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merry christmas everyone 🫶 





I haven't finished the video yet, but I wanted to stop and tell you that I absolutely look forward to you posting these. I can't even tell you how much it brings me back to a happier time in my life, Linkin Park was a huge part of me growing up. I am not as lyrically intelligent as you, and for you to be able to break it down and show raw emotion really does something for me. Thanks man, hope you're good!


To listen and understand Linkin Parks music takes a tole on you mentally and physically. I personally have always used their music as therapy. It has always helped me get out of terrible situations and I probably wouldn't be here today without them. I also feel like you should watch some of the live performances because Chester puts so much more raw emotion into his performances. And I personally can't wait for you to listen to Minutes to Midnight their third album possibly my favorite and A Thousand Suns a very close runner up.


Continue to heal Teddy! I know we all appreciate your honesty with your videos and your vulnerability!


Hey Teddy, i was waiting for you to finish this album so i can ask for Linkin Park live in Texas concert reaction, it's totally worth it, there are songs from hybrid theory and meteora, if you don't want to do full concert i suggest "a place for my head" at this concert is amazing


Since you are a rap guy, i want to mention, that mike shinoda made a whole solo-rap album "post traumatic" to deal with his/our loss of chester <3


i’m late to this one, but just want to reiterate what some have said here. any fan of linkin park that *gets it* fully understands needing to take a break from them, especially if you’re doing a full album and if you’re paying attention to the lyrics. everyone i know listens to them not just because the music is catchy, but because we *need* them. yeah, they will slap you right in the face with any repressed trauma, depression, or anxiety you have. but then, after a couple of listens, they may very well become your therapy sessions for all those same things like they have for us. pretty sure i can say for most of us here that we totally get it, and we will still be here when you are ready. your journey is a beautiful thing to be a part of 💜