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Bastards don't  hatch out of eggs shallowly buried at the garbage dump. Even Saxa, that murderous, mutilated maniac, had a mommy and daddy.



Perfesser Bear

If that's the case, the court should have been more lenient, because now he's an orphan.

Eric Adler

Rich old biddy who wants violent, bloody, lethal revenge for the death of her child-molester son? And prefers to do it by using large sums of money to bust a convicted killer out of prison to do the deed, instead of using the legal system (which might expose her OTHER unsavory 'business endeavors.' (You don't become the type to spring killers from the pokey and talk to them in your own parlor by being a legitimate businessperson))? Seems like she would qualify as a 'garbage dump' for Chester the Child Molester's egg to fall out of.

Jack Ponder

Lucky they ain't got John Hartigan on the case. He's not nearly as nice as Savage Squirrel.


She's more concerned about her family relationship to her son than what he was doing or that he suffered the consequences of his actions? Yeah, real upstanding citizen here (not). If she'd actually cared about her son, she'd have arranged to keep him away from kids. This isn't about him being killed, this is about her and her self-image.