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As night follows day, a page of Program Switch follows Massive Mice. Hmmmmm....do you get a feeling the storylines might be converging? At least as far as rock-hard, giant hard-ons in vice-tight, quivering quims, that is?



Perfesser Bear

Good thing Henry didn't clog up the 'terlet', bus as far as Millie's plumbing goes, I guess he's gotta plunge-her...

Karl Maurer

Well... as you mentioned in Massive Mice... there ARE worse ways to spend one's day... Of course, should you need to work on some actual plotwork... him... does appear that there is some plowing to be done.

Vawkis Silverfall

Hey Karno? I remember eons back seeing a portion of this comic in a fur magazine of some sort. I don't remember the name of it though.


nearly there...