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Sometimes, you get what you ask for!


Tear Live



Yeah we will watch you definitely for one or even two hours we don’t have a problem with that , and I’ll suggest one song for you and it’s live also but man it’s super great for real and the fact that they find it really hard to sing this song because they get emotional in a heartbreaking way while singing it , is just heartbreaking and you’ll understand how much they have suffered in their early years to reach who they are today and you’ll see the passion in their eyes .. I hope you will see my message and listen to it .. all love and respect for you man .. I’ll share the link in case you saw my message 💜💜💜https://youtu.be/dE68ZbmDi_A?si=fdRIjjS3xaKmWEZg


You're underestimating ARMY's ability to sit through long videos. We have watched butter melt for an hour, this is nothing. I haven't seen anyone mention this but T.E.A.R in Suga's verse likely stands for J. William Worden's Four Tasks of Mourning: To accept the reality Experience the pain Adjust Reinvest HECK YEA BAEPSAE! Sorry, it's one of my favs. I got excited. You mayyy need an explanation video for it because it touches on socio-economic situation in Korea and uses a lot of slang. Or you can look up the lyrics on doolsetbangtan.wordpress instead, it comes with lots of notes, but that means lots of reading so up to you.

Irene (DragonsWrathxxx)

Yes definitely watch the Spring Day explanation. It isn't just lore so to speak. More reality based than lore, that probably what most would say. But yeah, thanks for the reaction! Enjoyed it. They ars absolutely amazing live, most Army agree many times the live is better thsn the studio version. But I think it also has to so with what you are wanting to hear the most, because there is usually more to the recorded tracks in production, etc..., that really set the recording apart from the live performance if that is what you are mos interested in hearing. (hope I explained that right, lol) This live performance of Outro Tear is very iconic, and they all absolutely killed it!! With out a doubt. But most will tell you that this live performance is one you can't miss because Hobi absolutely imbodies his verses, but especially there at the end. Infact this is referred to as Dior Hobi, because not only is this performance a legendary one for Hobi performance in particular, but his all the members outfits were all Dior. And this is a very icon look specifically referenced to Hobi, lol. Gotta admit it is a freakin amazing outfit, love the chain a lot. Hobi is always recognized for his incredible stage presence. I remember, one of the first things I learned after I became apart of Army was fhat there is a saying that is pretty much known to about all Army's, and that is that ic you go to a BTS concert not matter who your bias is when you walk in, after seeing Hobi live in person on stage, everyone will than leave as a Hobi bias, or at the very least, very bias wrecked by Hobi, lol!!! But believe me the more you see him perform it becomes clear why that is a extremely well known Army saying. Nog to mention their are msny that will tell you themselves that it happened to them. Thats Our "Hope" Our 👑"King of Performance"🕺 But they are all absolutely amazing, period, especially during their live performances, but I will say I especially love many of the rapline performances, theres just something about them that draws me in, but a bit of a different way. Many times a very hype way! I love the waythey rappers feed off of one another. They seem to make it all look so easy. Even though we all know it isn't. I hope you enjoyed the live performance and I haven't skipped out on anyone of your longer BTS videos, and I'm not about to start now. They are some of my favorites, all the time now. So just keep doing your thing Teddy, Army is right behind you!💜!


Yesss! Nice one! Thank you for reacting to the live performance. Excited for the upcoming reacts Here's my ten cents, my two cents is free: Spring Day the track as originally written and intended, and Spring Day the MV are two separate things. When people stress the importance of the explanation they mean the specifically the MV. You have proven ability to understand lyrics so I don't think the lyrics need specialist decoding. The MV is special and important in another unique way which needs explaining.