The UN Meditation Room and Other Esoterica (Patreon)
Good morning, friends!
I was chatting with my wife yesterday and somehow arrived on the topic of the United Nations Meditation Room and Lucis Trust, originally named Lucifer Publishing Company. I love introducing people to some strange thing they have never encountered before. I know the feeling I get when I see something that invokes the "what the fuck" feeling, and I like seeing people engage with that emotion. When Aren and I shared an office, I couldn't wait to show him whatever crazy ancient building, Frogner Park, or dark arts shit I had discovered. Hopefully looking into the UN Meditation Room and Lucis trust will give you that WTF for today.
The United Nations, a construct of the reset we call WWII, is the descendant of the League of Nations, which was created after WWI to stop more world wars. Do you see how that works? There is historical obscurantism here, which we'll get back to. America was able to skate out of joining the League of Nations, which won't do if you're building a one-world government. After a few years of industrialists and bankers dynamically restructuring our manufacturing centers and reserve currency, we all found ourselves part of the United Nations.
It's my assessment of the narrative that the League of Nations didn't fail in preventing WWII, the war was the desired outcome toward continued consolidation of power. I also assess that the United Nations is a front organization. The exoteric mission of the UN is to prevent world conflict, at which they are incompetent. The esoteric mission of the UN is to sheppard the member nations along the path to an overt one-world government. The If/And/Then reasoning works here. If the UN's supposed to stop countries from fighting, and they never do, then they must have a different mission. If the UN is staffed by "brilliant" people, and they routinely fail at their stated intent, then perhaps they are obscuring their true intent.
Now we return to obscurantism. Obscurantism and obscuration describe the practice of deliberately presenting information in an imprecise, abstruse manner designed to limit further inquiry and understanding. Obscurantism has a history as long as the spoken word or written language. It is the practice of concealing a deeper meaning within a message, one that can be deciphered by those with the knowledge to look.
I present to you the UN Meditation Room. In 1957 Lucis Trust published a special edition of their World Goodwill Bulletin titled "Loadstone", which included the following quote, "Whatever interpretations one may attribute to the United Nations Meditation Room, it can be said with certainty that the words and the repercussions have only just begun." In our last episode we discussed the colors blue and yellow as they pertain to the Age of Aquarius. The writings of Robert Spenser, link below, include the following interpretation of the Meditation Room Mural. " The predominately dark blue rectangle which occupies most of the middle tier of the mural, the upper side of which passes through the exact middle of the small bisected sphere, represents the altar. The yellow rectangle set at an angle into the lower and middle tiers so that one corner touches the bottom of the mural is a second representation of the altar. They indicate duality: the yellow figure — light ( s u n ) ; the blue figure — earth (altar). Both rectangular figures are overlaid in part by other patterns in other colors."
The Receipts:
United Nations Meditation Room Official Page
Lucis Trust Official Page
An Esoteric look at the Exoteric (PDF)
The Undiscussed Plague of Obscurantism (as told by Whackypedia)
Dispatch From: VSP Strange
GOOTS Date: 10 Apr 2022 (Allegedly)
Location: Farmable land with good fields of observation.