be used as a standard to judge whether a dub or sub for a specific show is better? If someone who has never watched a specific anime asks two people if the sub or dub is better, and one says “subs are better than dubs so the sub is better” while the other says “after watching in both the sub and dub I enjoy…” than no matter what the second person says, I’d be more likely to listen to their opinion on the matter than the first one. Again, it does not matter which is better, just what you enjoy, but most people I think just don’t give dubs a chance and when they do watch a dub, they are already conditioned by their views to not like it or judge it based off their general opinion without having given it a try.

Nakama Forever

dub vs sub poll will always be unfair. majority will always be sub.


.... which makes it fair? That's how the anime got voted in the first place? Majority rules? I dont take it as a vote of "which is better sub or dub" but more of "what do you prefer to see Luke react to?".

Nakama Forever

I say unfair because it's that way for people that want dub over sub. They will never win... That's why it's unfair. What's wrong with that logic? When has a dub won over a sub in a pole for got games? I'll go watch that next if you know.


From what i was told, there was 3 instance where dub won. FMAB, Hellsing, and cyberpunk. I prefered FMAB subbed but respect the vote.


No, it does not make it fair 90% to 95% of people watch anime in sub only they don't even give dub a chance. They won't even watch half of a season of an anime in dub to give it a chance. But I feel the same way about people who only watch dub. If you only watch dub, I don't think you should be allowed to vote in this contest. If you only watch sub, I don't think you should be allowed to vote these contests. If you have watched the anime in subbed and dubbed, then you have an informed opinion about what is actually better than you can vote. But I know that's never gonna happen.


I'm a near sub only watcher, I've watched over 1000 anime and only a handful of them were dubs. But I can still say that I prefer subs without watching much dub at all. I think it's a bit weird to say that you need to watch something in order to have an opinion. I can still have a general opinion. I don't need to listen to a full song of a band I've never liked previously to have the opinion that I don't want to listen to their new song. What I think is very wrong though is to invalidate other peoples opinions. Some people really like dub, and no matter their reason they are entitled to that opinion and I can't take that away from them. I can only speak for myself but when FMA won the dub I was still here and I watched every single episode of it and I still enjoyed it. Nonetheless I still prefer the sub. In the end each person enjoys whatever they enjoy and I think that's a good thing even if it's the opposite of what I think.

Nakama Forever

Out of everything I've seen here I just assumed everything here was sub. I'm excited to checkout FMA. Personally I like watching shows in dub cause it's easier for me to just enjoy the show without having to read the whole time. I will say 75% of anime I watch I watch in sub though. Mostly cause it's not dubbed till a bit later


Just sharing a different opinion on the sub vs dub debate. In my opinion, I myself would prefer to watch sub over dub. It's not because I think that sub is superior than dub but because originally, the creators of the anime made it that way. If I watch a western movie or cartoon would I be willing to watch it in Japanese dub if there was any? Maybe, but I prefer watching it in it's original language. It's just my way of appreciating the show's original language. It doesn't matter how you watch a show whether it's in sub or dub. But the majority of people would watch it in sub because that is how it is made originally. If a new anime came airing then the majority of people would watch it in sub. Why? Because the first thing that comes to people's mind won't be: "I'm going to find the dub version first and watch this particular anime in dub". People would just go for whatever language that anime was made originally in (mostly Japanese because its anime). Also, if you watched a show in sub, rewatching it in dub would sound weird, so people tend to not do that. At the very least I do. The same goes for if you watched a show in dub. Rewatching it in sub would sound weird. Not because it's bad or anything, but because you're used to hearing the voices in English and then suddenly changing it to Japanese. But I do in some cases watch dubbed anime, for instance: I watched Pokemon, FMAB, and SAO in dub. Do I think they're better than the sub? I do think that the Pokemon series in dub is way better than in sub. Also, SAO and FMAB in dub is pretty good. In the end, it's best to go with sub if you're streaming a show with the majority of people unless they prefer the dub version. I know it's a sad reality for you but I do hope that your disappointment doesn't get to you.


Still tho, it's always been the rule in this community, the majority speaks. You cant just silence the majority coz they never tried the dub, as it is the same majority that voted ass class into the streaming. Put it this way, 2 weeks ago, ass class won by a majority, and out of that same group of people (as it is the same time slot, so a good assumption) they voted for Luke to react fully intended on the sub version. For instance, if luke had said "oh ass class wil be dubbed version btw", it probably wouldnt get as many votes. It might not be a good analogy but for example if someone were to say the german dub is far better and you ware not allowed to vote no as you havent seen it before, would that be fair?

Vojtech Zoresan

Don't forget this is a business. They dont care about individuals they care about numbers. You will never get that personalized fruit basket.


Haha so much talk about sub or dub, who cares? I mean both are great, so it should not be such a big deal. Btw great video Luke, glad you like the show :) I love the hidden dark undertone the show sometimes reveals :)

Nakama Forever

I guess unfair was the wrong word to use before. What I should have said was pointless. Pointless to do polls on sub or dub because it will always be sub anyway. I guess that's not entirely true, now that I learned a bit. Maybe it's like a 90 to 95% sub over dub. Still very unlikely a dub will win imo


Yeah pointless is indeed a better word to use in this case. If I may offer my perspective here on this debate, "people just never gave the dub a chance", in my case, I dislike the English dub of (almost) all animes because I'm not a native English speaker and seeing anime being dubbed in other languages sounds really weird for me. I have seen some express the same opinion as mine. If you want to get perspective into this, try watching the anime in some DUB of a language that's not english or japanese and it will probably feel a bit weird.

Nakama Forever

Sometimes setting matters to me. For instance if it's set in Japan it makes more sense for sub, but something like Monster I would want to hear in English cause it matched the more western asthetic

Kaiki Deishu

the sub and dub are both great. but i prefer dub because they are genuinely better for english speaking people because of the puns and such. i find it funnier in dub


sub 100%!


Same, I prefer the dub. The sub is also really good, but I still prefer the dub.


agree to disagree lol. i do like the dub, i'll give ya that, but i think sub is still better


I do feel like preference plays such a big part on what you choose to watch. Alot of people just like hearing japanese, which is just fine. Me personally, I love the dub, cause it's good, but also because I can't speak japanese, so I can actually have a dubbed anime on while doing something else like painting. I don't have that liberty with any reaction channels, just because a big majority of people doesn't ever want to let dubbed anime be allowed to be good. What I mean, is that dubbed vs subbed shouldn't be an argument anymore. Anyone who says the dub is worse than the sub most of the time is actually rather wrong these days. Both are very good, and talent has caught up in the dubbed space and it's been this way for a long time. There's also the extra jokes that get thrown in and things like jokes actually get considered harder for translation. Same with song lyrics. There's clearly alot of passion that does go into a dubbed anime now, and this discussion should just be "Watch what you prefer" not "Which is better." Which brings me onto my last point, I kinda wish luke just chose which he preferred. Majority is always going to be unfairly biased. Imagine, there was a super good drink, and a super popular drink, and you asked a crowd which you should try. You'll never get to know which is which, or which you'd prefer, because you're only allowed to try one. Obviously, the super popular drink wins, and while they're both probably equally as good, maybe you would've liked the less popular one if you just picked for yourself. Idk


I do love the dub. Nagisa has this very almost cringe but realistic teenage edge to his voice, and genuinely there are some really powerful moments. The casting is also really quite similar sounding to the subbed


I disagree with the "you need to watch the show in dub before having a opinion". I'm not a native english speaker, all english dubs sound weird to me and it does not matter the quality of it. Try watching the show in German dub, the French dub or another language and it will probably feels weird. I'm only sharing my point of view here, this is not a objective argument and I'm not debating which one is better. As for a reacting point of view I think watching sub is better just because most people will like it, and most who also enjoy dub can still enjoy the sub. But many will not watch the dubbed reaction just because it is dubbed. Some because of petty reasons and some, like me, just cannot enjoy it. (And I tried a lot to enjoy it because I didn't want to miss the FMAB reacts)


I only ever watched anime in dub. It was easier for me, as an American. But when I started watching Luke and he was only watching in sub, I was a little annoyed, but I decided to give it a chance. And I discovered I liked the sub more because the subs don't have annoying American idiosyncrasies - like constantly complaining about the patriarchy, or constantly mentioning climate change (unless the original anime was about that); I watched an anime dubbed, hated it because of the constant American lecturing, but when I saw it subbed and it didn't have the lecturing, I was shocked by how much better it was. Now, is this a very small case? Of course it is. But even Demon Slayer, I originally watched only the dubbed. Now I'm watching it subbed and I'm enjoying it far more for some reason. Nothing's really changed between the sub and the dub versions, but I'm just enjoying the sub more. I don't know if this really has a point, but I will say, the voices in DBZ dub are better, but I may change my mind if I give the sub a few episodes. But I do watch live action Japanese and Chinese movies in original language if I can find them.


Totally agree with the point that it shouldn't be good vs bad and should instead be what the preference is. As for how good dubs has become, they have indeed become much better. I first noticed that when I played Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia for the 3DS in 2017, that game didn't have dual audio so I was forced to play it with English audio and was amazed at how good the voice acting was. As for Luke, I'm pretty sure he has repeatedly said he doesn't really care, he will watch what the viewers wants to see and I believe him. I don't think he's hiding his preference or anything.

Ross Leonen

A lot of this is getting lost in translation (it's the fault of whoever is subtitling that website you're watching it from). So the agreement does not include the government not trying to kill him. The correct translation would be "Well, I don't want to be killed, but I would like to become the homeroom teacher of Kunigigaoka Junior Highschool Class 3-E." So it's not a "You're not allowed to kill me", but rather, he just wanted to say that he doesn't want to die (his tone is also in a playful manner, so it's not that he is afraid to die, but he just wanted to say it).


It is completely pointless literally completely and utterly pointless to do a sub versus dub poll Before you watch an anime luke because Dub will never win over sub. Unless it's dragon ball or maybe cowboy bebop But other than that, sub is always going to win always 100% of the time. Because 90% to 95% of the anime community will never, ever ever watch a single episode of any anime in dub Ever. They will not even try to watch a single episode of any anime in dub Ever. And while I do agree, 97% of anime is better in subbed there's 2% that can go either way. Subbed or dubbed doesn't matter which way you watch it, its just as good either way. Then there's that tiny 1% of anime that is better dubbed. But there is that small part of the anime community That says subbed is better 100% of the time in every anime, except for dragon ball. And there excuse is it was never meant to be in english anyways You should watch in Japanese because that's the way it was intended to be. That's the way it was made to be watched. And I would agree that yes it was intended to be watched in the Japanese version the original version first I totally agree. But I would disagree that. Not every anime is better subbed, 100% of the time. But me personally I watch the original subbed version first then I watch the dubbed version after. Then there is the small toxic part of the anime community that is like why would you watch it dubbed anyways all dubs suck. And that part that part of the anime committee pisses me off. They Make me so mad that if I ever met a person like that in real life. I probably would punch them in their face. And while I think it's fine to like and enjoy subbed anime more than dubbed anime generalizing and saying that all dubs suck Really pisses me off. And while some anime dubs are bad attack on Titan. I'm looking at you. I think most anime dubs aren't bad. They're just decent they're not bad and they're not good they're just ok or meh. But calling all dubs bad or saying they suck your just throwing away all the love and emotion and hard work that the people who take anime voice acting seriously and love voicing over anime in their native language weather it be German or French or Italian or English or any other language and throwing them under the bus that I'm not ok with


to be honest, Hellsing was 50/50 if i remember and each episode he switched dub and sub, so never say never. But im a puritan like that, and i would never watch something dubbed, unless i have to. But its not because anime, i agree with this for every peace of media. I think all of them were made with a vision in mind, and very rarely that vision translates into another language. So why risk watching in dub, which is mostly bad and rarely good, when you can watch subs, which is nearly always at least good? Doesn't make sense in my opinion. But of course, you do you :)


Dude, like, drop it already with your vendetta against people preferring sub.


@WWEdeadman Oh so I have a vendetta do I. I literally said im okay with people liking sub. I'm just not okay with people shitting on dubs and saying all dubs suck maybe read the whole comment I Literally said. I prefer 97% of anime in subbed. Maybe you didn't read that part or maybe you glossed over that part. I could literally go on for hours about all the different anime that are better subbed that I've watched and I mean hours and then I can count the number of anime that are better dubbed on one hand.

Rem is best waifu

Baccano is actually better in dub. The old English, Irish and American accents fit with the time.


I'm watching this on mobile but the sub is not that bad though

Jan Negrey

I agree. Anime was meant to be watched in Japanese.... because they release it for Japanese market. While I always watch subs, I really don't see a point in calling out people who watch or prefer dub. Especially when dub is really good. Plus with subs this small and this unreadable - it is detrimental to watching Anime. Japanese people don't need subs, so they can focus on what's on the screen more. I don't understand people who say that "subs are always better". It depends on person, on their preferences, on quality of subs and dub and a lot of other stuff.

Hwiyeop Kim

Bruh the comment section going crazy about sub vs dub. Sub will always win because that's what the majority wants so Luke will watch the subbed version. Period.

Patrik Hjälmbacken

Get a harircut, shave your beard, and go meet people, because you are effin unhinged, go this path and in 5 years you will unalive yourself. dude wtf is this post. Holy shit.


@Patrik Hjälmbacken Funny, you mentioned that I literally just cut my hair and shaved off My beard the other day. Oh and the part about unliving myself. Trust me, I'm over that stuff. I already tried like 16 times when I was in middle school and high school. I'm over it now and I'm all good. No more suicidal thoughts. I grew up got a job and went to therapy.


Thank you Kaiki deishuu from the monogatari series, will definitely rewatch it in dub sometime


I’m so glad I get to see you react to this show. One of my favorite anime, definitely not one of the best shows but it’s message and characters are amazing, this show has done so much for me in the last couple years

Jammy Jimmerino

id prefer if he watched dubbed just so its easier for him to pay attention and easier for mobile watchers to pay attention as well

no u uwu

I’m so glad you’re enjoying assassination classroom, gotta be one of my favourite anime’s ever


2:28:00 Or a character from a certain ... the JoJo ending is canon btw.

Hwiyeop Kim

ay bro u gotta chill now. no matter what you say, luke is gonna watch this anime subbed and NEVER dubbed. u r just ruining the comment section at this point

Antoine Jones

had no issue watching FMA dubbed sooo lets not act like it wouldnt be possible if all the weebs wouldnt badger him to watch things they way THEYd prefer him to


Isn't the average temperature of the UK 18 to 25C? Did you really need the AC in school in the first place?


When they stop giving random accents to characters I may tolerate watching a dub.

Lane Kyser

Ah watching peak I see


I've noticed a few different animes on Crunchyroll have smaller than usual subtitles

yuzu hibiki

Skirt's in japan are actually long, it's just that some students like to modify it to shorter and also anime in general never move past the short skirts. Heck even bloomers are still a thing in some anime these days


Day 9 of asking Luke to react to Fate/Stay night UBW by Project Mouthwash. Also PEAK IS HERE!


AYOOO!!!! We're doin Ass Class? So happy about this...like seriously


On the topic of if the student's attitude is realistic or not: I think the fact that all the weapons are literal toys and the task of killing this creature seems so impossible to begin with make the whole situation look like a game to them, like they don't really expect to suddenly become strong enough to actually kill him when they still can barely manage to touch him at all, so they don't have to think about the consequences yet and can focus on improving. Also, it's hard to imagine how our brain would react to a octopus-like creature suddenly blowing up the moon and becoming our teacher, but they do say that humans can adapt very quickly under pressure, so maybe that's actually exactly how it would go xD


Nahhhh luck if you had written this anime it wouldn't just be nuts, no then there would also be a big breasted woman in it........ oh wait :)


Btw luck, why the chat sometimes asks about the German dubs and the fact that you then run them with subtitles is because the German syncron studios have a very high quality of speakers (of course there are exceptions) but the most important point is precisely when it is It's about comedy animes like here Ass Class or Konusuba or Mob Spyco etc. They simply pack in even more jokes than in the Japanese original. For example, with Mob Spyco 100 I saw the anime in the original, in English and in German and the German version is just 20-30% funnier. just in case you ever asked yourself why :)

Barack O. Llama

dub haters have to be some of the saddest people ever. imagine wanting to be japanese so bad that you're afraid of other languages lmaooo

Peter Parker

Aizen is always up to something


Your summer temp is 15-25°C. In Japan 18-28 (Tokyo 35) I'm from New York. Our summer average us 18-28. Once you start passing 24 outside it gets hot in classrooms.

Jan Negrey

Some of them are simpler. They see a long post and have the urge to hate. They don't even read it.


The dub is fantastic and is honestly better for a lot of English speakers since the comedic writing is so fast. I wish the dub had won, but leave it to sub supremacists. Anyhow, I am glad that you are reacting to this masterpiece.


@patros36 what? you're watching subbed, meaning it's being translated into another language anyway, unless you understand japanese


Japanese characters have random accents too lol, you're just too weebpilled to pick up on them


I love assassination classroom. I have watched through it 5 times, this will make 6 and I'm still not ready, if you know you know.

Tsusaku Cohenat

I would never watch dub, because i love japanese language and i love japanese seiyuu. Its incomparable, the way they put emotions in their act. I cant almost never feel the same from dub. It oftly feels bland. Other than that, it often feels cringe listening to english VA trying to dub young voices. I am not saying english is bad, or something, i would as well watch any english movies, series in the original, rather than dubbed with other language (even though english is not my native). I dont deny others, the right to want dubs, so a poll is ok, though if dub won, i would just skip.

Kyle Garrett

[First time viewing + theory about plot] I've always heard of this series but never watched it, it's as wild as I thought it would be! My theory is that he has no intention to destroy the planet at all. That lady told him to teach these under performing students, so this weirdo thought good motivation would be to put the fate of the planet on their shoulders. So he blew up the moon, then threatened the planet, just so he could teach the kids he promised to teach, and do it in a way that motivates them to live up to their full potential. Either they fail to kill him, await their death as the time limit passes, and he reveals he was just kidding, or they kill him, as he's dying he reveals the truth, they're all sad and mourn his death --- only for the camera to pan and he's like mourning with them or something and reveals the weapons they used couldn't actually kill him at all, their final exam was to get good enough to kill him and they all passed, or some dumb thing like that.


There's certain shows that have iconic dubs that mean I'd never touch the show in subbed despite the fact that I watch mostly sub. Shows like FMAB and Yu Yu Hakusho ill never touch the sub cuz there's no reason to for me. Black lagoon is another.


bitch-sensei needs to be locked up fr


Personally I'd recommend the dub for Terror in Resonance, and Link Click.


i watched the dub for this show so it's cool to see the subbed one instead i guess, i think this show is fun, and i hope you all will have a fun time watching it


Interessant wie einige User im Chat plötzlich auf Deutsch geredet haben. Da sieht man dass die Sprache doch weiter verbreitet ist als man denkt. Oder Lukes Community ist einfach nur richtig multikulturell. 😂


For one moment, i thought Luke was gonna say: "The bitch needs to leave. But the boobs can stay." Priorities i guess.


I agree with chat. You definitely SHOULDN'T look up the manga chat mentioned. With the girl resembling the poison student. Stay innocent. Also, i just leave this number here. Just for no reason... If you know, you know. 177013

Thomas M

>You Americans and your AC It's 106 degrees outside today. That 41.1 C. -_-

Ethan Borglin

This was the first show, and first anime, to make me cry at the end🥲

Marcio Neves

I'm late, couldn't watch the stream live. But I finally got free time to watch it in one go. Starting now 😁

Marcio Neves

As chat said, the cast sings ALL the openings. Well, in fact, 5 of the VAs: Mai Fuchigami (Nagisa), Aya Suzaki (Kaede), Nobuhiko Okamoto (Karma), Ryōta Ōsaka (Isogai) and Shintarō Asanuma (Maehara). They are credited as "3-nen E-gumi Utatan" (Class 3-E, if I am not mistaken)

Marcio Neves

14:45 that's just an English class. Foreigners usualy have your colonizer language classes in school 😋

Marcio Neves

The deal with eyebrows? "Show off". just because "he can". There will be a LOT of that miner commedy feats all along the show 😁

Marcio Neves

You indeed have a lot of questions. Don't worry, the show got proper measures to have leave NO question unanswered, by the end. Why he blowed up the Moon, why he wants to teach that class, how that class is like that, nothing will be left without an answer. And about the missile, the agreement he did was that the government would not take any measures to try to kill him while he is teaching the class, only the students could do it. When he is NOT teaching the class, anything can go

Marcio Neves

LOL, Luke also thought Nagisa was a Girl for starters. EVERYONE makes that mistake when watching this show 🤣

Marcio Neves

33:17 well, he want to, but he also will do everything to prevent that... the usual thing to say is "it will all be explained" 😁

Marcio Neves

39:37 what chat was trying to explain here is that every character name and their respective "seat number" are shown in this first opening of the shown. All 27 of them, including Karma and another one you will know in the next batch of episodes

Marcio Neves

47:17 Luke, MACH 20 is INSANELY fast. He moves at 6,86 KM PER SECOND (or ~4,26 MILES PER SECOND), tops.


You really shouldn't do votes on dub versus sub. The dub-whiners will watch anyway, and people who can't stand dubs won't. The spoken Japanese language is a very important part of what anime is, and all dubs are inferior as a result.

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Left-ball Luke is pretty stinky


And it's people like you who are toxic towards people who prefer the dub of only a few anime like me, I only prefer 5 anime in dub over sub out of the 800 plus that I watched But that doesn't mean that dubs are inferior you're just throwing away all the hard work that the people who dubbed the anime put into their voice acting all the blood sweat and tears and passion. A lot of them are huge anime fans themselves and love anime. The assassination classroom is one of those 5 anime, where the dub is just as good, if not better than the sub. Obviously, the dub of dragon ball is better than the sub. The dub of high school DXD is better than the sub. The dub of cowboy bebop is better than the sub. The dub of assassination classroom is better than the sub.

Marcio Neves

1:31:16 OMG!!! I nerver rewatched the show after finishing it. That scene has a COMPLETLY different vibe when you KNOW! 😱