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Our world is heavily interconnected. Changing one part of it sends out ripples all over the place.



Major Matt Mason

Don't forget to spread the purchases out over a year or more, Jack!

Joel Kreissman

She forgot that normal people don’t transmute gold didn’t she?


Yeah thank goodness they didn't bring Savage along for this one. ^^; Though presumably they wouldn't have had the chance to learn Sid's backstory well enough to care either way. But it would have been like bringing a howitzer to a kazoo fight. *laughs* Side note. I wonder if that's a side effect of power, once you start using it you kinda forget to not. Alters his mind twice, magics his shoes off, then forgets about money. That's what makes Mink truly believable as a character, seeing her slip ever so little but never so much that her friends can't catch her. :D <3