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There’s one thing that really upsets me about this performance and it’s not the actual performance because like always the boys kill it but if you look up fancam clips of this performance at the end of maniac you see I.N collapse. At first he wobbles a little Chan being right next to him sees this you see him eyeing Jeongin to make sure he’s ok the moment he starts to collapse you see Chan literally lunge to catch him. In another clip you see him catch him and help him up with what looks like Felix and they help him walk off stage. It’s this reason that so many Stay were so upset with how overworked the boys were (granted as Chan has said they kind of do it to themselves like shortly after this performance the company had told Chan and the guys to rest and Chan said he didn’t want to) but it was so concerning to see our little baby bread almost pass out from exhaustion after this stage. It literally made me sick to my stomach and as much as I love this performance know what happened seconds after the camera cut really makes it hard for me to watch because it breaks my heart.


I don’t know why you’re just repeating pretty much everything I just said but worded slightly different. Like I was explaining that there were stays mad at JYPE because they thought they were overworking the boys but Chan came out and said that wasn’t the case. Overworking doesn’t just have to be over an extended time it can be just pushing yourself with something you love to do to the point of pure exhaustion even if it’s just a short period of time. Jeongin overworked his body in that performance but also if I remember correctly they had schedules before this then immediately flew out and pretty much immediately had to start rehearsals for this performance as soon as they landed which left no time for them to really rest and all of that causes stress on the body contributing to the exhaustion that Jeongin’s body was going through. I also explained that even though the company may not have been forcing them to over work it’s still hard for me to watch because I care about the boys and to see any of them unwell physically, mentally, or emotionally upsets me


Wow this thread is bitchy. Yes Hyunjin sweats, SHOCKER! They were all sweating. I think it's safe to assume none of you have ever been on stage, and you've never danced at all, especially not in the ridiculous heat those lights give off, wearing warm clothes and long gloves, and running back and forth between stages. So how's about not taking the piss?