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Paperize now asks for minimum access to your Google Drive! More privileges, more problems. No privileges? No problem!

We want to eliminate costs, and reducing our security profile is a great way to do that. We don't have to secure data we don't collect. This is huge, enhancing your privacy while reducing the project's liability, and lowering Paperize's security profile with Google.

New Image Uploader! Now required, due to those great Google Drive permissions I just mentioned. Upload your images through Paperize, or they will not appear. (Sorta sucks, please contact me if you have an issue and I'll look at it.)

Layer Copying! Template Copying! Component Copying! Much needed quality-of-life improvement for everyone, and a particularly big productivity bump for folks making templates with a lot of similar fields.

New Printing Options:

  • Print specific Components
  • Toggle page breaks between same-sized components

New Layer Options:

  • Image Layers: stretch to fit (warps image but sometimes useful)
  • Toggle Layers on/off
  • Toggle Layers from Spreadsheet via Magic Properties 

Try the New Features

Visit the Paperize beta: https://beta.editor.paperize.io

Make sure the version (top left) reads `ver.A8.0.0` or greater.

What's Next?

  • Safeguard User Data
  • New! PNG Render Pipeline: For your digital tabletop of choice
  • A Real Landing Page
  • Public Launch, get excited!

Recent Project Milestones

The Paperize Community on Discord is growing with over 80 members now! Every new member is personally greeted, every question is answered quickly, online playtesting groups are being organized, and Paperize'd prototypes are shared. What are you waiting for? Join the Discord now! (Did I mention Patrons get a special role?)

Paperize has development help now that our first open source contributors, @riverole and @shawn-mcgee, have joined the Paperize GitHub project and begun participating in feature conversations and shipping code!

This very Patreon recently broke the $100/month mark! Yes! ☕☕☕


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