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Reacher has eaten his fair share of meat. But he does not buy into the notion that him being born a carnivore somehow makes him superior. His smarts and strength do that.



Travis Sebastian

I'm hoping Reacher will backhand this doctor the way he did that dog back on Page 31.

Perfesser Bear

Rass can thank his lucky stars that he saved <i>two</i> lives that day -- Herman's and his <i>own!</i>

Eric Adler

The more we learn of Reacher's attitudes, the more I realize he is truly a Good, Honorable Man. If and when he and Herman meet face to face, it is going to be an interesting conversation. And I DO mean conversation, Herman's not the type to start violence needlessly, and Reacher isn't going to do anything to cause needless conflict either. It may be tense at first, but I could see them laughing and sharing "war stories" with each other by the end.

Mark Ashworth

[joke] I can only wonder what would have happened if he worked on two Herman Orcas. [/joke]