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Hi guys!

It's been a while since I write my last diary. I'm giving you guys today documentation about the models that I created. Hopefully, this would help people that would like to use my models for other purposes. Enjoy!

1. Opening Up

When opening up my models, there are usually boxes, and bones everywhere. The boxes are the physics components that are part of the rig. To disable it, you can expand the rig in the outliner and disable each of them. The rigs usually have the name "rig" on them.

2. Glitching Models

Glitching models will happen when there are baked simulations in the model. Select any physics-based object (usually have the name "-physics" on it). go to the physics menu, and select "Delete all bakes". Now drag the timer at the bottom of the screen to zero.

3. Rig Overview

Understanding the way how my rigs work is pretty important in order to be able to use it. To start with, select the rig, and change the mode to "Pose Mode"

In addition, you also need to go to the "Object Data Properties". 

Here, you can see a bunch of circles that are highlighted. Those are the visible bone layers. In most of my models, the way how I assign my bones to these layers is as follows :

1. Eye-related

2. Upper Body

3. Lower Body

4. Physics

5. Masterbone

6. IK (Inverse Kinematics)

4, How do my rigs work?

They are primarily utilizing inverse kinematics in order to move each bone embedded into the body. So there is no need for me to move every single one of the bones manually to achieve what I want. Consider checking my Inverse Kinematics tutorial for more details.

5. So, which one of these bone layers is essential for me to start with?

  • Upper body layer - The hip spine, shoulder bones
  • Masterbone layer - All of them
  • Inverse kinematics layer - All of them

6. Jargons

  • Masterbone: is the parent of all bones. It is for moving the entire model.
  • IK: Inverse Kinematics, check my tutorial 
  • Poles: If we are using the IK, where should the bones bend? Is it up, down, left, or right?

Masterbone Layer

  • Masterbone Bone: A convenient bone to move the entire object quickly
  • Masterbone Spine Bone: Primarily used to rotate an entire body. Extremely inconvenient to move models with this.

IK Layer

  • IK-Hand/Arm : [Move the arms] A bone that is used to move the character's hand, and the entire arm.
  • IK-Leg : [Move the legs] A bone that is used to move the character's foot, and the entire portion of the leg.
  • IK-Pole : [Where should bend] A bone that indicates where IK-influenced bones should turn.
  • IK-Head : [Move the head] A bone that is used to move the character's head, and influenced the entire spine
  • Head-Rotation/Tracker : [Rotate the head] A bone to rotate the head in Z-axis (by moving), or X and Y-axis (by rotating the bones)
  • Finger-Rotation : [Move the fingers] A bone that is used to move the character's fingers.
  • Hand-Tracker : [Move both hands synchronously] A bone that is used to move both hands.

7. Shape Keys

There are 2 Objects in my models that usually have shape keys :

  • Body
  • Eyebrows

To view the shape keys, you need to go to the object mode first. Then, select the object data properties. There are lots of shape keys available, and each shape key is self-explanatory.

8. Importing the model

To import my model to another project or files, go to file-> append. Select the models that you like, and click "Append". The rest are mostly self-explanatory.

9. Converting the model (Maya, Wavefront OBJ, 3D Printing, etc)

Go to file->Export, and then select the appropriate extensions.

  • FBX extension works for Autodesk Maya, which is used for Animation
  • OBJ files is an open-source extension, every 3D Software technically could use these kinds of files. Could be used for 3D Printing
  • STL is also used for 3D Printing

With all of these topics discussed, using my model shouldn't be a problem. Remember, to move the bones of the rig, you need to go to the pose mode. In addition, select the appropriate bone layers, and move the bones how you really like them. Enjoy!



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