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We carry our life stories with us. Sherlock Holmes' favorite party trick was to read them out loud to Watson. And while Laura knows she is not on Sherlock's level by any means, she's not stupid.



Major Matt Mason

And she has a trusty golem to dispose of the carcasses.

A Patreon of the Ahts

Can she just revive and ask them or are they too far gone?

Perfesser Bear

Oh, Max or Happy Jack could track the fence down. But that person may be deceased, as well...


That's one of Jonah Hex's abilities, but I don't think Laura's work with Zombies included actually contacting the souls of the bodies for intel . . . but it shouldn't be too difficult with a little study. The body while intact can serve as the link and vessel . . . trick is being able to reach out and draw the soul back to it's original body and holding it there for a time. But if they're already passed on into Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Limbo, or any point beyond just the astral/spiritual plane . . . it can get complicated.

Perfesser Bear

On the Catch-the-Bad-Guys end, yes. He has world-spanning research powers. Mink doesn't need to let him know all the particulars.