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Sunday, January 8

Very domestic day! Laundry folding and then cooked a whole-ass chicken casserole to deliver to one of my Helioscope studiomates who is recovering from surgery. See? I can be a decent human being. Occasionally.

Monday, January 9

I hate how efficient the pomodoro technique is. I get a stupid amount of work done for 25 minutes and then I take a five minute break (in which I stretch and move my body, as pictured above), then I blast through another infuriatingly productive 25 minutes. You find yourself just powering through work that you’ve been dreading because it’s going to be too hard and take too long. In utterly unrelated news, I’m finally making headway writing my outline of Space Camp after months of avoiding it.

Tuesday, January 10

It was a harder day. There’s some Ongoing Life Stuff I can’t really talk about here (sorry 2 B vague) but it left me really drained emotionally/mentally, and then I worked out which left me physically drained, and then dinner was super late so I was way low blood sugar when I joined the cocktail hour FaceTime chat that my friends and I had scheduled a week ago and I had so been looking forward to it. It went ok, but, y’know, I just wasn’t able to participate (or form complex sentences) like I wanted to. And then immediately afterwards (with a quick dinner inhaled) Matt and I had a movie night with our other friend- another thing I had really been looking forward to- and we were both just so exhausted and dispirited from the aforementioned Vague Ongoing Life Stuff that our friend even observed that we looked “shell shocked” when he saw us. The beginning and end of the movie were good but I nodded off for the middle 😬 It was a good nap, though. Snuggled between my husband and our friend, their warmth and comfiness lured me into feeling safe and loved enough to just relax into happy sleep.

Wednesday, January 11

Wow, today sucked. But! I finished my outline of Space Camp and sent it off to my agent, which is a HUGE accomplishment for me. She’ll help me get it into presentable shape (it is… kind of a mess), I’ll properly draw up one of the chapters to serve as a sample of what the art will look like for the entire book, and then she’ll send them off to potential publishers and then… and thennnnnn…. THE MONEY ROLLS IN AND ALL MY PROBLEMS ARE OVER AND THE DAYS NEVER SUCK AGAIN.

Thursday, January 12

I forgot to take a self-portrait today but I did take a picture of Tig sleeping on my coat. Matt and I took my new bus friend climbing today. I love making friends. I love connecting with people.

Friday, January 13

More morning floor writing and breakfast eating. The Girls (Lucy Bellwood and Danielle Corsetto) and I recorded a thing for Oh Joy Sex Toy’s tenth anniversary event-thing Matt and I are planning. Stay tuned for April.

Saturday, January 14

I like this picture.

I had just done that thing where you create an airtight seal with your chin and mouth in your mug and you suck all the oxygen out so the cup, like, sticks to your face when you take your hands away. Then, as I was pulling the mug to break the air seal, it let out what some uncultured swine might refer to as a “fart noise”. My activities had gone unnoticed up until this point, when Matt accused me of committing the unmentionable. Long story short, divorce is imminent. Will keep you updated 😤



The Ferret

Life stuff can definitely suck sometimes. No need to apologize, you deserve your privacy and we don't need to know everything n_n And you are absolutely a good person. Glad you got a comfy nap too! I'm definitely gonna have to look into the pomodoro technique, I struggle a lot with *getting shit done* so maybe it'll help me too! Aww Tig is such a cutie Can't wait to hear the OJST stuff, especially with the other badass ladies involved! Hahahahaha I love you and Matt, you're both so delightful apart and together just get even better.


I am a Young Cool Person who totally knew what "F's in chat" meant right off the bat and didn't have to google it U_U


Aww, I actually really appreciating hearing that. Micro-advancers, unite!


Aw, thanks lady ♥ It's just the same old stuff I've told you about before. SIGGGHHHH. But there has been incremental progress, so I'm trying to stay optimistic. IT'S FINE. EVERYTHING'LL BE FINE.

Penny Gotch

I'm sorry that Ongoing Life Stuff is being stressful and I hope that whatever it is, it resolves as quickly and smoothly as it possibly can. also F's in chat for your imminent fart-noise-related divorce 😂

Bailey Doolittle

I love these updates! I appreciate seeing you work on things in a way that is incremental and ongoing, and watching you struggle with things I had assumed just...happened? Somehow? I myself struggle with big projects, so it's motivational to see someone who struggles with things in a similar way to me, who also can still find ways to get shit done. Maybe it means I can learn how to do it, too.

Agnes Leguillon

So proud of you for finishing the outline ! I'm sorry for the #life stuff, hope it gets better soon.

Zena Darling

Once when I was a kid I did the suction-stick-to-your-face thing with a cup or maybe a bottle, and sucked so hard that I burst the blood vessels around my lips and ended up with basically a dark purple half circle shaped hickey between my bottom lip and chin. I don't remember how long it took to go away, but even at that young age I remember being so embarrassed! I think maybe it ended up in a school picture?! I catch myself unconsciously doing it every once in a while with a sodastream bottle, and am terrified that's gonna happen again one of these times! 😆

Jay Moretz

I hope you have some feelings of accomplishment for all the stuff you got done! I also hope that you guys have a good support system to be able to discuss the Vague Life Stuff (tm) with the appropriate, supportive people. I hope that it gets worked out as best it can, whatever it may be.

Jay Moretz

Hmm... I "hope" a lot, I guess. Oh well. I never claimed to be good at writing, so... *shrug*

Karine Charlebois

I'm sorry some of your days sucked with the ongoing life stuff, I wish I could do something to help fix it! But I'm glad to see your moments of happy in between and that last photo brings me joy. (And not just because I am a toddler about fart jokes.)

Ripley LaCross

God you two are so cute. I'm glad you have those little moments of joy interspersed with all the crummy stuff.


Life Stuff. *sigh* I think we've all had far too much Life Stuff lately. “I can be a decent human being.” … I am 100% certain that there are ample examples of this on your record. Congrats on the progress in getting that Space Camp outline to your agent. 😃