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Sorry this is posted so late in the day. I hadda take the primary vehicle in to the shop, help out an ol' pal who just got outa jail - this, that & the other thing. This "responsible adult" act can be exhausting. Which is one of many reasons why I love escaping into the Mink's world.



Kenneth Chisholm

That's quite alright, especially if it can provide any inspiration for you.


I wonder if Askur and/or his corpse is in there also. o.O Just a thought, if you're going insane from waking nightmares due to a banished evil mage. I might just seal myself in an extremely well hidden spot and either magic up a way to put myself in suspended animation or *clears throat* myself just to avoid the horror of going full crazy. >.>


I think you mean "Arkano"? Askur is standing there right next to the Mink.

Perfesser Bear

I've thought about stuff like this for <i>years!</i> I'm glad you've codified it...


"Stuff like this" as in how to hide books really well?