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QT and Maya talk about their family Thanksgiving.



Haley Welch

Not a raccoon in the ceiling!!!




I can understand the neighbors using QT's garbage, cuz like she's gone most of the year..... but the recycling is just unforgivable.

Belated Rodius

My opinion is y'all are cool as a cucumber

Dieter Roebert

Qt making the youths woke like a typical liberal from California (/s) is actually being a dope ally and taking on drama for nothing. What a queen


As much as i enjoy WAI,i do feel like it has turn into QT show ft Maya. Maya got cut off many times coz she speaks softly while QT on her own thoughts continue talking (which ofc i dont blame qt that im sure she didnt realized it herself). But this is Just genuine feedback from what i observed these past weeks.

Michael Kiwan

Fan fan likes to put ring pops up her ass? That’s crazy


Ex-mormon here. I might be incorrect about a few details so if other people know more feel free to correct me, but I did get my endowments out (the process of going through the mormon temple) before I left so this is what I remember. Mormons believe that the way you are buried is how you will appear before God in the resurrection. So the Veil is put into place covering the face before the casket is closed so that in the resurrection you are ready to meet God. They actually recently changed this in the temple, but there is a section in the Temple where you basically mimic being accepted into Heaven and before the change the women would have to wear a veil because they weren't worthy to see God directly. In 2019 the Mormon Prophet actually said "Veiling the faces of deceased, ‘endowed’ women prior to burial is optional”, but I know my Grandma still had her veil placed over her face. I think it is normally family who covers the face and probably QTs family just wanted her to be part of that tradition but still a super hard thing that she shouldn't have been required to do. Hopefully all of this makes as much sense as it can make.

Jose Marin

Glad this was the Patreon episode! We def got a better episode woohoo! I was a little confused which house qt was talking about but I’m assuming the trash fiasco was in Washington and messed up. Our garbage man left us a note once about recycling but no clue how they knew it was us because they use the claw to pick it up One chip challenge is exponentially worse than the jelly bean! I did it once on an empty stomach and almost drove to the ER thinking I had a hole in my stomach Not sure why elemental got a bad showing, it turned out to be a cute movie. There is a non binary character and the interracial relationship I’m sure freaked some folks out


the global warming conversation you had with your family was too relatable. I can’t even mention the mf weather in front of my family without them turning it into a “own libs” moment lmaooo


but fr those conversations with family are some of the toughest and most uncomfortable but I also think they’re crucial

Treyden Talbot

attended to many Mormon funerals and I've never seen anybody do anything like what qt described. also the way mormons are anti-grief is so sad. it feels like you're not allowed to be sad, you're only allowed to be hopeful about seeing them again


oh my god, at my thanksgiving they were talking about movies doing bad because of "they/thems" and forced lesbians relationships too...


Okay glad that imagine dragons being like every kids favorite band is not just my imagination. It’s a very unfortunate choice.

Julie Tran

growing up just means learning how to use your older relatives' beliefs against them in order to make them better, more empathetic people lmao


I heard this phrase once and now I whip it out anytime conversations like the global warming one happen with family: "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts."


I can relate to so much of what QT shares about therapy and trauma. The details are different, of course, but for me personally, it is a very healthy conversation to listen to, and very much appreciated.


Conspiracy theory: They have X-Rays and can see inside your can!


man QT is so patient and kind to try and coach people into reconsidering their bigotry/close-mindedness. can't imagine having that much kindness/care/patience even for my own family, its a bit inspiring for me to try harder w/ ppl.

Peter Kviz

I’m really sad that this is on Patreon, because no one can clip it and send it to fanfan. Because, that reaction is a need I really didn’t know I needed until now….. but it is very real.


In for a cult tier list i think its funny. I promise i dont join one.

Robert Craig

QT I appreciate you not keeping quiet about lgbt+ issues with your siblings and trying to present it in a way they can rationalize/understand it. I think your approach is the right way to do it! I'm thankful I don't have anyone in my life I would need it for but that's the approach I'll use if I ever do need to. Also great Turkey Maya.


"oop- that was an inside thought" is so good! I wanna use that!


it cracks me up knowing QT uses the "Love thy neighbor line" cause it really does work on the religion obsessed people LOL


Hey QT, one of your LDS viewers here. I think some of the funeral stuff may be older traditions that your family decided to do. I'm sorry you've had so many bad experiences with church members that seem to lack empathy and maybe aren't understanding enough. I am a huge fan of your and I love all you do. I love watching you with Maya because I feel I've learned to understand Trauma more and it's helped me be more understanding with my wife. Thank you for all you do!


qt looks like legolas ( im high tho so idk )


I relate heavy to not wanting to see your family member in an open casket; I didn't go to my brother's open casket and I even (regretfully) couldn't bring myself to be around him often when he was on hospice because he looked so much more different than the brother I knew.




Hey QT! I’m not ex-mormon but my husband is. I talked to him and did some research about the veiling you mentioned. According to what I found, until 2019 church doctrine stated that an endowed woman’s face had to be veiled by a person ordained by the bishop. Luckily this has since changed and the veiling is now optional, though some families still practice it as tradition. According to ex-mormons i’ve talked to the veil is supposed to indicate that the deceased is ready to enter the presence of god (his presence is also, coincidentally, too holy and strong for women which is why only women wear the veils).


Not super pro tip but you can call your trash company and let them know when that happens and they'll pick it up with the trash truck instead of the recycling truck. Had the previous owners fill all my recycling and yard waste bins with trash when I bought my house and the company was chill about it


I too had the gender/pronoun conversation with family during thanksgiving, it alwasy goes down to "well I don't think it should be taught to kids!"

Alex Blythe

Producer please put the QT turkey recipe on Patreon thxx


Anyone else notice the perfectly synched "yeah" at 26:20


but then doesn’t the water from washing dishes get treated and reused? or at least evaporated into the atmosphere


Many groups hold the dressing the dead differently, but for those who lower the veil it is determined ahead of time by the family who the ones to do it will be. Most often it is a spouse, but I guess your family decided the children should do it


i'm the same with drama lol i always want to discuss it for hours even though the next day/week i won't care anymore




I've got a manager who I've learned is a shit-talker. I also learned this manager has adhd. So, I've tried to be forgiving that maybe they can't help it and for some reason aren't able to process that talking shit about some co-workers to other co-workers creates an absolutely horrible environment. I'm learning to try and be understanding that shit-talking is probably as QT said a "stream of consciousness."


I just happened to watch that Twin Flames doc a week or two ago and it blew my mind!!! It was fascinating and insane, highly recommend.



Maria Touw

I like to call my shit talking “telling the truth” because if you told me something or im retelling a story… then I’m just telling the truth

Kevin Jimenez

19:36 I feel that HEAVY especially around Christmas time. What also triggers me is when people say ITS GODS PLAN like SHUT UP

emmy ★彡

Hi QT and Maya! Not a Mormon but my family practices Hinduism. I’ve unfortunately laid both of my grandmothers to rest and YES there is a very similar concept to the veil situation with your mother. The oldest child was responsible for doing a lot of the ritualistic things with their bodies despite the spouses being alive. It was pretty traumatizing to witness so probably much more traumatizing to be the oldest child. And also, TW!!!!!!! for death because this is rough, in our culture (and maybe more specifically our country!! because we were in a different country for their funerals) cremation is a big deal and we, as a family, put their bodies (in a coffin) on the pyre and lit the fire, watched the pyre catch fire and blaze, and went back the next morning and watched their bones get crushed and added to the ashes. I’ll never forget it. It’s fucking traumatizing.

S Quayle

Put a note on the the trash can ask to dump the recycling


The service that picks up my garbage, recycling, etc. (Waste Management) records the actual dumping of the can into the truck lol I once accidently put something in the recycle that should have been put in the garbage and they sent me a letter with a picture attached and when I logged into my account, there was also a video!

Jose Marin

Wtf? That’s wild! I’ve been there when my driver pulls up and never seen then get out but maybe every now and then they do.


pls drop the turkey recipe!!


Your nieces might like Imagine Dragons bc they used to be Mormon. My family in Utah claim them in a weird way even though they’ve left the church and renounced it (I think)


When I hear stories about people insisting that climate change is made up I secretly hope they get hit by an extreme weather event someday and the society doesn’t help them because It’s all made up anyway in their world. Just don’t argue it’s a waste of time most of the time. And if that makes me a bad person so be it.

Jenny Lyons

Qt's turkey table would be 10/10 patreon content. I bet people would join just for that

Jenny Lyons

I secretly feel the same way. But then I remember that they're just going to blame it on the gays


i pushed off watching elemental because of just hearing it was bad, but damn.. it was pretty good


My housemate had an old housemate who's family was part of the gwen shamblin cult and it's a crazy story. But it's so wild because the cult is based in America, but this family lives in Australia. Goes to show how the internet also helps cults have a much further reach.

Angel Macias

My environmental science teacher was from eastern WA and she spoke like Qt. Her accent was more intense though, she pronounced Washington as Worsh-ington lmao

Angel Macias

dude I know what you mean, my grandma says "god willing" at the end of every sentence. I'll say goodnight see you in the morning and she'll say "god willing"

Mitch Mitcherson

funny that Qt thought she pronounced her R’s weird because she used to have acid reflux


I’m from Washington, lived here my whole life and I do not talk like QT with my Rs. My dad who is from here talks like that though!


I’m starting EMDR soon too. Kinda scared ngl


Def time to start putting the garbage cans in the garage or backyard when you’re gone QT 🥲

Edwin Solis

lmao hearing QT talk about her psycho conservative family makes me so glad I don't interact with anyone like that in my family. I don't give a fuck how much DNA we share, you mean nothing to me if you're gonna be an insane piece of shit.

Experimental Cyborg

As time goes on and i talk to more diverse groups of people, i increasingly worry that the movie "don't look up" will end up being a documentary. Except in many ways climate change is worse than the killer asteroid that represents it.

Experimental Cyborg

It's important to keep sharing ideas between different groups of people, otherwise they can turn into echo chambers and breed extremism. And talking to people with opposite views is really good for practicing your communication skills. Talking to someone with the same values and opinions as you is too easy :P


@qt please post the absurdly long turkey instructions somewhere

Aidan C

Ranking cults would be hilarious


qt i also keep thinking "tw" is twtlonger in posts i am so glad to not be alone in thinking this

Haihan Lin

QT can you share the turkey masterplan on twitter please i would like to know the secret of cooking turkey


The smell memories maya mentioned are so real. I have lotions I can’t ever use anymore because of it


this made me question if we are all in a cult. we are in the maya and QT cult 😭


I need that turkey time table qt


That turkey was beautiful.

Carmen Ramirez

“i know i should talk less shit, but i like it” this my fav quote ever now


26:20 there was like a perfectly sycned "yeah" between you two lol


Hello I am the one Mormon( raised Mormon unsure about it now) that listens to this podcast!

Jazmin Lopez

hearing Maya & QT talk bout emdr therapy was very helpful & reassuring because I never know how to explain it to people & makes me feel less alone!


What’s with the r’s I don’t hear it


I love this podcast so much, my dad died 5 months ago and it's been so nice to hear about grief and mental health.


My mom died, too. I’m in my early twenties now and it hurts so much that I can’t talk to her. I don’t think it ever gets less painful - it’s been 10 years and I still cry like a child about it. Also I don’t think it’s irrational to be angry by triggers at all. You had one of the most unfair things happen to you in life. Sending love ♥️♥️♥️