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Selling my car, fixing the plumbing, oh, and Yule is coming. A lot to do at Casa Karno - but nevertheless, a Patreon page gets posted. That's why I opted for only getting paid when I post - otherwise, the temptation to skive off to work on "more important" chores could get too strong.

    And if there's one thing I know, it's you don't get something for nothing. Not in the long run, anyway.




They're not ALL psychopaths. But that's niggling. -;)

Garry Stahl

Joys of the 1/1 house model


Rookie mistake #1: NEVER tell the normies you are a superhero - ESPECIALLY family! "What you don't know, you cannot spill - not under drugs, not through torture, not even through carelessness."

A Patreon of the Ahts

Looks like an opportunity for Solomon to build good will by asking the Mink to intercede...

Perfesser Bear

Someone always has to know your secret identity -- even if they get bumped off on the next page. Ask Peter Parker.

Travis Sebastian

This story is starting to feel like a flashback / origin story for Happy Jack, predating any other Happy Jack story.

Mark Ashworth

Unless she thinks her mother's going to die before then, and she's right.


This is before all that - this is basically almost her origin story.