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No shit?



Jose Rosa

Give the golem a hug. He deserves it.

A Patreon of the Ahts

Some of those coins look like they're worth more as collectors items than their weight in gold...

Major Matt Mason

I'm with Jose on this one. Give Askur a hug! :)

Perfesser Bear

How absolute the knave is. A friend helps you move. Askur helps you move the bodies...


This is called a Satellite Phone. If anyone else somehow happens to make it here before she comes back you'll use this to contact her. And this is called a Slinky, it's function is entertainment and this place is bound to have a good set of stairs somewhere.


She needs something like Starlink, so she can set him up with a tablet and have him start learning about the world. However, Laura might well be concerned that something like that might expose things to Max.


Oh no, not yet. Lets not give the solitary thinking golem access to the internet. Sure maybe there are magical quirks in place to keep him loyal but lets just avoid the obvious 'artificial intelligence concludes living things should be destroyed' hook. Gotta drip feed that information carefully. ^^


Last panel: understatement of the century.