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For the next Patreon Perk, I was going to privately publish Savage Funnies number four. It would contain "The Fix" and a snarky Fission Chicken story that also took a swipe at Barney the Dinosaur.

   But alas, search though I might, I couldn't find my copies of the Fission Chicken story I had bought for the book. And I can't write to J.P. Morgan (F.C.'s creator) for fresh copies, because J.P. died back in 2010. Damn, Father Time can be so mean!

   But while searching my piles of old paper, I found another 'zine I can reprint for the perk, so there's that. And now I'm fairly sure the Fission Chicken copies are back in Iceland. The Savage Funnies books were coming out in 1995, '96, and at that time, I was living in Iceland. Makes sense they'd be there.

    So on my next trip north, I'll clean the very last of my old papers out of the family homestead - whereupon, knock on wood, I'll find that long-lost Fission Chicken story. And shortly after such discovery, Savage Funnies #4 will see the light of day after all these years!




Oh cool! Do you think you'll Do the next big funnies this way? Hint, hint, subtle, subtle.

Perfesser Bear

Hooray for decades-old closure! I just hope one of your relatives didn't decide all that old paper would make great fireplace starters...

A Patreon of the Ahts

I met JPM once at a con. I introduced myself just before a panel he was on. Glad I did now....


I miss JPM so much. He was a great artist and even better writer.