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Can you imagine how frustrating it is to send out enforcers to do one's will unto the lower classes, only to have some uppity peasants send them back in a box?

   That's why "gun control" is being pushed so hard these days. One can't feel truly in control while the stinkin' serfs can still shoot back.



Perfesser Bear

Years ago, I read about a little Mom & Pop delicatessen in a bad section of New York City. The first team of two sent to burn them out after they had refused to pay 'protection' money ended up shot and left at the river's edge. Team two, three guys, were also shot and left at a nearby park. Team three's corpses were left at the PD and Team four were left at the Don's front door. Sending a message?

A Patreon of the Ahts

This is a very bad day for Scott Brandon, but not as bad as it COULD have been....

Paul Lenoue

But the wealthy elites _want_ the "serfs" and peasants to own guns. it makes controlling congress so much easier. They could run a complete buffoon, a known criminal, someone who is so deep in the pockets of the rich he tattoos corporate logos on his face, and all they have to do to win elections is say "My opponent wants to take your guns away!"